
Unlocking Shikai!

After letting off some steam by cursing at the system for a bit, Vergil took out his bag from his inventory and stored all the spilled organs. He then put the organ he had thrown out from the inventory to make space for the bag, back into his inventory.

Vergil stood up and looked around, there were wolf bodies everywhere. Vergil realized he couldn't store or take all of these with him at all, so he decided to instead pile em up in one big area.

Vergil picked up his bag and his weapons and left them next to the spot where he would leave the wolf bodies. Vergil first made his way over to the spot where he had left the wolf scouts. He picked them up one at a time since they were somewhat heavy and laid them down in one big pile.

Once done, Vergil made his way over to the other wolf bodies and stacked them as he had done with the scouts. Vergil admired his work for a bit before thinking about what he should do with the big wolf. Vergil realized he couldn't move such a big body all on its own, so he came up with the idea to chop him up a bit.

Vergil made his way over to the big wolf and cut off the head. It was pretty heavy but with Vergil's increased strength stat it wasn't too difficult. He then proceeded to chop off other body parts like a butcher and brought all of them to the big pile. Once Vergil was done, he was a little tired and decided to sit down for a bit as he looked at the huge pile of wolves.

Vergil frowned for a bit as he realized that this was kind of immoral and unsanitary. He had desecrated the bodies by doing this and decided that the best way to make up for it was to pray for the lost souls. Although they were his enemies, Vergil couldn't help but pray for them, as they had their own lives and loved ones too.

After Vergil finished praying, he couldn't help but think about the way of the jungle. The strong would overpower and devour the weak. "Only the strong survive…" Vergil said as his words trailed off. Putting that thought aside, Vergil realized he now had an abundance of food and materials.

Although he still had no idea how to make armor, all this material would probably sell for a hefty price if a nearby hunter or scavenger came across Vergil. "Now that I think about it, I'm honestly surprised I haven't come around any humans or other species. I mean this is a pretty big forest from the looks of it. Shouldn't there be some kind of hidden tribe or a small town?"

Vergil thought for a bit before stopping himself from getting too indulged in his thoughts. He now moved his attention to his Ryujin Jakka. Now that he was level 10, he could unlock Ryujin Jakka's zanpakuto form or its "Shikai". Vergil knelt to pick up the staff as he sat down on the cold hard ground.

He held Ryujin Jakka in his arms and leaned his head against it as he activated his [Meditate] skill. A few seconds later, Vergil was teleported to the blank world once again. He walked around for a bit before he noticed a raging inferno was heading towards him as if chasing him down.

Vergil tried to run away from it but couldn't, almost as if the inferno was a car steadily increasing in speed. Vergil was caught by the inferno and was once again engulfed. Although Vergil didn't feel nearly as much pain as before, he was still in agony as the fire burned him all over.

After a while, Vergil felt as if he was going to lose consciousness, as the fire continued its never-ending process. Before Vergil could though, A voice spoke out to him. It wasn't any sort of being, it was more like the fire itself was speaking to him. "I'm impressed, you're able to survive my burning flames for this long. And from the looks of it, you've also grown stronger. Hmmm, I guess I'll let you use my shikai. Although, how long you're able to use it for and how you unlock the techniques, is a different story."

Vergil was forcefully ejected out of the space after that, leaving only the burning inferno in that vast space. Vergil awoke almost instantly, once again left in a cold sweat, from how real the fire felt on his skin.

Vergil looked around for a bit and saw Ryujin Jakka to the side. It wasn't in zanpakuto form yet and was still just a wooden staff in terms of appearance. Vergil picked it up and with a scream like he had seen in the anime yelled, "SHIKAI!". Nothing happened, he tried again and again but nothing happened. "What is going on? I thought that this was how you activated shikai…" Vergil looked confused for a bit before the system answered his distress call.


[Yo Vergil, you sure you've seen the anime "Bleach" before? Because I'm pretty sure that most people said some kind of phrase or something before activating Shikai. You don't just say "Shikai" and it'll activate all willy nilly.]


Vergil pondered for a bit before he remembered what captain Yamamoto usually said before he activated Shikai. Vergil sat up from the cold hard ground and readied his stance as he was about to do something only seen in fantasy. With a calm and steady breath, Vergil said, "All things of this world, turn to ashes! Ryujin Jakka!"

--An: Not sure why but while I was writing this part I couldn't get this song out of my head https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yoCDlOLN9Y8 ---

He felt the staff around his hand change as the wood was slowly incinerated revealing a zanpakuto with a simple purple handle. Afterward, Vergil felt the sword rumble as a flame the size of a large elephant engulfed him and the surrounding area.

Vergil could do nothing but gawk at the sight before him. "This…THIS IS THE TRUE POWER OF RYUJIN JAKKA! I'VE DONE IT I'VE FINALLY DONE IT! I CAN DEFEAT ANYONE NOW I'VE UNLOCKED ITS TRUE POW…" Vergil fell to the ground as he lost consciousness from magic overuse.

His zanpakuto also fell beside him, later turning back into its original staff form. Vergil awoke around 7 hours later, the moon shining on his face. He got up and looked at his surroundings only to notice that the grass and some of the trees had turned into ash.

