
Reborned of the Shapeshift Demon King

Kyoto Seinaru walk around the city with his girlfriend named Tomori. They having their time together until- Seinaru was struck by Tomori after knowing that she doesn't even love him yet mocking him to be so easy to fool. He realize, he got deceived by the one he most believe. He stare to the ground with a blank face while wondering, Why didn't he shed any tears? He finally discover that this is not his first time being put in such a painful situation. Filled with anger, the girl vanished in front of his very eyes. In his little heart, he wondered, If there infinite life for me to go through, Will I finally meet an honest woman, Or will this heart remain empty forever. He finally awake but not to meet with an honest woman he seeking for life- rather being a woman himself. Yet he realize that he is neither a man nor a human anymore. He is now a succubus and have a pointy tail connected to his hips. Amongst the human, demon was considered as an evil race so they united to faced them. He realize it's now even harder for him to find a true love until- a nowhere man greet and treat him gently. Will he finally find his true love, even it's a bit reverse... ---------------------------------------------------------- There's a bit change in Chapter 9 in it end since I didn't feel it. Upcoming update will be on 4th June on 2200 GMT+8. Since I don't want to disturb and spoiled the story, I will extend it on 0800 GMT+8

Seinaruz · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Chapter V

This is me, Kyoto Seinaru. A man with black hair and red eyes who was just an ordinary worker at a grocery store. Although my pay is not that much, with a clear plan, financial problems are not a problem for me at all. I am always prudent in spending to wait for a promise that has bound me. My busy days were going on normally until I saw a familiar figure passing by while I was walking around the city.

I was surprised to see a blonde-haired woman walking next to me. I gasped for a moment before walking to retrieve the woman. If I'm not mistaken, the person I just saw with my very eyes is my long-lost friend who helped me a lot when I was in school. I gently patted her shoulder while asking to be sure.

"S-Sorry. Is this Tomori-San?"

The woman answered my question with a surprised expression on her face. Even though we just met again, her reaction just now proved that I'm not in the wrong. In a moment, she answered my question again while looking directly at my face.


I nodded slowly as I looked at her confirming her doubts just now. For a moment, tears welled up in my eyes after seeing her again. Although this woman helped me a lot before, destiny said otherwise and we were separated by distance once she moved house and left me alone in school. But, who would have thought. This small world reunited me with her again. Unconsciously, I shed a tear before stroking it again to be more firm. However, I couldn't hide my happiness as soon as I met her again.

At the same moment and on the same day I looked at her and said,

"Tomori-San, don't you remember our promise?"

The woman was surprised to hear my question. I kept standing while looking directly at her face to wait for a reply from her. After thinking for a moment, the woman in front of me nodded slowly in agreement. We exchanged addresses before finally saying goodbye to continue our day again. That's where the story begins...

My story of love...

Despite working hard as a grocery store assistant, I don't waste my free time and always make plans about the places I want to go with her. I also buy a lot of reading materials such as novels and manga related to love so that I don't feel awkward when I go out with her. All the life I have lived out so far will I use it to make the only woman who believes in me happy.

We met again a few times after that when she and I didn't have any business that prevented us from spending time together. We walked around town while holding hand showing the world that we were a couple in love. I walked with her shopping at her favorite mall. We drank and chatted casually about many things, especially our school trips. Even though I had to spend a lot of money to make this woman in front of me smile, I didn't worry because I had been ready for a long time and believe this day to come. The beautiful days continued until a month later...

I walked around town with Tomori-San as usual. However, my steps stopped as soon as a gun was pointed right next to my head. I resigned myself to my situation and immediately raised both my hands in the air. But to my shock, I was surprised to see the one pointing a gun to my head. It's Tomori-San, the person I consider as my own lover.

I was silent as I looked at her in puzzled.

"Tomori-San, what's this means? Where's our first promise. Don't you want to deepen our relation-"

The woman in front of me shushing me with a cynical smile on her face.

