

Vergil thought about many things while he laid down on his new bed. He thought about his past life, his parents, his girlfriend, friends. All the things he cared about he thought about.

Although Vergil was still a little sad by the fact that he had left all those things behind, he had already made up his mind to achieve great things for the goddess that gave him new hope.

Vergil got up from the bed after recollecting his thoughts and made his way towards the front entrance of the lodge. Once there, Vergil noticed that there were many training dummies made out of wood.

Vergil also noticed that there were a lot of trees with broken bark, almost as if someone had continuously broken the bark off over and over again. Fenian seemed to be practicing some basic hand to hand combat from the looks of it as he continued to punch the wooden dummy.

Vergil wasn't surprised that Fenian was doing hand to hand combat but what surprised Vergil was the fact that he was doing it with no sort of protection on his hand. If Vergil were to do what Fenian was doing with his bare hands, his hand would start bleeding after one minute.

Surprised by Fenian's endurance, Vergil made his way over to Fenian, making sure not to distract him as he seemed concentrated on the wooden dummy. Fenian noticed Vergil but didn't say anything, as he continued punching at the wooden dummy with devastating blows that would break anyone's bones.

It wasn't just the fact that he was strong but his punches were extremely fast too. Vergil tried keeping up with his movements but gave up after he realized that he might just be looking at his afterimages.

Fenian finished up with a few quick jabs to the dummy and went over to grab a towel since he was sweating. He drank some water from a bowl and made his way over to Vergil who was waiting on him.

"So, whatcha think Vergil? Where my movements too fast for your eyes?" Vergil gave a quick nod and took a look at his knuckles which were perfectly fine. Vergil was curious about this and decided to ask, "How are your knuckles not bleeding from punching a wooden dummy all day? If I did that for even a minute my knuckles would be all bloodied up."

Fenian showed his usual smile and said, "Well I guess it just comes from experience if that's how you wanna say it." Fenian frowned in an almost unnoticeable way and continued. "I mean, I was born into an elf tribe that put combat power above everything else. Ever since I could remember, all I've been doing every day was fighting others. And if I wasn't fighting others, I would always have to practice on these wooden dummies that made my knuckles bleed."

Vergil looked at Fenian who had his head down for a second in an almost sad manner and continued. "I guess with time I just got used to punching the wooden dummies and that doesn't happen to me anymore." Fenian looked back up at Vergil with his usual smile and said, "Well, enough about me, we got some training to do Vergil! Here, grab this extra bow I made a while back."

Fenian walked over to a table to the side and passed Vergil a basic bow. It wasn't anything special, and it didn't look as powerful as Vergil's now broken purple bow. Vergil glanced at it for a bit before familiarizing himself with.

Vergil was handed some arrows by Fenian who said he wanted to see how Vergil shot so he could give him some pointers. Vergil did as Fenian said and steadied himself as he prepared to shoot at a nearby tree. Vergil his bow and with a steady aim, show the arrow at the tree.

Vergil hit the tree and almost hit the bulls eye but missed by what seemed to be around 5 inches. "Dang, almost," Vergil said as he lowered his bow and waited for Fenian to give his advice.

Fenian stared into nothingness for a bit before finally giving his advice. "Your posture is good and so is your release but from the looks of it you don't take a lot of things into account," Fenian said as he looked at Vergil.

"What do you mean Fenian?" Vergil was genuinely confused as he thought all you needed to know when shooting properly was good posture and a good release. "Well...when you shoot your bow you want to make sure you're keeping track of the wind. When you shoot, your bow might go off course due to how strong the wind currently is and from the looks of it...that's what's happening with your shooting right now."

Vergil thought for a bit before feeling his surroundings. It was a somewhat chilly day with a moderate breeze that would come by now and then. "Hmm, it's a little breezy...but is this little breeze going to affect my shooting?" Vergil said with a bit of doubt.

Although he trusted Fenian, his common sense and inexperience still doubted the fact that this little breeze could affect shooting an arrow in any way. "Of course! Even the littlest breeze on a flat pasture can affect shooting. Even in the most perfect conditions, a little wind can easily mess up trajectory and the direction of the arrow." Fenian said with a confident tone.

"Is that so...well, I trust you Fenian and I'll take this wind into account when I shoot from now on," Vergil said as he once again raised his bow and aimed it at the tree. Vergil calmed himself and his nerves as he adjusted his posture and prepared to shoot.

Taking Fenian's advice, Vergil felt the wind around him and made sure to shoot only when he felt that the wind had ceased completely. When that split second of no wind came, Vergil immediately released his bow and was surprised to see he was now only about 2 inches away from the bulls eye compared to his original 5 inches.

"Good job! Just keep at it and eventually you'll be able to hit that bullseye with ease." Fenian said as Vergil once again repeated the cycle of feeling the wind around him and steadying himself before shooting.

This went on for about an hour before Fenian finally said it was time to stop for the day. "So, Whatcha think? Am I a good teacher?" Fenian said as they made their way over to the shed where Fenian normally made his equipment.

"Yeah! Your advice helped me out today. Thanks for all the help Fenian!" Fenian replied with a nod as they continued towards the shed. Once there, Vergil finally asked Fenian why they were heading to the shed.

"Well, I'm here to show you the Purple Flash's body. You wanted to see it right?" Vergil suddenly remembered what Fenian had said earlier about showing him the Purple Flash and simply nodded at Fenian's question.

"Good, just follow me and make sure to not touch anything as everything here is still in the works." Vergil didn't respond and just followed Fenian as they made their way through the somewhat large shed.

