
system shutdown?

Vergil exited out the front door of the lodge and picked up a nearby bow and some arrows on a table. The bow was a basic wooden one, most likely an extra one crafted by Fenian for emergencies.

Vergil then proceeded to make his way over to the usual bow training area. He made sure the wind wasn't too breezy and his posture wasn't to misaligned before he finally made the shot.

The arrow went flying through the air at a steady pace, thanks in part to the wind being almost too calm. After flying through the air for a bit, the arrow hit the bullseye on the tree.

Vergil lowered his bow only to notice that for the first time, he had hit the bullseye. "No way! I finally managed to hit the bullseye! I gotta tell Fenian about this," Vergil said as he put the bow down once more and made his way back inside the lodge.

"Fenian! Fenian! Guess what," Vergil said as he made his way inside Fenian's bedroom. Fenian was sitting down on the bed with what seemed to be a portrait of some people Vergil had never seen before.

As soon as Vergil came inside the room, however, Fenian immediately hid the photo. "Hey, Vergil, what happened?" Fenian said all the while he hid the photo behind his back.

Vergil, ignoring the fact that Fenian was hiding something said, "I finally did it Fenian! I hit the bullseye on the tree! Turns out all that hard work and teaching was not for nothing Fenian!"

"Haha, that's great Vergil. Now that you've managed to hit the bullseye, you have to train until you can hit it consistently. Only then will you be considered an expert at the bow."

"Yeah, I know, its just that I wanted to tell you some good news before you went on that journey to the city," Vergil said as he sat down on a nearby chair.

"So, Are you done packing yet Fenian? I'm just wondering because I need you to guide me on some basic training before you leave so I can practice a bit while you're gone."

Fenian put the photo away in his cloth bag while Vergil was distracted and said, "Yeah, sure no problem Vergil. I can teach you some basic training moves but how you choose to train them and if they're effective for you is another story."

"Alright, I'll be waiting for you outside the lodge then," Vergil said as he made his way out of the room leaving Fenian and his cloth bag behind.

Once Fenian was sure that Vergil was gone, he took the photo back out. The photo wasn't a "photo" that used to digital cameras to create. It was more like an illustration of Fenian and his grandparents made by some unknown artist.

"If only you guys were still alive...I wouldn't have been so lonely for so long." A single tear dropped from Fenian's eye and fell on the photo. Fenian wiped the tears from his eyes with his sleeve and then put away the illustration into his cloth bag.

"Although you guys told me to never cry ever again, I can't help myself when I think about the past." Fenian then picked up his cloth bag and made his way out of his room and into the corridor before taking one last look at his room.

Meanwhile, Vergil was sitting on a chair while he waited for Fenian to come and train him for a bit. He had once again been messing with the system's features and looking throughout its store.

In the store, he had found out that many different weapons were still locked, some of which he even thought were Ultimate Weapon forms.

"Yo system, why is Byakuya's zanpakuto locked? I thought it would become one of the forms for the Ultimate Weapon," Vergil said as he continued to look through the system store.

[The reason for that would be because the forms of the Ultimate Weapon are random. The weapon you get may be random but the types of weapon you get, go on a cycle of sorts.]

"A cycle? So like, when I get a melee weapon my next type of weapon would be ranged? And when I get a ranged weapon my next weapon would be a melee and so on?"

[Precisely so Vergil. It follows a melee, ranged, melee, ranged pattern. I'll let you in on a little secret though. Although the weapons you get are random, I know what weapon you'll get next. I don't know what weapon you get until you've completed the mission for it, however.]

"So, you know what my next Ultimate Weapon form will be?"

[Yeah, I do, but don't worry I'll make sure not to tell you.]

"So that's how it is huh. I guess I won't be getting a melee weapon next after all," Vergil said as he stopped looking at the system store and instead looked over at the front door where Fenian had just come out from.

Fenian set down his cloth bag and made his way over to a training dummy without saying anything to Vergil. He first put his fists up in an offensive manner similar to how a boxer would raise their fists when they were about to fight.

He then deliberately and slowly took his right fist and punched the wooden dummy with enough force to knock it back. Fenian continued this cycle for a while as Vergil watched from afar and analyzed.

Eventually, though, Fenian finished this cycle and stopped punching the wooden dummy. Fenian then made his way over to his cloth bag and said, "Did you watch that Vergil? People back in my tribe called that form of fighting Mekor."

"Mekor? Does that stand for anything?"

"Yeah, kind of. We started calling it that because some guy by the name of Mekor used to fight like this all the time and eventually people just named it after him since it was a special type of fighting style never seen before by anyone in my tribe."

"Is that so? Anyways, Fenian, Can you tell me what to do to learn it and what is the main focus of it?" Vergil said as he was still confused about what the main point of the fighting technique was.

Although Vergil knew that the fighting style was similar to boxing, he didn't know much more than that as he had never practiced boxing or seen some professional box before on TV or the internet.

"Well, all you need to know is how to do a basic jab, you also need to know how to use your legs efficiently as most fighting techniques rely on leg usage and how well you move around. Anyways, I really ought to get going now, Vergil. The sooner I get to the city the better. The reason for this being because those wolf corpses smelled like rotten flesh when I got to the wolf camp. If we wait too long, the only "fur" we're going to see is maggot fur."

"Yeah, you're right Fenian. You should probably hurry on to the city before the fur and the meat gets too rotten. Wouldn't want your reputation with the merchants to decline now would we?" Vergil said this then made his way over to the training dummy where he got into the basic stance to practice Mekor.

"Don't worry about me or the house Fenian. Like I said before, no humans or intelligent beings seem to live around these parts so the chances of this house getting robbed or destroyed are pretty low." Vergil said as he continued trying to correct the Mekor stance.

Fenian simply smiled and said goodbye as he ran off into the forest, leaving Vergil behind.

[Seems like your weird friend finally left. I'm surprised he didn't try to sabotage you back at the wolf camp. I mean, if I was him, I would have just killed you off and taken all that fur for myself.]

As if hitting a nerve, Vergil this time around decided to reply to the systems snarky remark. "System, why are you like this? I mean you're very cold-hearted and your remarks are just annoying. Is there any reason why I can't just turn off your voice function or whatever so I can just focus on myself."

[I mean, even if you could turn off my voice function, which you can't. It still wouldn't stop me from putting things behind paywalls or getting you into debt.]

"I realize that, but why are you the way you are? Did the goddess make you that way on purpose to test my resolve or something?" Vergil said as he now stopped practicing Mekor to ask this question.

[Well the reason for that is...THe ReASon FoR THAt ISssss Becaaaaaaaaausseeeeeeeeeee…SYSTEM SHUTDOWN! SYSTEM SHUTDOWN!]


[REASON FOR SYSTEM SHUTDOWN IS: Sorry about this Vergil -Reya]

Vergil just stood there as he read the notification. "What the Hell? WHAT THE HELL? What just happened? System shutdown? I've never heard of that happening before."

Vergil tried opening the system but to no avail as every time he did, a new system notification would pop up saying,




--AN: Sorry for the short chapter. I was busy today and didn't plan ahead of time. Also, I will no longer be doing daily updates as I focus on quality over quantity. So, tomorrow I won't upload a chapter but the day after tomorrow I will, meaning I'll upload every other day. I came to this conclusion after noticing that I should plan ahead more and not just wing it when I write this story. Also, writing daily felt like a chore and when I do something like this, I don't want it to feel like a chore. I want this topic and this Ultimate Weapon story to do well, hopefully, you guys can understand where I'm coming from.--

Next chapter