"Relationship?!! (Smile) Sei-Kun, Sei-Kun. So easy to be fooled. What makes you so delirious right now?" (Laughs)

I was silent while looking at her. I finally realized that all this time I had been deceived by her sweet promises. I was fooled by the smile she put on her face. Everything is just an act.

"I'm sorry Sei. To be honest, I never felt a thing on you and never considered you a friend let alone a lover"

I was upset to hear the words that spurt out by her mouth. I kept silent while holding back my emotions at this time.

"Promise?!! Everyone changes Sei-Kun. This greedy world will not spare those who are honest. Thanks to that, I am still alive until now"

My breathing became heavy as soon as I heard the explanation given by that woman. I faced to the ground and asked her in a low tone.

"Why you keep pretending..."

"Hahaha... What a stupid question... It is obvious that I must see your disappointed face after I take all your money and dump you after"

I kept silent while listening to the words thrown by the woman in front of me. The woman in front of me kept looking at my face before continuing,

"Besides Sei-Kun, you're slow... There are already people who in Tomori"

She showed me her ring which she kept it hiding every time she went out with me. The promise that has been tiding me to keep living is now dissolved as soon as I know that this woman in front of me is only using me.

I am very aware that this world is full of lies and I'm so aware of it. However, I did not expect that the person I had put all my trust in would also deceive me and even see me not as a human being but as a tool. A glimpse of my memories of her back then at school suddenly flashed through my mind.

"Hey, Sei-Kun. Although distance separates us, trust will never. Tomori will continue to wait for a time when we meet"

I smiled at her face that time.

I looked back at the face of the woman who was now in front of me. Her once kind and loving self has completely changed. I couldn't even see the woman in front of me as the same woman who had accompanied me before back then in the school. I kept staring at the ground where I was standing with a blank stare. I remained in that position for some time without shedding any tears from my eyes.

"I got what I wanted. So I have to take care of what they wanted now. Sorry, Sei-Kun. This world is really cruel-"


"Ara, how brave is this one brother"

The woman looked disgusted at me, probably because she was annoyed with me for being tough despite being on the verge of death.


"If not what are you gon-"

In an instant the body of the woman in front of me disappeared and spewed out blood everywhere. I sat weakly looking at my hands that were stained by her blood. However, no sympathy appeared in or felt in my heart. I then lying weak on the ground as if death had approached me. Instantly all the efforts I have ever made cross my mind.

"I can't sleep until I find an interesting place to go for our next date"

"Excuse me. What place is interesting here?"

"Sorry to ask. What's interesting here"

All my energy and time was used to make that woman happy. But I myself never used those times for my own happiness. Slowly, everything went dark and I lost my consciousness.



A loud explosion wakes me up from my slumber. I slowly opened my eyes while looking around me. I then rubbed both my eyes which were still sleepy. Instead of seeing the classic and soothing bar scene, my eyes saw something I shouldn't have seen. I was sitting on a chair casually in the middle of ruins of a building that was still standing like a battlefield.

"Am I dreaming?" (Stared)

But I finally realized that what I was seeing right now was not just an illusion since there was no change after I rubbed my eyes. Plus, there were two people standing at the end of the street right outside the now destroyed bar.

I was surprised to see Saoto standing in front of a woman in iron armor in combat posture, ready to strike. Although the woman still wielded her sword strongly, there were wounds all over her body. As for Saoto, there was not a single wound and a flat face was still made on his face. In that tense situation, I slightly caught the details of their conversation from afar.

"Compensate the damaged bar.."

The woman looked at Saoto while yelling in panicked.



Both of them put on tense faces. I then ran towards Saoto to calm him down first. From the details of their conversation just now, I can confirm that this bar was destroyed due to Saoto who went berserk as soon as he found out the woman had been sneaking and watching our movements. If I allowed this to continue, I am worried that the land that received the impact of these two people will not be able to hold long enough and make a small apocalypse occur here. I only intended to ask the woman for an explanation for doing so. However, if she is found guilty, I will not stop Saoto from punishing her right here as well.


For a moment, both of them stopped fighting and looked at me. I ran and hugged Saoto's body tightly to calm him down.

