
Chapter 1: Pregnancy


The sun scooped below the horizon, casting a warm glow over the city of Edinburgh, Scotland.

The bustling sounds of the urban landscape surrounded me as I made my way through the crowded streets towards the pack doctor's office. My heart raced with anticipation and nerves as I pondered the reason for my visit.

The pack doctor's office was a small, unassuming building nestled between two shops. I took a deep breath before pushing the door open, the familiar chime announcing my arrival.

The waiting room was empty, save for a few outdated magazines scattered on a wooden table. I approached the reception desk, where a friendly human receptionist looked up and smiled.

"Can I help you?" she asked.

"I have an appointment with Dr. Reynolds," I replied, my voice steady despite the butterflies in my stomach.

The receptionist nodded and motioned for me to take a seat. Moments later, a door opened, and the pack doctor, Dr Reynolds, a middle-aged werewolf with graying hairline, stepped into the waiting room.

"Ah, Tanya," he greeted me with a warm smile. "Come on back. Let's have a chat."

I followed him into his office, the scent of medicinal herbs and sterilized equipment filling the room. I took a seat on the examination table, and Dr. Reynolds settled into his chair, flipping through the pages of a medical file.

"So, what brings you in today?" he inquired, his gaze focused on me.

I hesitated for a moment before speaking, "I think something's... different. I need to know if there's anything wrong."

Dr Reynolds raised an eyebrow, his professional demeanor unwavering. "Different how?"

I swallowed hard, my throat suddenly dry. "I missed my last two heats, and, well, I've been feeling a bit... off lately."

The doctor's expression softened as he leaned back in his chair, considering my words. "Let's run some tests then. We'll figure out what's going on."

"Alright doctor..." I nodded in approval. 

As he prepared to conduct the test, my mind raced. What if the tests confirmed my suspicion? The weight of the revelation became heavy in my chest.

Dr. Reynolds finished his examination and turned to face me, a knowing look in his eyes.

"Tanya, I have some news," he began carefully. "You're two months pregnant."

The words echoed in my ears, and for a moment, the world around me blurred. Pregnant?! The realization hit me like a tidal wave.

My thoughts raced as I considered the implications. The timing couldn't be worse. Tonight is the night of my engagement to the pack's Alpha, the charismatic and strong-willed Alpha Marcus Anderson IV of Moonstone Pack.

Dr. Reynolds continued to speak, offering advice on prenatal care and the importance of keeping the pack doctor informed. I nodded, my mind elsewhere as I absorbed the magnitude of the news.

When the appointment ended, I thanked the doctor and left the office, the weight of the secret pressing down on me.

The city lights sparkled as I navigated the streets on my way home. My thoughts were a whirlwind of fear, excitement, and uncertainty. How would Alpha Marcus react to the news? Would he see it as a blessing or a burden?

I will be turning 22 in eight months, and I can't believe I will also be going into motherhood by then. Truth be told, I'm not prepared for it in any way. 

As I entered our pack's territory, the familiar scent of pine and earth surrounded me. The packhouse loomed ahead, a hub of activity as preparations for my engagement ceremony were in full swing. My stepsister, Isabella, found me in the hallway, her eyes wide with curiosity. 

"Tanya, what happened? You look like you've seen a ghost," she exclaimed.

I pulled her into a quiet corner and whispered, "I'm pregnant, Isabella."

"W-What!" Her eyes widened in shock, mirroring my own feelings. "What are you going to do?"

"I don't know," I admitted. "I can't tell anyone yet, especially not Alpha Marcus. Not tonight."

Isabella shook her head in worry as she stared intensely into my eyes. "Tell me the truth Tanya, who is responsible for the pregnancy?" 

"Of course, it's Alpha Marcus. Remember when I told you about what transpired between us two months ago during his Alpha Procession?"

"Yes, I remember," she affirmed.

"I guess this is the result!"

"Oh," Isabella bit her lip, contemplating my words. "Maybe it's best to keep it a secret for now. We'll figure things out together after tonight's ceremony. This could cause a ruckus if words get out before your engagement."

