
A Bland Introduction

Owyn Artemis, 16 years old, a nobody with nothing of note. Simply put by his peers, a ship rat. An orphan, after his parents died during Hunter work. Raised by his frail, dying, grandfather. Whom, died when Owyn was 10. He had officially lost everything. Including his very own hope. The people around him treated him as a fly. He was shown the ugly side of the people around him in the schools he attended. The only kindness he knew from that point on was from other ship rats, who knew it was their only option to band together.

Attending his last year of middle school he was beat constantly. No one helped him, other rats helped patch him up at the end of the long days.

Owyn had average looks, not ugly but by no means handsome. He was 5' 10". He had straight silky smooth hair. A small crooked cross scar over his left eye. His clothes were tattered and had stitched patches on them by the time he would get to graduation. Mostly because of the beatings. He had to take any scraps to survive and avoid angering the more fortunate in this world.

After graduation of high-school, everyone would be enrolled into the Hunter's school of the city ship. The nation that would receive the "honor" of hosting Owyn would be, Wolfvein, the specific city boat, out of the 51, was the biggest of this nation, called Storm Mountain. Storm Mountain Magic Hunter School was the school he would attend. It was a smaller nation compared to others but it was considered very strong. In fact, strong enough to be in alliance with the strongest nation in the world.

Multiple nations had hunters, for war and other activities. Wolfvein had some of the highest quality among others.

And now, Owyn walking through the large gates, of one of the most grand and beautiful schools, a castle, in his nation. Couldn't help but gasp, the rest of the city was stacked on top of each other, very high, with steam flowing off and condensation dripping from above, hence the name Storm Mountain. This school was one of the few buildings that had nothing above it, allowing a clear view to the sky besides the edge of the city, and top of course.

It was also his first time seeing grass and trees in person.

Staring in awe, someone bumped Owyn.

"Hey, you just gonna keep standing around or what?" After a scrutinizing look. "Ew. A fucking rat." He spit onto Owen's worn sneakers.

"Was that called for?" Anger rising inside of Owyn, he stepped forward

*Beep* "Please, head to your home room class." The intercom blared.

"Shit." The boy mumbled as he ran away off towards the building.

As did anyone who was still outside, including Owyn. As he was running he pulled out an envelope, took the letter within and read the class home room number, 7A. Once inside, he saw a large map with directions to parts of the building. He quickly found the direction to his class.

Opening the door, the bell signaling the start of class rung out.

"Ah, someone always has to be cutting it close on the first day. Hello, I'm your teacher." a man said politely. "Take a seat."

"Let's start with my name, I'm Mr. Evill" he spoke while writing it on the front electronic board, "It's pronounce, Eveel, not evil. As I'm sure you thought as you read your home room letters. But call me, Mr.E"

"Now student introductions. You, the kid, who showed up last second. You're first. Stand."

Owyn stood up and looked around, saw the boy from the courtyard, and scowled. "Hello, I'm Owyn. I have no powers, unlike all of you, I'm sure. You are all descendents of the noble, rich, wealthy, and other big shots. I'm no one, enjoy sharing the same air as the people you walk all over." He grinned widely as he shared that last taunt.

The class erupted and they degraded him right there and then. Mr. E silenced them using his ability which forces the weak willed to follow his command. And then proceeded with the class' intros.

The Boy from early is known as Kevin. He has control over low level illusions. The son of a famous entertainer.

After the intros were completed. Mr. E directed the class to a gym. In order to, grade and rank his class. As were all the other new classes. It was mandatory, the hierarchy at Storm Mountain Magic Hunter School was about to be formed.