Eventually, they got to a large table where the Purple Flash could be seen lying down on its stomach. Vergil didn't get a good chance to see the Purple Flash properly before but now that it was right in front of him; he became surprised since he had never seen a wolf with purple hair before.

"So this is what a variant is. I must look different from the original elf race if Fenian thought I was a variant." Vergil said to himself as he continued to eye the corpse. Finally, after examining the corpse for long enough, a question arose in Vergil's mind.

"What do you plan on doing with its corpse Vergil said as he looked towards Fenian." Vergil continued to stare at the corpse seemingly taking measurements before finally replying.

"I plan on making it into some kind of armor since this wolf hide is extremely tough compared to some of the other animals I've hunted," Fenian said as he continued taking measurements.

Vergil decided that while Fenian was doing his work, he would explore the shed and see what Fenian has made over time. He walked around a bit and just from some of the things he saw, Vergil could tell that Fenian was experienced in making armor and weapons.

Although he probably wasn't an expert, Fenian was probably extremely skilled at making things with forest animal parts. Vergil could see all sorts of equipment in Fenian's shed. From bows to swords, to knifed to, even gloves! There was a variety of different equipment all made from different animal material.

Vergil inspected a bit more before remembering something crucial. He checked his inventory and looked to see that he still had the horn dropped from the big wolf. The horn was extremely sturdy and Vergil judged that if Fenian used this to make some sort of equipment then it would be extremely strong.

Vergil made his way over to Fenian who was done taking measurements and writing down information with a makeshift "pencil and paper". "Fenian look what I have! I'm sure you could make some great equipment out of this."

Fenian looked up from his work and looked at the horn in Vergil's hands before a surprising look popped up on his face. "Wow! Where did you get that Vergil!" Fenian said as he made his way over to Vergil.

"Can I look at it for a bit to confirm some things?" Fenian said as he continued to stare at the horn like it was some kind of rare treasure. "Sure!" Vergil said as he handed the horn to Fenian.

Fenian looked at it for a bit before bringing over what seemed to be a magnifying glass and inspecting it with extreme curiosity. "No doubt about it," Fenian said as he put down the horn and magnifying glass. "This is a horn from the very rare creature known as a "Storm Wolf". Although it looks to be the horn from an adolescent and not a fully grown one...It's still extremely rare and would be worth a lot if sold."

Vergil not expecting this showed a surprising look. Although the wolf he had found at the wolf camp did seem a little out of place. He didn't expect it to be some extremely rare wolf.

"I could also make this into some kind of weapon since its an extremely hard and durable piece of material, I'm sure it'll do good as some kind of dagger or knife," Fenian said as he waited for Vergil's response.

Vergil thought for a bit before finally concluding, "I'd like to sell it. I mean, I already have an extremely strong and durable fire sword. I don't think I need any other weapon besides my sword at the moment."

"Alright, I'll contact some people from the nearby city and sell it in your name so you get the profit. If you happen to have anything else that's valuable, I can talk to some people and sell it for you if that's what you would like."

Vergil thought about the new information Fenian had brought to him and decided to tell him about the wolf camp with all the wolf corpses in it. "I do have some things left that are still valuable, although they're a little bit far away from this current area."

"Great! We'll go tomorrow to check it out you'd like." Fenian said as he started to put away the instruments he had used while inspecting the Purple Flash corpse and storm wolf horn.

Vergil waited on Fenian for a bit before he finished and they both made their way out of the shed and into his house. "Dinner will be served in a bit. In the meanwhile, why don't you check out the house to make yourself a little bit more comfortable with your surroundings?" Fenian said as he made his way towards the kitchen.

Vergil agreed with what Fenian said and looked around the house for a bit. He looked through all the rooms except the one that appeared to be Fenian's and after doing so determined that this small lodge was bigger than it looked.

There were a total of 4 rooms and 3 bathrooms, all of them clean with not a single bit of dust in them. There was also a basement but it appeared to be locked from the inside witch Vergil thought was a little bit strange but didn't mind as he made his way over to the living room where he waited on dinner to be served.

After a while, Fenian finally called for dinner and Vergil sat down where Vergil was served a simple meat stew. Vergil and Fenian conversed for a bit about different topics including their plans for tomorrow and such. Vergil eventually came to the topic of the house and asked Fenian about the basement. Fenian dodged the topic by mentioning that it was just a basement and quickly moving on, which Vergil found kind of out of place for someone as informative about his surroundings as Fenian.

Vergil also moved on from the topic after that though and decided not to mention it anymore as Fenian seemed kind of down whenever Vergil would mention the basement.

Once both of them were done, Fenian and Vergil both put their bowls in the sink and made their way out of the kitchen were Fenian said goodnight to Vergil and Vergil said the same thing.

Vergil made his way over to his room and put his warajis away as he laid down on his bed. Vergil was about to go into a deep slumber before crudely being interrupted by the system.


[Yo Vergil. Don't you think that guys kind of idk sketchy? I mean the whole thing about his basement seems kind of weird and the way he locked it from the inside out. I mean who knows what that guy could be hiding in there.]


Vergil, getting a little bit mad at what the system had said about his newfound friend, decided to ignore it and once again tried to sleep.


[Ignoring me now are we Vergil? Well, it's your choice. If you suddenly find yourself locked up in this guys basement, don't blame me.]


Vergil didn't hear the systems remark this time though, as he had already fallen into a deep slumber.


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