
Chapter 1: Prologue

My name is Haruku Satoru. I'm 27 years old.

After I got graduate from highschool, I become a employee in the famous bank in tokyo. I thought that god will help me turn my life around, but I was very wrong about it...

Sigh..., Even though I got a decent salary,

A place to call home, A friend that always help me a lot when I got into trouble. I Never Forget about how difficult my life was, when I in highschool.

I always get bully in highschool by my classmate for my poor grade and weak strength, After all I can't do nothing about it and stayed silent, because I am very weak after all, there nothing I can do.

When I work in the bank, I always get abuse by my boss and everyone else in the bank, Except my best friend who always cheer me up no matter in any situation.

I always work late till midnight ,It's because anyone would always asks me to their work for them.

I don't believe that there never any Gods in the heaven. Because If there is Gods, they will help me not to suffer from my hell life.

My Grandpa before his death he told me that "No matter in any situations I have to do good things to another, and then god will bless you."

I always listen to my Grandpa advice.

After my Grandpa pass away. My mom got very sick and I have to work many part time as possible,so that I can treat my mom sickness.

My dad is alcoholic and gambler, He always beats up my mom and myself every day like animal. Our family become pool because himself.

So I promise to myself that in future,when I have a family ,I will bring happiness to my family.

Good morning Haruku-Senpai, How was your weekend?

With that said, A young handsome man with suit approach me with smile on his look. His name is Tamaki, a best friend of mine.

As for today ,I walk to work from my home and meet up with my best friend together on the way to work.

Good morning Tamaki. My weekend was good as always, Thank you.

Of course I lie to him, I don't want him to worry about myself.

Anyway, Tamaki let's go work together.

When we were walk to work, I came across a gigantic statue that constructor were busy building, At that time I saw that the statue were falling to Tamaki, so I grabbed Tamaki and throw him away from the danger.

*Crack* *Falling*

Tamakiiiii! Watch out!

So the statue fall into me instead, and it crash every bone in my body completely, and then I split so much blood on the ground, I feel so much pain, it hurts so bad.

While I was lay down on the ground, I look for Tamaki to make sure he is safe. After about 10 minutes the ambulance arrive and pick me up.

Haruku-Senpai! You must hold your breath, we will arrive at the hospital soon, You must not die yet. *Crying*

While in the ambulance ,He continues to holds my hand with a sadness face fill with tears falling from his eyes like raining, So I said my final wish to him.

Tamaki... Please.... Look.... After.... My mom... When... I... gone...!

He then cry louder ,And is the final time I see his face, my eyes were close by itself and i feel a cold blizzard though out my body.

So Haruku Satoru dies without regret.

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