
Joning Rais peerage & Becoming strongest pawn

After half an hour kiba had brought Aditya to the Occult club where the others were... Aditya knocked on the door before hearing Rias saying to wait for a bit...

Aditya: So what u want to ask Rais

Rais: I want to add on my perrage Aditya'kun

Aditya: I did not want to became your servent losse my humanity

Rais: It's doest not effect you whatever u want to do I never distrub you or order but in pinch can u help me ....

Aditya: Then I think I will join your perrage ....

Rais: That's grt So shall we started or not ...

Aditya: ok ...

"What piece am I gonna be? Knight? Rook?"

"A pawn"

"Oh, a pawn"


"WHAT, all my talents inside a pawn?"


"I think, I should kill you all here"

"It's the best piece, similar to queen"

"Yea, best piece" Aditya said mockingly, then turned his eyesight towards Rias, she had a box with a demon's image on it she opened it and took out one pawn and chanted something the piece flew inside Aditya, Rias was about to say something but the piece came out and fell down…

"Um, just what happened now?" Aditya asked

"The piece was rejected" Rias said with a shocked expression

"Does this mean I'm weak?"

"No, on the contrary my bet was on mark, there was something unique about you that's why let's see, I'm gonna use four pawns" Rias said as she picked up four pawn pieces

"Rias, four pawns? You are going to sacrifice three more?" Akeno was somewhat frustrated, each evil piece represented one devil, using multiple piece was possible but only when a demon is quite powerful her heart knew the strength Aditya possessed but she somewhat didn't want to accept the fact that they were all utterly defeated after all amongst the young generation of demons Rias and herself were one of the few strong ones and she herself hated humans…

"Leave it at that Akeno," after saying this she chanted again, and four pieces flew inside Aditya , but then the same thing happen the pieces came out…

Everyone was shocked, they now were thinking whatever Aditya did must be a fluke, if one pawn didn't accept him why would four piece will,

"Use all five" Aditya said

"What?" Rias was shocked, not only her but the entire crew's mind brew into chaos, use all eight? That means sacrificing seven more pawns that was high risk almost everyone was against it until Aditya whispered something in Rias's ears…

"What? Is that really true?" Rias asked

"Never lying is my policy"

"Then using all eight is worth it"

"Rias, what are you talking about? Using all five?" Akeno was still against it, it seemed like she wasn't convinced yet,

"Akeno, I will explain you things in detail later right now, this is important, very well I will use all five pieces" after saying this Rias chanted the same thing as before, and all eight pieces entered him this time they won't came out…

"Aditya croft , you are now a demon in the household of Rias Gremory, make sure you serve me well servant" Rias said,

"Someone please drop me home, guess this is a side effect of turning into demon" by saying this he fell unconscious, what happen after that was mystery to Aditya…

A new day came, and sunlight blossomed on the young lad's face, he indeed was handsome… Aditya croft , but he wanted to live his life as a average guy, so using reinforcement magic, he made himself look like average to others, of course only to humans the rest species who weren't human very well knew how demonically handsome he was…

The lad woke up,

'Huh? I'm naked? Why so?' before he even realized he felt something soft, something squishy on his left hand he turned to looked at only to find out Rias Gremory was sleeping next to him, naked too.

'She's asleep, what's she doing here? Might as well grope her, it's not sexual harassment if it's not on human right! Lemme touch them Rias-chan' he was about to touch them when she yawned and looked at Aditya , and then his hand,

"Good morning, and what are you about to do?" Rias inquired

"Morning, I was about to grope you, can I continue?"


"Did we do it?"

"Nah, both of us are still virgin"

"Oh, man, and here I was thinking we did it and I was sleeping all along "

"Don't worry; I'm planning to stay virgin for a while"

"Eh, good "

"Why, Croft -kun?"

"Aditya is fine, no horrific needed, and sometime later I'll tell you why"

Suddenly a voice rang out

Aditya dear wake up, you are not masturbating right?"

"God dam it its mom, she's gonna kill me" Aditya said but alas he didn't notice the panty on the floor and slipped and fell on Rias, pushing her down on bed

"Aditya dear-" Aditya's mom opened the door she had expected him masturbating, she had expected him staring at porn, she expected him drooling at erotic nude images but what she saw was his son and a girl both of them naked on bed…

"Hello aunty, nice to meet you the name's Rias Gremory"

"Hello dear, please make yourself at home, which you already have" after saying this Aditya's mom ran downstairs screaming, "Dear, our son it's a real girl, he's having sex,"

"Dear, calm down, what are you speaking our son? His libidos has reached this height" another's man's voice rang out probably Aditya's dad…

"I'm done, need to quit life" Aditya sat down

"Don't worry, Aditya I have a plan"


"Look it's that Aditya"

"Yea, why is he coming with the goddess Rias-senpai"

"Are they dating?"

"No way, they can't"

"Why is she with the him?"

The chitter chatter spread around the school all because he was walking with Rias, who was the top beauty of the school then, she was walking with the school's greatest Handsome character Aditya croft, definitely a great news...

"Is it fine walking with me? You do know about my rumors around the school regarding me"

"Only fools believe in rumors not me"

"Are you sure, mind control magic was a good idea?"

"Yes, it certainly did"

"I don't mind, but the reason you used, 'being naked helps in studies' what kind of reason is this?'

"You parents are humans, so mind controlling magic is fine, the reason too"


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