

Vergil awoke to the feeling of cold sweat all over his body, which he thought was ironic considering how he had just been burnt to a crisp by an inferno. Noticing how he had been laying on the ground the whole time, Vergil got up and quickly dusted off his clothes.

Once that was done, Vergil started thinking about what the entity had said. "If he somehow wants to me to be able to endure the raging flames...then it'll be a while before I go back in that world." Vergil knew that he was currently extremely weak. If he hadn't come up with a plan at that time while facing the wolves, he would have most likely died.

Putting those thoughts aside, for now, Vergil started making his way over to the wolf fur, that was still dirty with blood. He picked up the fur inspecting it once more, before putting it over his back. Although Vergil didn't have the [Minimap] function at the time, that still didn't mean he couldn't just look for a pond or river.

Memorizing his current area for a bit, Vergil started walking aimlessly as he looked for a source of water. Along the way, Vergil saw many of the animals he had seen in his previous world. From hummingbirds to the occasional raccoon, It almost felt as if Vergil was back in his original world. Eventually, Vergil arrived at a small lake stream that was around 2 miles or so away from his original area.

Vergil first began by dipping the wolf fur into the stream. Watching the blood flow downstream, Vergil was once more reminded of the battle he had just recently had with the wolves. He realized that to get stronger he needed to fight stronger foes, and he couldn't do that if he wasn't strong himself.

Once Vergil was done cleaning the wolf fur in the stream, he began to wash himself. He didn't take off his robes as he thought it would be more convenient to just wash himself and his robes at the same time. Once Vergil was done cleaning himself and his robes, he got up from the stream, putting the wolf fur over his back once more.

Vergil began walking back to his original point, admiring the beauty of the nature around him. As he was walking though, Vergil remembered he had forgotten something very important, his Ryujin Jakka! Vergil became distressed, right now Ryujin Jakka was the only thing he could use to defend himself with. What if a bear or another packs of wolves suddenly attack him?

He was clouded with these thoughts before he came to a realization. He realized that the Ryujin Jakka, or [The Ultimate Weapon], actually had a special function. If the user wills so, the weapon will automatically arrive at the user's current area. Vergil had disregarded this function earlier, as he was certain that he would never lose his weapon.

Now that Vergil thought about it though, he knew that never losing the weapon wasn't a possibility, with how clouded his mind could sometimes become. Vergil inwardly shook his head and steadied his mind. He was going to do what he had done when he had activated his [Meditate] skill. He would first steady his mind then "imagine" himself using the skill. In his current case, Vergil imagined his current weapon and imagined it "floating" to him at high speeds.

A couple of seconds went by and Vergil started to doubt himself before he stopped the process though, he heard multiple trees shattering. Vergil was somewhat terrified as his imagination ran wild with thoughts varying, from a man devouring beast, to a pack of bloodthirsty wolves looking for revenge. Vergil immediately opened his eyes as the sound got closer. He was about to start turning tail but before he could, he saw a familiar figure.

It was Ryujin Jakka! It was coming towards Vergil at high speeds, seemingly being stopped by nothing. Vergil, terrified that it would hit him at those high speeds, knelt down. He waited for a while before opening his eyes again. In front of him lay Ryujin Jakka. Vergil was surprised at the staff's durability, even though it had hit multiple trees at high speeds, Vergil could not find a single scratch on it!

Vergil picked up Ryujin Jakka and silently thanked the goddess for such a great weapon. Now equipped with his magnificent weapon, Vergil continued making his way over to the spot where the other wolf corpses where located. Eventually, after a few minutes, Vergil returned safe and sound, the smell of blood greeting him like a loyal servant.

Vergil put down the wolf fur, being careful not to dirty it after just washing it. He took a quick look at the organs that he had removed from the wolf before concluding. He concluded that he needed to buy some kind of bag from the system. Although he could use the wolf fur as a bag, Vergil didn't want to as it had more use becoming armor for him.

He opened the system, went to the [Store] tab, and looked up [Bag]. A multitude of things came up from a bag called [Bag Of Desires] to more basic things such as a bag with a drawing of a panda on it. Vergil at this point noticed he needed to be a lot more specific when it came to the system. Deleting his previous search entry, Vergil put in [Big Backpack used for storage of miscellaneous items] this time around.

He noticed that there were still a lot of search results, albeit a lot less than previously. He looked around for a bit before he came across a decently sized backpack that cost around 5 SP. The backpack was named [Basic Black Backpack], living up to its name as it had a very basic design with some black plastered on it.

