

"So, a character customization screen was it? Although that is within my power to give...why would you want to waste your wish on such a thing."

Vergil thought for a moment before replying with, "All the previous things you've granted me with your wishes, are usually things I'd see in a game. So, I concluded that the only suitable last wish would be some sort of character customization screen. As much as I would love to wish for some op skill or a massive increase in stats. I want to grow alongside this weapon and achieve things with my resolve. Also, you told me to not go over the top so this should be a perfect wish that is within your power."

The goddess once more just stared at the boy. In all the millions of years that she had been doing this constant cycle of reincarnating, she had never heard someone with such a resolve before. People would usually come to this afterworld wishing to go back to their previous lives, but couldn't because of certain rules set in place. Now before her stood a boy with a resolve that was almost too "heroic" in a sense.

The goddess lowered her head for a moment as if in deep contemplation, before finally making her remark. "I will grant you this wish but on one condition."

Vergil stared at her, resolve evident in his eyes. "Whatever it takes goddess, I won't back down from a challenge or punishment if necessary." Surprised by the sudden change in nature, the goddess spoke. "That's good Vergil but I'm happy to say that it won't be a punishment or a challenge, merely a request."

Vergil relieved that he wouldn't need to suffer some vile treatment to make his wish come true, Was now in a better mood and said. "Alright goddess what is your request, I'll do anything to make this wish become a reality."

The goddess shook her head because of the boy's naiveness and simply said. "All I wish for is the ability to monitor your journey as I please. You seem like a very interesting boy with a clear resolve and I want to see how you change the world that you are in for the better or for the worse."

Vergil thinking that this was too good to be true, nodded his head with vigor. "You may also be wondering why you received three wishes and why I, a goddess, is asking for permission to peer into the life of a mortal. Well believe it or not Vergil, you saved a lot of people in your previous life. Although you were an otaku and many would regard that as a useless human being, that is far from the truth when it comes to you."

Vergil, surprised at the jab made towards his previous hobby stated: "How exactly did I help people, goddess. As far as I'm aware I wasn't some sort of hero who would help every damsel in distress in my previous life, and I certainly wasn't heroic or strong enough to defend the weak." Taking his words into consideration the goddess continued.

"As an otaku, you played a massive amount of games, from MMORPGs to the very popular jrpgs. While playing those online games you would meet a variety of people. From the guy pretending to be a girl to the obvious troll who would try to get a reaction out of you, you always stayed neutral and calm. You would never give in to your emotions while playing online and would only type something if necessary. While looking at your past I saw that you had helped a variety of people online suffering from depression. You made their day by playing and interacting with them, you also gave them advice and encouraged them to follow their otaku dreams as you had done."

Vergil was surprised, although he did know that some of the people he had played with always seemed to be down in the dumps, he never realized that he was helping them relieve their depression by playing with them.

Although not wanting to cry in front of the goddess because it would be embarrassing. Vergil eventually gave in and started crying his heart out. He thought back to the past and all the people he had played with, all with different personalities and resolves. He also now started thinking about his friends and his family and even his girlfriend that he had left behind.

He hadn't thought about it before because of the overwhelming fact that he was getting to wish for anything he desired. But now, reality started flooding in and the fact that he was dead became evident.

"Goddess...why did I...I…" The goddess saw the sadness in his eyes and wanted to comfort him but from the looks of it what he needed now was not someone but himself.

"You seem like you need some alone time Vergil. I will grant your wish and bring you into a space with a UI where you can "customize" yourself. In this space only you will be there and only you will be able to overcome the sadness that is slowly overtaking you."

Vergil as if ignoring the goddesses claim, merely kept crying. He cried out the names of his family members, friends, and even the store clerks he had met while shopping for groceries.

"Whyyy...Why did this happen to me...Why was I so stupid…." The goddess just stared at him, pity in her eyes. Not wanting to see this sorry side of Vergil, she started chanting some more unknown words. Mere Moments later both Vergil and the Ultimate Weapon were teleported to another space, leaving only the goddess alone in that vast space.

"What a pitiful boy…I hope he finds people who care and love for him in that world. Otherwise...he might break."

Vergil seemingly unaware that he was teleported into a new space continued to cry his heart out for what seemed like hours. Eventually, he could cry no more as his tear reserves had dried up. When that happened, he realized that he was in a new area of sorts.

