
Variant Wolf with weird powers?

Vergil wasted no time and after activating Shikai, rushed at the wolves that were blocking his way. He didn't even need to slash at them as the passive flames of Ryujin Jakka would instantly turn them to ashes.

Vergil continued to go through the hordes of wolves with Ryujin Jakka in one hand as he made saving Fenian his number 1 priority. When Vergil finally got near Fenian, he decided to deactivate his Shikai as it took up to much magic.

Most of the wolves had been turned into nothingness and now only 8 wolves remained. 4 were in front of Vergil blocking his way and the other 4 where attacking Fenian with 2 of them on his legs.

"Get out of the way you stupid wolves!" Vergil said as he took his Ryujin Jakka staff form and rushed at the wolves with it. The wolves all leaped at Vergil from different sides with what seemed to be the strongest 2 leaping at him from the front.

Vergil had dealt with these types of wolf maneuvers before and was now accustomed to fighting the wolves. First, Vergil took advantage of the momentum that the wolves were going at and made it so when the wolf charged at him he would impale himself on his staff.

The wolf did it fact impale itself as Vergil had predicted. The wolf didn't instantly die but instead remained on the staff like some sort of food ready to be served. Vergil took advantage of the fact that the wolf was currently on his staff and deflected the other wolf in front of him with the wolf he had impaled.

The wolf bit into its comrade and the wolf of the staff gave out a muffled "AWWWOOO" as the pain entered his body. Vergil then took both the wolves on his staff and threw one of them towards the one charging at him from his side. The wolf's collided and were instantly knocked out from the force of the impact.

Vergil then took the other wolf he had on his hand and threw it at the remaining wolf to his side. Both the wolves collided and like the previous two, were also knocked out instantly from the impact.

Vergil, finally done with the wolves in front of him, moved on to the ones currently attacking Fenian. Fenian was holding his own against the two attacking him but seemed to be struggling since he had two wolves on his legs.

Vergil, not wasting any time, ran full speed at one of the wolves currently attacking Fenian. Vergil decided that to save Fenian faster, he would need to throw his Ryujin Jakka like a spear.

So, Vergil threw his Ryujin Jakka while running full speed towards Fenian. The wolf hadn't noticed the staff since it was preoccupied with attacking Fenian and was impaled. Ryujin Jakka had been thrown fairly fast and accurately so the force instantly broke the wolves rib cage, sending bone shrapnel all over his organs.

Vergil then used one of the [Ultimate Weapons] basic function and willed the staff to come back to him. Ryujin Jakka then flew back to Vergil's hands at an unimaginably fast speed and managed to impale the only wolf attacking Fenian.

Now, with both Wolves gone, all Vergil needed to do was to get the last two wolves off of Fenian's legs. To do this, Vergil simply went up to them and impaled them both as they had offered no resistance against Vergil's attempts to end their lives.

Once the wolves died, they naturally fell off of Fenian's legs and Vergil went over to Fenian who seemed tired from all the fighting. "Fenian! Are you alright? Those wolves had sharp teeth so they must have dug deep into your leg."

"Yeah, I'm alright it just...hurts a lot," said Fenian as he grabbed onto the spot where the wolves had bitten him. Vergil inspected Fenian's leg and found out that he was bleeding a lot.

"You're not alright Fenian. You're bleeding an extreme amount. If we don't put something over it you might bleed out." Vergil said as he tried to look around for something to put on Fenian's leg.

This would have been a lot easier to deal with if Vergil hadn't spent all his points on the explosive bow. If Vergil had known that this would have happened he would have saved his points and just fought the wolves melee distance instead.

Eventually, Vergil decided that the best thing to do for now was to put some cloth over Fenian's wound. Vergil ripped off some of Fenian's shirt and put the cloth over both his leg wounds making sure not to make them worse.

"Alright, that should do for now. Just hold that over your wounds for the meantime and we'll see what I can do later." Vergil said as he finished putting the cloth over Fenian's legs.

"Thanks, Vergil. I have some medicine at home for these types of situations. If we get there fast enough, I might be able to survive." Fenian said as he grimaced from the pain on his legs.

"No problem Fenian. I think we might be able to get there in time if go to your house right now." Vergil said as he began to pick up Fenian. "Wait, there is still the variant wolf that we need to take care of," Fenian said

"We have no time for that Fenian, we need to get you home before you bleed out!" Vergil said somewhat worried. Fenian simply stared at Vergil before saying, "If you don't take him out right now, he'll come back for us with a stronger and more powerful group of wolves. That variant wolf seems to have some kind of ability to lead and command wolves against their wills."

