
overpower pervert & Meeting Raise gremory

How, how the f*ck are you not affected by my light spear?" Yuma cried out in a roar

Aditya grinned and moved toward the location he was attacked, and spread out his arms his torn shirt reveal his abs there was only a burn mark indicating the light spear indeed hit him, Yuma was dumb folded light spear was a semi holy ability specially for fallen angels its highly effective against humans and demons but the human in front of him, was laughing, no effect whatsoever how was it possible? It's just not possible; according to her humans are just inferior creatures in the first place they should not have gears or holy weapon or abilities so why were the higher ups concerned about such a pervert she thought him of a easy target until her own attack hit her and it turned out why the higher feared this human was as clear as crystal…

"Since, I was in grade one; angels, demons, fallen angels, deities and heroes attacked me, I have been surviving for that long and you think a filthy crow like you can actually kill me!" Aditya mockingly said

"Imp-impossible no one knows about your abilities, how is that possible?" Yuma's voice rang out finally

"Why, you ask, because dead men tell no tales" after saying this Aditya grinned

A chill went through Yuma's spine, when Aditya said 'dead men tell no tales' she very well understood what he means, till now anyone who came to hunt him, were hunted he has been overpowering all the superior beings, being a human himself; she really miscalculated she actually never anticipated her plan to backfire on her.

Yuma's eyes showed fear when she saw Aditya walking toward her, the chill increased and her legs trembled, his voice roared out that very moment,

"Let's end our date Yuma, don't worry I will not kill, you because I want you something to do if u say No then I will definitely kill you. I say to erase the memory of friend & kill Isshei after one month because the plot I left her

As he was walking he felt someone watching him again and again, he tried to speedwalk and outrun the one be it female or male who was watching him.

Aditya : Who the hell is it?? My otaku stalker sense is tingling...

??? : Hello there...

Aditya : Hmm?? Yes who called??

??? : Here in front...

Aditya turned around as he was looking back and when he did he saw his Dreams!!! It was a beautiful young woman with white skin, blue-green eyes, her most distinctive feature is her long, beautiful crimson hair that reaches down to her thighs with a single hair strand sticking out from the top. Her hair also has loose bangs covering her forehead and side bangs framing her face.

She worn the outfit of the Kuoh Academy girls' school uniform, which consists of a white long-sleeved, button-down shirt (short sleeves for spring/summer), with a black ribbon on her shirt collar worn under a black shoulder cape and a matching button-down corset, a magenta skirt with white accents, and brown dress shoes over white crew-length socks.

Aditya : Beautiful!!!

??? : Ara?? You think so??

Aditya: At the top newly refreshed list i have...

??? : Why newly refreshed??

Aditya : I made a few changes in my list the moment i saw your beautiful eyes...

??? : Giggle, giggle... My name is Gremory Rias, What is yours??

Aditya:Aditya croft

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