"S-Sei?!!" (Shocked)

"Tyrannic Demon King?!!" (Shocked)

Saoto and the woman in front of him were surprised as soon as they saw me. However, I was also surprised to hear that she said something strange to my ears just now.


I looked at the woman in front of me in puzzled. In an instant she dropped the sword she was drawing as her eyes filled with tears as soon as she saw me.

"Long white hair, bright red eyes that frighten anyone who sees them. There's no mistaking it. This is the Tyrant Demon King" (Moved)

I was surprised to hear the woman's words. Then I looked at my body. I finally realized that I had become a succubus again as soon as I saw my long flowing white hair and my chest blocking my view. I guess that explains why Saoto seemed to be a little taller than me just now as soon as I hugged him.

I looked at the bound yellow haired woman wearing the armor again with a puzzled face. She kept saying the same thing I didn't understand from earlier as soon as I came to interfere. I then asked Saoto to confirm something.

"Saoto? Is this Saoto's friend?" (Staring)

"No, I don't even know where she came from" (Staring)

"Eek?!!" (sad)

We continued to stare at the armored woman. In a moment, she picked up her sword again and swung it at us even though her hand was shaking, unlike before.

"R-Release the Tyrant Demon King... Mahou, doesn't Mahou remember me at all?" (Sad)

I looked at her strangely while shaking my head. For a moment, the woman suddenly cried and dropped her sword again. I then ran towards her to calm her down.

"Calm down... Take it easy"

I stroked her head gently to calm her down. For a moment, a smile spread all over her face.

"I'm not wrong. The gentle way of calming remains the same... But how come I got forgotten just like that..."

The woman in front of me now crying louder than before. I once again tried to calm her down by patting her back. Saoto then approached me and the woman after being silent for a while.

"Who will remember what happened thousand years ago tho..."

In an instant, the woman in front of me stopped crying and looked directly at Saoto's face as if she realized about something. I remained silent because the woman in front of me didn't seem to need me to calm her down anymore. He quickly took something from her back pocket and showed it to me.

A picture.

"Don't you remember, Mahou? This picture of Mahou is the same as how Mahou looks right now"

I looked at the picture she's been holding carefully. In a glance, the said features are indeed the same. Long flowing white hair and bright red eyes. However, I looked back at her while lowering her hand.

"I-I thaught you might got to the wrong per-"

I was surprised as soon as Saoto grabbed my shoulder and crouched next to me while looking directly into my face. I was a little surprised quickly turned my face away from him, probably because his face was too close to my face.

"Sei, why do you really want to go to that palace in the first place?"

I was surprised to hear Saoto's question and then looked back at his face. He asked me about the Tyrant Demon King's castle which has now become Queen Lumina's palace. I thought for a moment to recall something on my mind.

"Because Sei has kept dreaming the same woman who looks alike to that picture. Sei wants to go because Sei wants to investigate what happened to that woman and why Sei kept dreaming about her over and over again-"

For a moment I was surprised as soon as Saoto held my hand tightly while looking at me. He smiled before continuing again,

"That's Sei's real face. Did Sei sure all of that dream was all just Sei's dream and not Sei's memory?"

I was shocked to hear Saoto's question. I never thought about it until then. However, it also makes sense that what I dream is not just a dream but the fragments of my memory that arise like pieces of a puzzle from time to time. I then looked at the face of the man next to me with a puzzled face.

"With that said... That picture is actually Sei's looks and Sei is the Tyrant Demon King who lived a thousand years ago?"

I looked at Saoto with a face that wanted certainty. Saoto smiled while nodding slowly to confirm the truth of my question just now. The woman in front of me also nodded as if she agreed with what I said.


I was surprised as soon as I realized something. A warrior came to Miltia district while found out about my true identity and came to drag me into the prison. I then retreated as soon as I made such a conclusion.

"I-It's not like that... I-I didn't come as a warrior but as a subordinate..."

Her face was panicked before followed by sadness at the end of her words. I then approached her again to calm her down while gently stroking her head.

In an instant, tears flowed out of her eyes.

