
Oracion seis

The train ride was quite enjoyable, as Erza and Aditya had managed to gain the trust of both Wendy and Carla, although Carla was a bit reluctant at first, but gave in seeing that they both meant no harm and were good people

Aditya: So Wendy, we'll be going up against a dark guild, are you confident that you'll be able to fight against them

Wendy: Well I'm not so sure about fighting them, but I can provide support and heal others with my sky dragon slayer abilities

Aditya: A dragon slayer really? Well we also have our own dragon slayer, his names Natsu and he's a fire dragon slayer

Wendy: You have a dragon slayer in your guild, thats great!.... I hope we can become friends

Wendy mumbled that last part causing both Erza and Aditya to chuckle

Aditya: Although Natsu can be quite the blockhead sometimes, he's a nice guy, I'm sure you'll be great friends

Wendy: That's fantastic

The train ride took a few hours but they managed to make it to the Blue Pegasus in time. Wendy was the first to enter with Carla, and Aditya and Erza walked in from behind

As she was walking she tripped causing Aditya to sigh before he appeared next to her and caught her

Aditya: You okay?

Wendy: Yes... I'm a little scared though...

Aditya smiled before he poked her on her forehead with two fingers nudging her backwards slightly before he said

Aditya: Don't be, this is the first time for many of them to be meeting each other, so they are feeling the same as you, besides me Erza and Carla are right behind you

Wendy: Right!

When they made their way down towards everyone, Wendy, Carla and Erza noticed that there were 4 guilds present, these were Blue Pegasus, Lamia Scale, Fairy Tail (With the addition of Aditya) and finally Cait Shelter

Wendy: Hello everyone, my name is Wendy, this is Carla, and we are from Cait Shelter

Happy: ..... She's pretty....

Happy obviously looking at Carla caused shiver to run down her spine, from the way he was ogling at her

Stupidly, the Trimens Ren, Hibiki, and Eve came up to Erza, and started posing infront of her, trying to show off their handsomeness

Hibiki: Hello beautiful, would you care to have some dinner with me later

Ren: Or perhaps a moonlit stroll with me

Eve: Being next to someone who has no sense of fashion must be hard for you my lady, how about you stand over here with me

As He moved forward to take her hand, Aditya had a cold look on his face before he slapped the hand away and glared at him

Erza: Get lost weirdos

Hibiki: Weirdos? My lady is this brute bothering you

Erza: Of course not, why would he be bothering me when he's my boyfriend.... You three on the other hand are

Erza said that last part with a smile but everyone could feel a slight pressure coming off from her, causing the three to back off

While the members of Fairy Tail and Wendy were speaking, the Trimens were staring at Aditya, as he was ranked the hottest guy in Fiore, which was something that they aimed for, and so they immediately saw him as a rival

Lamia Scale on the otherhand were speaking to Jura about Aditya, as Jura was the 6th Saint, meanwhile Aditya was the 5th, this had gotten Jura curious on to how powerful Aditya truly was

Ichiya had stepped into the room, causing Aditya to glance him before he disappeared from everyones gazes and knocked out Ichiya with a blow to the head

The Trimens: Hey what are you doing?!

When Ichiya hit the floor, his body changed into Gemini, a celestial spirit, and then disappeared completely confusing everyone

Aditya: That wasn't Ichiya as you could all see, it was a celestial spirit belonging to Angel, a member of Orcaion Seis, who planted him here to gain information

Everyone was stunned when they heard this, wondering how the hell Aditya managed to deduce all this information. Meanwhile Aditya just winked at Erza, which she then replied with a small smirk

Ever since finding out about Aditya , and the fact that her sister was alive, she was practiaclly glowing. They had both never felt closer to each other in their relationship, having no secrets between them, made their love even stronger

Aditya: Yo , you three weirdo's go and find your master, I'm sure he's injured and needs some help right now

The Trimens: R-right!

As they were running out the room to find their master they all had a thought 'Did he just call us weirdo's again, and did we just accept it?'

A few minutes later

After managing to find their master, they returned to the room where Aditya asked Wendy to heal Ichiya, surprising many people. Once she was done, everyone looked towards Aditya wondering what to do next, causing him to think 'Why are they staring at me?'

Erza seeing his cluelessness shook her head before leaning towards his ear and wispered

Erza: They are looking at you for a plan, you've done great so far, so lead us

Aditya looked down at Erza and saw her big smile, which gave him the confidence to take charge

Aditya: Okay, so first lets talk about the members of Oracion Seis, there are 6 members. Their guildmaster is a man named Brain/Zero, who uses a magical staff called Klodoa, which has its own consciousness within, and is very dangerous, and then the members who are Midnight, Cobra, Angel, Racer and Hoteye.

Hibiki: They only have 6 members, shouldn't be too hard

Aditya: I really wouldn't underestimate them, since they are powerful enough to defeat everyone here.... well, almost everyone

Everyone was surpised hearing this and began to sweatdrop, how could 6 people destroy their alliance

Aditya: Hoteye is a member we won't need to worry about, although he is evil, he has an obsession with money that outweighs the true goals of Oracion Seis. So all you need to do is promise him more money than what they are paying him, and I'll pay for it

Gray: Great that's one member taken care of

Jura: Yes that's wonderful, but you said something about their goal, what is it?

Everyone looked at Aditya for answers who was smiling before his expression went cold and serious

Aditya: The goal of Oracion Seis.... is to find a magical item called Nirvana, which has the ability light into darkness and darkness into light. It works when people have wavering emotions which can switch their alignments. This basically means it can make a bad person good, or a good person bad if their heart is wavering at the time... which is why I'm going to tell you something important Erza.... Jellal is still alive, and he's here, but right now he's in a comatose state and is locked up by Brain

Erza was completely shocked before she began to run out the room to go looking for him, but before she could Aditya grabbed her hand not allowing her to go anywhere

Aditya: I didn't tell you that just so you could runout, and get yourself killed, that what they want, so instead I'm going to deal with it, while you all follow through with my plan

Erza: R-right, I'm sorry...

Aditya smiled softely at her before he leaned down towards her ear so that only she could hear him

Aditya: I know how you feel about him, you want to save him because he is one of best friend that with you The tower , I get that i do, but right now you aren't strong enough... so let your friends help you out okay & don't worry y let my precious gf to cry.

Erza: Thank you Aditya

Aditya: Onto another matter, Brain needs a way to heal Jellal, which brings us to Wendy here

Wendy: Huh, Why me?

Aditya: Well you see, Jellal is in a comatose state right now, and so he'll need you to heal Jellal, in order to find out where Nirvana is

Lyon: Well then we can't let them take Wendy, let this Jellal just stay in his coma

Erza: How can you say, he's an innocent person, we can't do that to him

As they began to argue, Aditya sighed before he told them to shut up loudly, causing them all to flinch

Aditya: Erza and go to fight against Cobra, the posion dragonslayer, who can hear practically anything, even thoughts. So be careful of that, He also has a pet snake named Cubellios, try not to hurt her so much, I'll explain more on that later so just knock her out if you can. Gray and Lyon will fight against Racer, Lamia Scale will take on Midnight, Natsu, Happy, lucy and Sherry will take on Angel, and Jura will take on Brain

Erza: What will you be doing?

Aditya: I'm going to get Jellal out from Brain's clutches and then destroy Nirvana

Gray: I thought you said they need Jellal to find it

Aditya: Oh they do... But what they don't know is that I know where it is

Once again everyone was shocked by Aditya

Aditya: Now then Autobots cough cough.... I mean everyone, roll out!

Everyone: Right!

Next chapter