A girl goes back in time in the strangest way!
The screech of a car, the thumping of a body. I screamed, my hair flying around my shoulders, as I ran towards the broken body of my mom. Everything was a blur, people screaming, as sirens wailed in the distance. "MOM!" I screamed, tears streaking across my face, and I wailed loudly, screaming "HELP!" over and over again, even as I felt the life slowly drain from her. I screamed again and again, my hair getting wet in the storm of rain that started. People had gotten out of the ambulance,and where pushing a stretcher in between them. I was gently prodded from one of the men in a trench coat, even though I refused to move, to be separated from my mom.I felt her weakly stir, and with what seemed like enormous strength, my mom uttered three words, barely audible against the wind that started up. " I love you" Her eyes became glazed, and I caught a glimpse of her eyes glazing over, as I was shoved roughly away. My throat was hoarse from screaming. They took her away, and I guess it was up to me to walk to the hospital. I fell to the ground, crying in desperation. People let me cry, walking faster, snd speeding up when they saw me on the ground. My hair covered the ground, and my vision was obscured by the tears streaming on my face.