In front of him was a large UI with three tabs, [Race] [Job] [Appearance]. Although there were only three tabs, those three tabs had a multitude of subcategories. Heck, as Vergil was looking at the [T-Shirts] section in the [Appearance] category he was awestruck when he saw there where thousands upon thousands of things to choose from. Vergil was a little overwhelmed but he managed his resolve and decided to start with the [Appearance] section.

When thinking about what he should look like in his new life, Vergil immediately thought about the characters in the bleach series. To be more specific he thought about Ichigo, his slick piecey spikes and his iconic orange hair color were something that Vergil would never forget. Along with Ichigo's dominant facial features, he was, in fact, a very memorable character in the hearts anyone who had seen bleach.

As so, Vergil decided he would make himself look like a specific style of Ichigo. His Final Getsuga Tenshou version where had fused with his zanpakuto. In his previous life, Vergil had always wanted to be tall and handsome. Someone who people would look up to when they thought of a "good looking" person. Now, not only was Ichigo's Final Getsuga Tenshou version tall, but It also had a certain aura around it that screamed reliable. And as so, Vergil immediately started looking up the things he would need to make him look like that.

First, he went to the side and saw a variety of different sizes for his body from [Short] to [Very Tall]. Vergil decided to go with the latter and chose [Tall] since being [Very Tall] might cause some inconveniences. Next, he looked at the [Hair] section and looked up Ichigo Final Getsuga Tenshou hair. It was so specific that it might have not popped up if it was another UI but this UI contained basically "everything".

As soon as he looked it up Ichigo's Final Getsuga Tenshou hair popped up and he chose it. Next, Vergil looked at the [Hair Color] section. Vergil was about to pick orange but then he thought back to the goddess and how her beautiful white hair had struck a lasting impression on him. Vergil was reluctant at first as he wanted to look exactly like his idol but eventually decided against it as he wanted to remember the goddess that had helped him.

So, Vergil chose Very White for [Hair Color] and moved on to the facial features section. This section had multiple different features that he could change. It was so vast that he eventually Vergil concluded that if he wanted to he could rearrange every little cell on his face. Vergil took advantage of this and spent a few hours designing his facial features to match Ichigo's exactly.

He even included that seemingly bored expression of Ichigo's while he was in his Final Getsuga Tenshou form, as his main expression. Next, Vergil went to the [Clothes] section that had a limitless amount of things to choose from. He immediately made his decision and went to the [Robes] subsection. There, he looked up Ichigo Final Getsuga Tenshou robes and was greeted with a very snazzy set of robes.

The robes were primarily black with red on the inside and white outlining the edges. When Vergil went to feel his new set of clothes, he was greeted with a feeling of extreme comfort. "If this is what the robes felt like by simply touching it with my hands, imagine what the robes will feel like once I wear them!" Vergil thought to himself as he continued to touch the extremely high-quality robes.

Vergil also noticed that the robes had a tear in the right-hand section probably because that's where Ichigo's fused zanpakuto was. Moving on, Vergil chose a pair of waraji to wear. He knew that in Ichigo's Final Getsuga Tenshou, Ichigo didn't wear any sort of shoes or sandals, but he realized that it would be uncomfortable to walk around barefoot and decided to just wear the classic soul reaper sandals.

Finally, he chose some socks to make the material less uncomfortable and zoomed out to see his finished self. Vergil was awestruck, he looked exactly like Ichigo apart from his white hair.

----Author note: Think of Vergil as looking like this https://tinyurl.com/yxd683du with white hair, and wearing some of these https://tinyurl.com/y5lte6zc----

Vergil was astounded by the fact that he would now look like his idol and was about to just go into his new world to check what he would feel like inside his new body when he had suddenly remembered something.

He realized that he still had two tabs to put information into. Those two tabs where probably the most important and would decide his future. These two tabs where [Race] and [Job]. Vergil didn't hesitate and clicked on the [Race] section. Vergil was immediately greeted by thousands upon thousands of races to choose from.

From the basic [Human] race to things such as [Undead] and [Angel]. Vergil was kind of overwhelmed by all of the different options but eventually started reading some of the descriptions.