"Even though Mahou has forgotten who I am, Mahou still serves me as well as Mahou did before. I will remain by Mahou's side as before, as Mahou's main servant..." (Cry)

I was shocked to hear it. It's hard to believe what I just heard. How could a high-blooded and famous warrior like her be my subordinate or servant a thousand years ago. I remained silent as I continued to stroke her head gently. Even though I wanted to calm her down, it didn't help at all since what made she cried right now was the fact that I didn't remember anything about her. Saoto immediately patted the woman in front of me and looked at her with a smiling face. For a moment, the woman stopped crying before looking back at Saoto's face with a puzzled expression.

"That's why I want to bring Sei to live with me so she can go back to the palace and restore her memory there"

I was surprised to hear Saoto's words. Apparently, that was the main reason he wanted to marry me and take me to his palace. I looked at the woman in front of me again. She looked at Saoto's face with a surprised expression. Her tears also stopped as soon as she heard Saoto's words. For a moment, she exhaled a heavy breath before she quickly got up to pay her respects to us.

"Pardon my rudeness. Allow me to be Mahou and Demon King Saoto's subordinates from now on"


Saoto nodded slowly to show his agreement. However, he got back up while crossing his hands to say something.

"With one condition. The bar that has been destroyed needs to be compensated again"

For a moment, the woman was shocked while shedding tears.

"Eeh, did I still have to..." (Sad)

Saoto smiled as he looked at my face before looking back to the woman that had been knelt in front of me.

"Compensate it by ceasing from being a warrior and loyally serve under me"

The woman was shocked as soon as she heard the punishment she's got. Tears streamed down all over her face. Then, she got up again to show respect and said loudly,

"Ready to execute"

I smiled happily while watching what was happening in front of me right now. Finally, the tense atmosphere earlier can be eased while everything end well without any bloodshed and damage. Although there is a part of the building that was destroyed like the bar earlier, it could worsen if these two kept arguing with each other. I then looked at the woman's face to make sure of something.

"Anu, why were you lurking around earlier?"

For a moment, the woman bowed her body as if apologizing before continuing again,

"Sorry for not introducing myself first. Call me Nita. Nita was assigned to overcome the problem in Miltia about the escape of the Tyrant Demon King made by the Demon King Saoto. However, Nita saw the Demon King Saoto alone in the bar at that time"


I gasped by hearing that. Apparently this woman in front of me did not realize that the man she saw in front of Saoto at that time was indeed me. Meaning, my appearance just changed as soon as there was a big misunderstanding between these two people. For a moment, I tried to recall what had happened and caused me to be a succubus again.

("Sei has long chosen Saoto")

For a moment, my cheeks reddened as soon as I remembered it. I, who was very drunk at that time, told the man next to me all the feelings I had hidden all this time. I, who was still embarrassed got shocked when Saoto suddenly grabbed my head and stroked it gently before asking me something.

"Is there something bothering Sei?"

I looked directly at Saoto's face while muttering myself.



Saoto looked at me with a very concerned face. I quickly turned my face away from him so he wouldn't see my face.


Saoto gently caressed my head. Even though I'm not asking him to do so, this man next to me seemed to understand that my heart was not very calm at the moment and then caressed me gently to calm me. However, that beautiful moment finally stopped when a shaky voice heard in my ears.

"Anu, u-until when does Nita have to watch a love sto-" (Almost crying)

I quickly looked at her face again while waving my hands in panic to deny it.

"W-where were we just now... Go on, Nita-Sa-" (Panic)

"Mahou, Nita also wants to be close to Maho-"

I was surprised as soon as Nita jumped and hugged me tightly. I then pushed her face away from my body while asking her to be more serious.

"Oi, Nita-San. Please continue the story... Quit playing around already..."

I kept pushing her body that really wanted to hug me until she finally gave up from continuing it. Despite the sad look on her face, she quickly straightened his posture and put on a serious face again.