Vergil then looked behind him, only to notice the variant wolf was slowly making its way towards the both of them. "Seems like it wants to take us out right now," Vergil said as he gently dropped Fenian on the ground.

"Alright, I'll take care of it but no matter what, you gotta promise me to stay put and not move. If you move too much your injuries may get worse and you might die before we even make it home." Vergil said as he picked up his Ryujin Jakka and prepared for battle.

"Alright, I promise I won't make any unnecessary movements Vergil. You just gotta promise me that you'll win against that variant wolf." Fenian said to Vergil as he readjusted himself on the ground.

"I promise, now you just stay right there while I go kill this wolf real quick." and with that said, Vergil started running full speed ahead at the wolf in front of him. Vergil, wanting to get this fight over with quickly, immediately activated Shikai with what little magic he had left.

"I won't let you live you dumb variant wolf, I made a promise to my friend and I won't break it!" Vergil ran full force at the variant wolf, his flames following steadily behind him, leaving a trail of ash on the ground.

The wolf didn't seem to care about Vergil's presence though and simply continued walking at a steady pace towards Fenian. "Ignoring me huh? I'll make you regret your actions wolf!"

Once Vergil was close enough, he leaped up from the ground and lifted his sword, his flames following him midair. "Agghhh" Vergil shouted, as he prepared to slice the variant in half.

Before Vergil could slice the variant in half, however, an almost invisible hand grabbed him midair. "What the hell? What's grabbing on to me?" Vergil said as he struggled to get out of the invisible force.

Below him, Vergil saw the wolf slowly walking towards Fenian, in between its eyes stood a new third eye, emitting some sort of purple glow? "Since when did wolves start having psychokinetic powers?" Vergil said as he continued struggling against the invisible hand holding onto him.

While Vergil struggled, the wolf slowly made its way towards Fenian. Fenian was a bit scared by the wolf who seemed to have no care in the world but believed that Vergil would come out on top.

"Vergil, You got this! I've never seen this kind of power before but I'm sure you can break the "spell" you're in by using a more powerful skill!" Fenian shouted as he looked at Vergil seemingly standing midair.

"Powerful skill? Hmmm, I do have something kind of like that but will it work? Only one way to find out." Vergil said this and then raised his Ryujin Jakka still in Shikai form, up into the air.

"[Devastating Slash!]" Vergil said, as the tip of Ryujin Jakka glowed with intense red color. With a swift slash, the seemingly invincible and invisible barrier was broken. Vergil was thrown onto the ground with a loud thump.

The wolf noticed this and became increasingly worried as no other person or animal had ever escaped its invisible skill known as [Grasp of God]. Vergil got up from the ground and said, "Seems like your little skill didn't work as intended wolf."

The wolf simply howled and threw another [Grasp of God] towards Vergil. Vergil, having experienced the skill before, simply dodged it and once again ran full speed towards the wolf.

The wolf continued to throw out [Grasp of God] but to no avail, as Vergil would dodge every single one with accuracy. Eventually, the wolf decided that targeting Vergil would do no good and instead made his focus Vergil's friend.

The wolf threw out a [Grasp of God] towards Fenian. Fenian, not being able to evade due to his injuries, was immediately caught. "No! You damn wolf!" Vergil shouted as he increased his pace even more towards the wolf.

The wolf, as if threatening Vergil, increased his gripped on Fenian. Fenian let out a loud yelp as the wolfs grip tightened around him. Vergil immediately noticed this and decided that ending the wolf's life as soon as possible was his main priority.

While running, Vergil grabbed Ryujin Jakka with one hand and prepared to throw it. The wolf didn't seem to care that Vergil was about to throw his Ryujin Jakka however, as he simply continued making his way towards Fenian.

Vergil, getting a little bit mad at the wolves cockiness, threw Ryujin Jakka with all his might. Ryujin Jakka flew through the air with flames following behind it like some kind of plane.

Turning around, the wolf noticed how severe the weapon was and finally decided to do something about it. Its eyes began to glow a deep orange color and it seemed to make some kind of barrier.

As if not caring for the barrier, Ryujin Jakka continued to fly through the air with flames all around it. The flames turned anything it touched into ashes and when it came to a makeshift barrier, it was no different as Ryujin Jakka easily broke it.

The wolf noticed this but could do nothing, as the weapon hit it straight in its head, instantly killing it. Once dead, the wolves [Grasp of God] also deactivated and Fenian was let go from the grasp.

Vergil turned off his Ryujin Jakka, not wanting to waste any more of his low magic reserve and immediately made his way over to Fenian who seemed to be in a much worse state than before.


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