
Wish & Recarnation

"Yes it can be, I will also give you the opportunity to pick any 5 skills, techniques or bloodlines" choose wisely

But this is a tall order, picking 5 which I will be stuck with for the rest of my life, hmmm. I guess I will choose the Saiyan Bloodline (With zenkai because pain make me stronger) Exclaibur as zanpakuto (As it's make me looks cool)Power that makes me travel through any world that's are non real,Handsome pisque , and for the last one, instead of a skill, could I get a seal on my hand which lets me increase the gravity on my body alone, which doesn't affect my clothes or anything on me, and can also store items?

...okay I'll do that for you.

Somewhere in the hospital.


Looking around, i saw myself in the rooms.

'Where is this? Why i can only cry like a baby?'

'Wait a baby????'

'The hell! I become a baby????'

Starting to looked around, i saw a doctor and both of my parents.

"Congratulations, for the birth of your child. Your child is twin one boys & one girl

A man with a muscular physique. He has short and spiky, crimson hair with turquoise eyes.

'It seems to be my father.'

And then the man looking at his wife.

"You have done a good job."

He said that as if praise from a boss to a subordinate.

There are almost no love between them.

'How can you said that to your wife?'

My mom who heard it, just keep silent.

'No, this can't be done!'

In my previous life, i always keep every girls i meet very happy.

From an unhappy wife and some college students with a boyfriend

(Monstly older women because of my preferences).

'I have to make her happy!'

Then i started to cry make her attention to me.

She looked at me.

I lift my hands as if want to get a hug from her.

"Da da da da."

With a face full of smile at her.

She started to smile and take me from his husband's hand to her hands.

After that she hug me softly.

I hug her too, with smile.

"Ma-ma-ma, da-dada dada." (Mother, i'll make you happy.)

After that she started to smile with tears on her eyes.

Then the man discussed something with my mother.

"So what do you think the name of our child?"

The man started thinking something.

"The eldest one should be Angelica croft."

"What about the youngest one?"

"How about you names him?"

Then my moms started to think something.

"Then your names is Aditya croft. Yes, Aditya croft is a good names."

I smiled at her, very satisfied with the name she give.

"Aditya croft my youngest son, that's good!

My mom seems worried, then i lift my hands again the get her attention.

"Da da da da." (Don't worry.)

She seems to know what i said, she started to hug both of us.

"Then i'll let you to take a rest, afterall is it quite tired after you do a labor."


With that i started to sleeps.

After a few days, we come home.

Our home is quite big in traditional japanese style.

I really like this home, it's very good it's feel very at home.

'Maybe when i grow up, i should make a house like this.'

Become a baby is very boring.

My activies is just sleep, cry, take a shit, and repeat.

That's right that's all of my activities.

But what i like the most when i become a baby is breastfeeding.

Eventhough, the taste is quite strange but it's like when you tried to smoke a cigarattes when you smoke it at first you won't feel it's good.

But the more you smoke, you'll feel that smoking is good.

It's the same experience as me when i tried breastfeeding for the first time.

After 6 months, i already started to talk and crawl around.

My first words.

"Mom, daichuki! (Mom, i love you!).

My mother really like me, maybe because she always feels comfortable around me and i also love it around her.

My sister is still small and can't said talk anything & also looks very cute

'Become a baby is only once in lifetime, so i should make my mother spoil me so much!'

'Now, my mission is to become mom favorite child.'

Then i started my plan to make her love me dearly.

After, i become 3 I started training with my sayain power & my sword I also feel my soul that's is powerful

I learned a lot of types of martail art so i didn't have problem to fight with my enimes & to save me & my family

'Now, my plan is to become independent and live with my mother and sister to live happily because my father is so I don't lyk him so much .

What i need the most is money!

Yes, a money you're not wrong.

To live a comfortable life you need a money.

I don't if i'am lucky but after reincarnated my memories is very good.

I even remember every detail all the famous novel, manga, game, and music and with my intelligence.

With this, i can conquere the world of entertaiment.

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