"That's true." I nodded, grateful for my sister's support. "Thank you Isabella."

She moved a bit closer to me and held tightly onto my hands. "It's fine Tanya, I will always be here for you. Now, let's go get you ready for your big day." 

We both smiled and headed towards the dressing room. My chestnut Cascading hair waves framed my oval face adorned with brown eyes that held the mystery of starlit nights. My pert nose and lips curved into a weak smile.

Even though I'm a year older than Isabella, we act more like we are of age mate. I see her as my best friend with whom I can share all my worries. 

Isabella had almost the same look as me and the only difference is, she has blue eyes and she's an inch taller than I am. I'm 5'10 by the way.

Those not familiar with our appearance always mistook us for one another because the resemblance was way too much. 

As the engagement ceremony approached, I masked my inner turmoil with a smile, determined to enjoy the celebration.

My engagement to Alpha Marcus was meant to solidify our pack's future, but the unexpected twist of impending motherhood added a layer of complexity I hadn't anticipated.

The grand hall of the packhouse was adorned with elaborate decorations, a testament to the importance of the evening. Dignitaries from neighboring packs mingled with our own, creating a vibrant tapestry of werewolf society.

Where I sat, My brows furrowed. My face had stiffened, and my eyes had levelled out. I leaned my head to the side of the hall entrance, hoping to sneak up on Alpha Marcus, who just arrived at the venue with four of his guards.

Standing at an imposing height of 6 feet tall, Alpha Marcus boasts a muscular build that exudes raw power and dominance with his fair delicate skin.

His broad shoulders and chiseled chest are a testament to the physical prowess that comes with his lycanthropic nature in the white suit he donned.

His eyes, a piercing shade of amber, radiate intelligence and an unwavering determination, revealing the depth of his stoic character.

Alpha Marcus' facial features are both rugged and handsome, with a strong jawline and high cheekbones that give him an air of regal authority. A neatly trimmed blonde beard frames his face, adding a touch of wild allure to his otherwise composed appearance.

Everyone at the ceremony was terrified to speak when they stared into his eyes, but I couldn't help but give him another appealing look as I adjusted my silver dress.

His face, in my view, was the most beautiful thing a man could have, not because of his appearance, but because of the light in his eyes and the delicate warmth on his lovely face.

Alpha Marcus is a man of few words, so he didn't bother having much discussion with those elders. Soon enough, the engagement ceremony began.

The hall was filled with anticipation as Alpha Marcus and I stood at the center, surrounded by the watchful eyes of our pack members.

The ceremony first commenced with ancient rites unfolding with solemn grace.

The pack's elders, clad in ceremonial robes, recited blessings and ancient vows that echoed through the hall. I tried to focus on the ceremony, to ignore the churning unease in my stomach.

As the final rites approached, Alpha Marcus turned to me, his eyes gleaming with determination. "Tanya, by the power vested in me as the Alpha, I declare you my chosen mate, bound to me and our pack for all eternity."

The pack erupted in cheers, the sound echoing off the walls. I managed a smile, my heart heavy with the weight of the secret I carried.

Marcus reached for my hand, ready to seal our union with the ceremonial exchange of blood. But before the ritual could conclude, a hush fell over the hall.

Isabella stepped forward, her eyes locked with Marcus's. Her voice rang out clear and steady, "Alpha Marcus, I must speak."

Following her statement, all gazes shifted to her in astonishment.

Marcus frowned, his grip on my hand tightening. "Isabella, this is not the time."

I kept glaring at my stepsister, hoping she had a valid reason for interrupting my engagement. 

But Isabella pressed on, her gaze unwavering. "I cannot let this union proceed without revealing a truth that has been hidden by her." She pointed at me. "Tanya is with a child. She carries a bastard child that doesn't belong to the Alpha." 

Gasps and whispers swept through the hall like a gust of wind. Marcus's eyes widened in shock, his grip on my hand faltering.

The world seemed to come to a standstill as the weight of Isabella's sudden revelation echoed in the hall...

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