[Description: Trolls are said to be ugly beasts that roam in swamps looking for unsuspecting victims. They live in huts and are said to be very strong as their brute strength easily smashes rocks. If you decide to choose this job, you will be granted a massive boost in strength and endurance along with boosted stats while in a swamp.]

[Perks: Increase to stats while in a swamp, massive increase to strength and endurance.]

[Debuffs: kind of ugly, other stats besides strength and endurance are kind of low.]




[Description: The dwarfs are a relatively short humanoid species that reside in their little towns and cities. Dwarfs are said to be extremely skilled blacksmiths that can make use of any material. While they aren't blacksmithing though, they usually spend their money in the taverns on massive amounts of beer.

[Perks: blacksmith job 5x easier to acquire and use, natural resistance to beer debuffs]

[Debuffs: Short]


Some jobs provided a boost while giving a minor reduction in something, while other jobs gave straight up boosts or straight up reductions with no added benefit. Vergil looked through these races for a while before finally settling on one that piqued his interest.



[Description: Regarded as one of the best looking races, The elves specialize in magic and are said to live in the forest harnessing the natural energy to boost their stats. Common features of the elves include their long ears and that over 97% of them are blonde usually with green or blue eyes.]

[Perks: Increase to stats while in a forest, Magic stats increased.]


Vergil had come to this conclusion from a variety of factors. Such as the fact that the race provided a boost to the magic stat, and a boost to overall stats while in a forest. These two boosts were necessary for what Vergil was trying to do. Since he would most likely use a lot of magic because his weapons would most likely be regarded as "magical" items in his new world.

Not only were they extremely powerful, but Vergil also suspected that using their powers would come with the heavy cost of a large amount of magic. The boost to stats while in a forest was also needed since Vergil planned to camp out in the forest for a while to get used to his newfound powers. Vergil realized that if he simply went into a town without a plan and met with some dangerous people, He would most likely die.

So, to prepare himself, he planned to camp out and the boost to his stats would be of great help while practicing his power. If the [Elf] race had any downsides Vergil would probably have to say that it's the fact that his ears would become [Elf] ears. Although he wasn't too worried about that as he was sure the system had plenty of skills to override the ears such as a [Transformation] skill.

After identifying the [Elf] class a bit more he finally chose it and when he went back to see his appearance, he realized his ears had become [Elf] ears. Finally, Vergil moved on to the [Job] tab. In this tab, he was once more greeted with thousands of jobs to choose from. He saw many jobs such as [Undead Mage] which required you to be the [Undead] race to unlock. He also saw some weird jobs such as [Plumber] and [Soccer Player]. Vergil merely glanced at the jobs before he encountered a very basic job that caught his eye.



[Description: People who use various sorts of melee weapons such as swords to fight their foes. They are said to be tough and won't back down in the face of danger. After evolving this job, you can choose from a variety of subclasses including but not limited to [Magic Swordsman] or [Berserker]

[Perks: Increase in strength stat while wielding a melee weapon, Pain reduction]


The warrior class, with its increase to the strength stat, while wielding a melee weapon, was almost too perfect for Vergil who was going to be using a variety of melee weapons in the future. Not only that, but the fact that it could evolve into [Magic Swordsman] was a very intriguing thing and Vergil suspected that it would propel his power into unimaginable levels. So, without hesitation, Vergil picked the [Warrior class] and was greeted with a message.


[Congrats on making your character! I will be joining you from now on Vergil, I am known as the system but you can call me mentor]


Vergil surprised by the sudden message and the almost condescending tone of the system, simply closed the message and went over to the [Finish] tab that had popped up after picking his [Job]. In the [Finish] tab, Vergil saw a warning message that simply stated: [Warning! After clicking -Finish- you will not be able to change ANYTHING. Make sure everything is according to your tastes and click the -Finish- button to be brought into your new world!]

Vergil glanced at the other tabs for a bit making sure everything was in order before finally clicking -Finish-. As soon as he did, he was warped almost instantaneously. He opened his eyes to see a new unfamiliar environment and some noticeable changes. Not only did he feel a lot taller but he also felt a lot more powerful. He couldn't describe the feeling well but he knew it was there. Before Vergil could investigate any further though, he sensed a presence and turned around to see not two, not three, but four wolves looking at him with fierce eyes.

----End (Hope you guys enjoyed! As always feedback would be nice!)

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