
A new Business

When Aditya woke up, he found Erza laying her head in his chest with her hair in her face, gently with his right hand he moved it out of the way and watched as she was breathing onto his chest slowly

He then turned his head to see that it was 7 am, and since he couldn't go back to sleep he made his way out of bed without waking Erza and hopped into the shower. When he was in there he noticed that Erza had brought all her shampoo's, and was glad she felt comfortable bringing her things here so quickly

After spending a few minutes cleaning himself he headed downstairs and started to prepare breakfast for him and Erza

Waking up to find in a new bed in a new place wasn't as scary as she'd thought it'd be, instead she was strangely at peace and very calm since it felt so right. However she noticed something was off and realised that she was in bed alone

Making her way out of bed she smelt something that caught her attention, as it smelt absolutely amazing. Quickly moving towards the smell she found herself in the kitchen with Aditya in a light blue apron

'He looks really good in that' She thought while ever so slightly licking her lips

Aditya was currently making sausages, hash browns, fired egg on toast, and mushrooms with a glass of juice. He was currently placing the plates of food on the table as they had just finished being made

Hearing Erza footsteps he turned around to see Erza looking at him quite hungrily, not sure if it was because of the food or.....

Aditya : Morning Beautiful

Erza: Oh uh morning handsome

Erza snapped out of her stupor and slowly made her way to the table, where Aditya pulled out a chair for her to sit on so she could sit down

Erza looked at the food in front of her with a bit of drool coming out, as the foods aroma was something that she had never smelt before

Picking up her knife and fork she took a piece of the hash brown and placed it into her mouth.... boooooom!!! (A/N Imagine the foodgasm from Shokugeki no soma... yeah)

Without saying another word she began to mow through her food like she was Natsu, chuckling to himself Aditya thought she was just like a kid with bits of food on the side of her face, he took a bite before freezing

'Holy shit this is good'

Aditya was completely stunned from the taste of the food. When he would watch shokugeki no soma, he would always find it funny how their clothes would explode, but now.... now that was an understatement

'How is it so good?' Aditya was thinking to himself as he began to tuck in, and would occasionally look at Erza who was almost done..... 'damn she's so cute'

When Aditya was finished, he looked up to see Erza was staring at him with stars in her eyes and food around her mouth

Aditya : Hehe..... so, how was the food?

Erza : It. Was. Amazing!! Aditya where did you learn to cook like that

Aditya: My uhh grandpa taught me

Aditya quickly made something up while on the spot, which Erza believed with no doubt thankfully.

Erza: Could you.... teach me?....

Aditya : There's no need for that, your food is amazing anyway, so you don't need to learn from me

Erza: I know I'm good, but this is, amazing

Erza was peaking with a bit of drool coming from her mouth. Smirking Aditya wiped it off before agreeing to teaching her

Erza was ecstatic as he agreed. At first she was worried that he wouldn't like her cooking last night, but when he told her he did she was really happy, but after having this she knew she way way out of her league with Aditya and his cooking. This then brought the fear back as she was told something yesterday


Cana: So he asked you to move in huh?

Erza: Yeah he did and I said yes

mira: Eeeeeep! Erza is moving in with her boyfriend, I never thought I'd see the day

Lucy: Congratulations Erza

Erza Thanks guys but I'm worried about what I should do when I get there

Juvia: What do you mean?

Erza: It'll be our first night together in his home and I want it to be special

Levy: Hmmmmm, maybe you should cook him a nice dinner, light some candles and set the mood. You did say that you were planning on going on a date, but since he had to go to the council you couldn't, so just surprise him with this

Juvia: Thats does sound like a good idea, maybe I could do that for Gray.....

Erza: Thats a good idea but I don't think I'll have time, I need to move all my things in

Mira: Don't worry about that, we'll all help you, you just focus on cooking him the best meal he's ever had

Flashback End

Aditya, sensing Erza trouble held her hand and looked her in the eyes before gently speaking to her

Aditya: I love having you food Erza , it's always amazing, and the reason why it's so amazing is because you made it for me, and you made it with love

Erza smiled at him gently before leaning in for s kiss, which slowly turned into a full blown make out session. Somehow Erza ended up on Aditya lap as they her kissing and began to undress each other.... before there was a knock on his door

This annoyed both Erza and Aditys greatly as they groaned and began to put their tops on again before making their way to the door

While they were walking towards the door, Aditya thought to himself 'Whoever it is I'm gonna kill them for interrupting us'... unknowing Erza was behind him glaring st the door thinking he same

However when they opened the door they were both quite shocked, it was a woman, a man and a child 'Seems like a family' Aditya thought before asking what they wanted

Mother: This is embarrassing, but.... we could smell the food you were preparing and well... Jessica here really wanted some, so we were wondering if...

Father: My friend, you wife's cooking is too good, help a brother out and share some with us

The father was pretty blunt earning s glare from his wife, but Aditya could see there was a bit of hope in her eyes as she really wanted to eat some too

Looking down at the kid he saw that she was looking behind him and sniffing the food that he made, needless to say that Aditya ended up making extra so there would be enough

Erza was currently gobsmacked as his neighbours were practically begging him for food, but smiled when she heard the father calm her his wife, she was happy that Aditya didn't try to correct him, causing her to wonder...

Aditya: Sure I guess

Aditya let them in a have them each a serving of food, causing them to be blown away by having their tastebuds erupt in joy. When they were finished eating they all thanked Aditya and his 'wife' causing them to smiles awkwardly

After the father and daughter had been dragged out the house by the reluctant mother, they thanked him once again before leaving. When Aditys shut the door the turned around and rested his back on the door before sighing

Erza: Maybe with your cooking we could start a family business?

Aditya: ..... Yeah maybe we could

Aditya smiled at Erza and kissed her again before looking at the clock behind her and realised that it was 8:30

The fact that it was this late already jolted them, causing them to get ready as quick as possible and then ran to the guild, ready to have his fight against the strongest of the fairy's guild meeting

Next chapter