"Ehem... After that, Nita continued to wait and wait for the opportunity to meet Mahou not to catch, but rather as a reunion after a long separation. Although Nita could see Mahou now, but Mahou didn't remember-"

I quickly pulled both of her cheeks with my hands. I immediately did that since I felt that I could not calm the woman in front of me by stroking her head. So before this woman cries, it's better if I comfort her a little so that she doesn't continue to be carried away by her sad emotions.


("Since when was Mahou good at pulling people's cheeks") (Thinking)

The woman rubbed her sore cheek. I looked back at Saoto's face who was standing next to me. My heart that was still pounding just by thinking about the issue earlier quickly made my cheeks blush again. Despite being so embarrassed, I tried my best not to turn my face away from him even though my eyes did not dare to look directly into his face. In a moment, Saoto got up when he was called by Nita who was standing away from me as if she wanted to whisper something to him.

"Come here, Saoto-Sama!!!"


"Eek?!! Why are you so picky" (Almost crying)

"Who won the duel?"

"Huk... Huk..." (Sobbing)

Nita snickered as her eyes filled with tears as soon as she was teased by Saoto. I, who was puzzled earlier suddenly chuckled when I saw the two of them. Saoto and Nita continued to whisper something without my knowledge for a while before Saoto walked slowly towards me again. I, knowing that I was about to be the next victim to be teased, quickly turned my body away from him. Slowly, I felt my shoulder being touched by Saoto and his mouth got placed close to my ear to whisper me something.

"Sei, do Sei want to continue?"

Somehow Saoto's whisper sounded very seductive in my ears. My body then suddenly felt strange. My breathing became heavy and my tail kept wagging fast showing him that I was not calm at all right now. His seductive voice instantly made my body weak as if a desire arose in me. Slowly, I called the man in front of me with a trembling voice.

"H-hey S-Saoto... B-before w-we continue our journey today... S-Sei w-want a k-kiss"

I told the desire that been hidden in my heart. Although I'm very embarrassed by it, my mind can no longer think straight in a body like this. My heart won't calm down until I got what I wanted from him, a kiss.

For a moment, Saoto caressed my cheek gently. I, who was no longer able to hold back my desire, almost let out a strange sound before he quickly kissed my lips and hugged the back of my head tightly before gently stroking it. Instantly, my heart felt much calmer as soon as I received a kiss from him. However, I was surprised as soon as I heard thunderous applause followed by cheers around me.

"Congratulations, Mahou. Congrats" "CONGRATULATIONS, MAHOU"

"Congratulations to Mahou and his partner"

I then thrashed while hitting Saoto's back repeatedly to ask him to release me from his arms. Saoto then looked at me with a puzzled expression to make sure of something.

"Sei, didn't Sei choose to be Saoto's wi-"

"Shush... Shush..."

I told Saoto to speak more slowly while pointing my finger towards his mouth. With a low voice, I looked back at Saoto's face with my cheeks already red in embarrassment.

"S-Sei is s-so e-embarrassed to be seen b-by so many people..." (Embarrassed)

Saoto was surprised as soon as he heard my excuse. He then released his arms while smiling at me. I was momentarily happy to know that the man in front of me understood me very well before returning his smile again. Saoto then held out his hand to help me get up before I tightly greeted his hand with my hand. I was suddenly surprised as soon as Saoto hugged me tightly next to him while looking at the crowd to announce something.

"To everyone here, thank you so much for your applause. But, please keep this a secret until I makes an official announcement later"


In an instant, the crowd that surrounded us just now immediately dispersed after being directed by Saoto. To be honest, I almost stopped him from making the announcement publicly because worried he would announce it. However, I feel very relieved and happy since this man next to me not only dispersed the crowd but also really cares about my feelings.

For a moment, my reverie stopped as soon as I saw Nita looking at me with a face full of tears.

"It's very moving but if only Nita could get involved in that beautiful moment..." (Sad)

I sighed as soon as I saw her reaction again. To be honest, I was surprised how someone who cries so hard like her can become a warrior who should be brave and tough. I then ran to get her quickly before stroking her head gently again.