Vergil although a little reluctant to waste his currently precious SP, still decided to buy the backpack as he needed someplace to store his items. As soon as Vergil pressed [Buy], the system store closed and before him a black backpack seemingly appeared out of nowhere. Blinking for a bit as he had never seen anything like that before, Vergil took the backpack and started storing the miscellaneous organs into it.

Vergil didn't sort the organs in any sort of way and just kind of dumped them into the backpack. Once he was done, Vergil grabbed some nearby leaves and wiped his hand off with them. Vergil then got up and started making his way over to the other wolves, as he commenced his once more meticulous process of dissecting them. Although Vergil still took a lot of time, it had taken him substantially less time, as his increased dexterity clearly showed off its use.

Once done with all the wolves, Vergil packed all the organs into his backpack, saving some for food as he had yet to eat and it was beginning to turn dark. Once done, he put the backpack on his back and began wandering again, in search of a new place to call home.

Vergil wasn't sure what would make a good home in the forest though but imagined something like a cave would do for now. He walked around for a while before he came across a cave. Holding Ryujin Jakka just below his waist, Vergil made his way over to the cave. Investigating his new surroundings for a bit, Vergil became surprised as he realized there were not current occupants.

Vergil thinking of this as a stroke of good luck, sat down putting his backpack away to the side. He sat down for a while. looking at the empty cave wall, with no particular thing coming to mind. Vergil, as if succumbing to fatigue, immediately fell onto the cold and hard ground. If anyone were to see Vergil right now, they would probably regard him as some kind of monk that had achieved nirvana.

The next day, Vergil awoke to the feeling of the cold ground smothering his ear. Vergil quickly got up, and comfortably stretched himself. Although the ground was cold and hard, Vergil didn't mind as he had slept so peacefully, that not even the strange sounds of nature could awaken him.

Vergil, as if following some sort of routine, made his way over to the outside of the cave, seemingly looking for something. He looked around for a while before coming to a realization, "Oh right, I don't have a sink or a bathroom. At least not anymore…" A single tear rolled down his emotionless face before he wiped it off and made his way back into the cave.

He first picked up his backpack and then proceeded to pick up Ryujin Jakka, before being greeted with a system notification.


[New Mission!]

[Will of the Weak!

Achieve level 10 and use meditate to awaken Ryujin Jakka's zanpakuto form.]

Rewards: A zanpakuto! 300 SP!


[New Mission!]


Find the wolves hideout and kill their leader.]

Rewards:500 SP! ??? EXP!


[New Mission!]

[The journey begins!

Kill 30 enemies with a bow, and 50 enemies with a gun!]

Rewards: New Ultimate Weapon Form! New skill [Spiritual Pressure!]


----An: The amount of EXP he has before his next level up will remain a hidden stat for right now."-----

Vergil was astonished at the fact that he had gotten three new missions, but was also pleased as it meant he could grow stronger. Once he read the missions, Vergil became determined. Determined to complete them as they held great rewards such as Ryujin Jakka's zanpakuto form, and the new Ultimate Weapon Form.

After reading over them a bit more, Vergil came up with a plan. He would use a bow to kill the enemies in the wolf camp. Not only would he be killing two birds with one stone, but Vergil also suspected that his new Weapon Form was most likely ranged as seen by the requirements and it would be good to get some practice in before acquiring it.

There was one problem with Vergil's plan though. His right arm was currently injured, and even if he wanted to, he couldn't muster the strength to use it. Although Vergil knew there would be some kind of item that could fix it, he realized it would be expensive and he needed to save some SP for the bow and the arrows.

Vergil also realized that even if he did buy the bow and arrow, how would he use it if he had a broken right arm. Even though Vergil had seen many experts in his previous life who could shoot bows with their feet, Vergil was no such expert and had never even used a bow. Before overthinking things even more though, his stomach grumbled.

Vergil had realized he had skipped dinner yesterday, as he had fallen asleep very abruptly. Vergil decided to put his thoughts to the side and began making a fire. It was a makeshift fire, as Vergil had none of the modern-day tools that could easily light a fire in seconds.

He took some of the more "nutritious" organs and put them over the fire. As he was waiting for the organs to cook up, Vergil took Ryujin Jakka before staring at it as if making a decision. Sometime later, Vergil took Ryujin Jakka and put it directly over the fire, not caring that he was currently putting wood over the fire, Vergil resounded some words within his mind before saying them aloud. "To a new beginning!" He solemnly said as the cave resounded his voice throughout its depths.

----End! (As always feedback would be nice!)----

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