Vergil looked around for a bit before finding what he was looking for. He had been looking for his bag to make sure it hadn't burnt to a crisp as he had put his arrows and food in there. He picked up his bag and noticed a small portion of it had been reduced to ashes. He checked inside and sighed in relief as everything was intact and alright.

Vergil put down the bag and turned his attention to the bow he had left around a mile away. He had put it that far away because he had been worried about the flames burning it into nothingness. He picked it up and just like the contents of the bag, it was safe and unharmed.

Finally, Vergil moved his attention to Ryujin Jakka. It had been reverted to its normal staff form as soon as he passed out. Although Vergil had wished somewhere in his heart that the staff would remain a zanpakuto, that wasn't possible, as the Shikai form simply took up to much magic power.

Vergil was thinking about what to do next as a new system notification popped up.


[Mission Complete!]

[You have completed Will Of The Weak and have received 300 SP for your efforts. You have also unlocked a new tab in your skill tree as well as unlocked Shikai for your Ryujin Jakka.]


Vergil smiled a bit as his current SP that was now 501. He could spend it on upgrading his inventory later on but decided to put that to the side for right now, as he focused his efforts on the [Skill Tree] tab.

Vergil opened his skill tree and along with [Warrior] [Elf] [Hunter] and [Analyze], he now had a new tab called [Ryujin Jakka]. Vergil clicked on the tab and was greeted with some new skills and passives. The first "skill" was passive and granted him +14 strength and +14 magic for 7 skill points.

The other skills included [Jokaku Enjo],[Taimatsu], and [Ennetsu Jigoku]. He read the descriptions from the system and they went something like this.


[Jokaku Enjo] ---An: In English means, Fortress Blaze.---

[Description: Creates an immense wall of flame that surrounds the target and forms a huge sphere of flame that imprisons even the most powerful enemies.]

Cost: 40 Skill Points


[Taimatsu] ---An: in English means, Torch.---

[Description: Allows the user to create a great inferno with a simple wave or slash of Ryujin Jakka. The flames can be controlled with great precision to target only the enemy and the user can also control the intensity of the flames.]

Cost: 30 Skill Points


[Ennetsu Jigoku] ----An: In English means, Flames of Hell.---

[Description: Creates seven or more immense pillars of flame which surround an area. This technique is meant to trap the opponent in a caged inferno and destroy them from existence. This technique is so strong that it can even destroy the user if not careful.]

Cost: 55 Skill Points


Vergil looked at the techniques and noticed how strong each of them was. He also noticed the almost unattainable amount of SP that they required as the lowest cost was 30 SP. Vergil looked around for a bit before he noticed that there were two "sub-tabs" to the Ryujin Jakka tab. There was [Zanjutsu] ---An: Swordsmanship.---- and [???].

Vergil wasn't sure what [???] was as when he tried to click on it, nothing happened. He chose to ignore it for now and instead went over to the [Zanjutsu] tab. In that tab, there were some less costly powerful techniques that Vergil could obtain with enough time. They went something like this.


[Onibi] --An: In English, it means, Oni Fire.----

[Description: The user of this technique performs a powerful thrust with a blunt weapon, creating a large, gaping, cylindrical hole in a target.]

Cost: 10 Skill Points.


[Hitotsume: Nadegiri] ---An: In English means, The First: Killing Stroke.------

[Description: A precision cut of extreme force and speed which can casually slice through large, multi-story high opponents protected by even the toughest of armor. This slash is so precise and swift, its victims are not even aware of it until after it has taken place.]

Cost: 20 Skill points.


Vergil was a bit happy with how low the skill cost was for such a powerful technique and promised to unlock them at some point. Vergil admired the descriptions for a while longer and then proceeded to buy the passive skill, wasting all his current Skill Points in the process.

Vergil felt a surge in strength and magic as his stats once again increased. Vergil then made his way over to his [Stats] screen and noticed that his magic and strength stat was now his highest.






Skills:[Meditate],[Devastating Slash]


Magic:33 while in forest -> 38

Strength:29 while wielding Ryujin Jakka -> 32 and while in the forest -> 37

Agility:20 while in forest -> 25

Endurance:20 while in forest -> 25

Dex:19 while in forest -> 24

Available points:0

Current skill points:0

Current SP:501


Vergil clicked out of the [Stats] tab clicked his [Inventory] tab where he without hesitation, bought the [Stack Similar Items] for 500 SP. A bright flash appeared and it almost seemed as if nothing changed. Although Vergil was now left with 1 SP, he didn't mind, as the stack function would save him a lot of time and trouble in the future.

He made his way over to his bag and took out some of the organs from it. He then put one of the organs onto an already existent organ in his inventory. He was hesitant at first but once he got near the already existent organ in his [Inventory], it seemed to of sucked it in and now there was a number next to it.

The number simply stated 2 and Vergil felt relieved as he now had more space. He then put all the organs into his inventory leaving him with 2 empty tabs and an empty backpack. He decided to put the backpack to good use and stored his Ryujin Jakka in it. He then put his arrows and bow into his [Inventory] making it once again full.

Vergil then looked at the pile of wolves and with an expressionless face, made his way out of the camp and into the unknown.


A bit of an info dump. Tell me if I should use the original Japanese, or the English translation, or both in the comments.

Xelospherecreators' thoughts
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