"Then let's come with us to Sao's palace-"

"Nope. Nita please go to the palace first to prepare the welcome"

I was surprised as soon as I heard Saoto's order. I then thought of a reasonable reason why Nita was told to go to the palace first when we could go with her. Saoto then approached me before slowly stroking my head gently.

"Saoto and Sei want to go for another walk around the city. Nita please head to the palace first and prepare to welcome us later"

Nita looked at Saoto's face with a surprised expression. She then anxiously said back to him,


Saoto sighed before snapping his finger causing a magic circle to appear in the air followed by a strange light that then surrounded Nita's body. I, who was panicked, then patted the man next to me while looking at him with a worried expression on my face.

"S-Saoto!!! W-What if t-that clothes will be the same as S-Sei's clothes that day?!!" (Anxious)

I was worried as soon as I remembered that Saoto had given me 'clothes' before leaving the house. I am certainly worried that I will witness the same incident again in front of my very eyes. I didn't mind if what I saw is my own body shape but not if it's another woman's body. I kept patting his body before finally Saoto returned my gaze with a smiling face while gently stroking my head to inform me to calm down.

In an instant, the warrior armor she was wearing suddenly changed into a beautiful black and white maid dress while a headband perfectly suits in her head. I breathed a sigh of relief as soon as I found out that what I imagined just now did not become true. Saoto then looked at Nita's dazed face again as if she couldn't believe what she was seeing.

"If you wear those clothes it won't be a problem to enter the palace. After arriving, go straight to meet Obaa-San, the oldest maid and show this to her"

Saoto threw what looked like a royal symbol to Nita. However, despite having been given clear instructions, Nita still stood with tears in her eyes.

"Nita wants to join in, can I-" (Flatter)


Saoto replied briefly to Nita's question. As usual, the woman's face continued to fill with tears. I then gently rubbed her head while whispering something on her ears.

"It's okay, Nita. Later at the palace, we can chat to our heart's content-"

"Hupp" (Excited)

Nita immediately corrected her posture while her sad face suddenly became cheerful as soon as I told her to wait for me in the palace. In an instant, she disappeared as soon as she used a teleportation-like magic. After that, I was immediately surprised when I found out a strange light also surrounded my body and changed my clothes into a white blouse and long red pants covering my whole body. I then looked back at Saoto's face with a puzzled expression.

"Saoto said we wanted to go for a walk, right? Why does Saoto have to change Sei's clothes all of the sudden?"

I asked in a puzzled tone. Saoto smiled at me before lowering his body slightly to whisper something in my ear.

"Saoto wants to take Sei on a date, not a normal walk. After all, Sei said Sei never had a chance, right?"

I was surprised as soon as I heard Saoto's request. My cheeks also flushed as soon as I remembered what happened at the bar earlier. Not only that. In my previous life, I spent a lot of my time planning the best to make my loved ones happy. Despite that, I never thought of my own happiness. I was silent while thinking about something for a while. In a low tone, I asked Saoto to ensure something.

"F-for S-Saoto, d-does d-dating makes S-Saoto happy too?" (Embarrassed)

I'm reluctant to follow him if his original intention is just to make me happy because that will hurt him just as much as I did before. I'm willing not to do it if it can make both of us happy without anyone being hurt. After a while, Saoto then put my head on his chest while stroking my head gently before replying back to me.

"Saoto invited Sei because Saoto is happy when Sei is besides"

Saoto said all of it with a smile on his face as he looked straight into my face. I then hugged him tightly while shedding in tears. I was very happy to hear that Saoto was also happy to follow my selfishness. In a moment, Saoto quickly wiped out my tears before lifting up my face to look directly into his face again.

"Sei don't be sad. We want to have fun, right?"


I smiled again while looking at him before tightly welcoming the hand he extended for me. We continued our 'dating' around the city and also stopped at the fun fair we went by earlier. I spend a lot of my precious time with the people I love right now.


If there any mistake or unclear sentence just comment about it to me.

I tried to make 4000-5000 chapters every three days and even more so I might overlook it.

If there's a sentence that's seems odd please tell me since I'm not a native speaker. I'll try my best changing it to become more compelling.


Please Enjoy!


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