

"Fenian! Are you alright?" Vergil said as he picked up Fenian who seemed like he could barely move. "No...I think...I think my ribs broke from the force of the grasp." Fenian said as he touched around his chest.

Vergil, at this time, regretted not having enough SP more than ever. If he had enough SP, then he could have bought some kind of ointment for Fenian's current condition. Vergil blamed this situation on himself and started to apologize to Fenian. "I'm sorry Fenian. I'm so sorry. If only I had enough...if only."

Fenian felt around his wounds for a bit and said, "Don't blame yourself, Vergil. It was my fault for getting caught out by the wolves."

"I know that it's just that...I could have saved you." Vergil said looking down as he spoke.

"What...what do you mean by that Vergil? As far as I know, you can't run like lightning and you definitely can't break rocks with one punch, so how exactly could you of saved me?"

"Well, if I were to tell you the truth then...I could have saved you because I have a sys---" before Vergil could even finish what he was about to say however, he suddenly felt extremely sick and puked on the ground.

"Vergil! What happened to you? Are you alright? Did the jerky I give you this morning affect you?" Fenian said as he was currently more worried about Vergil than himself.

Vergil didn't say anything as he puked out whatever contents were in his stomach.

Once Vergil was done puking out his dinner and breakfast he said, "Yeah, I'm fine Fenian. I'm not sure why but, I suddenly felt sick out of nowhere." Fenian looked at Vergil who was kind of pale and said, "Maybe we should hurry to the house, both our conditions look terrible."

"Yeah, you're right Fenian. We better get home soon or else you might bleed out." Vergil said this and then proceeded to pick Fenian up "Princess carry" style. Vergil then made his way over to his bag where he and put Ryujin Jakka in it.

"Hey, Fenian?" Vergil said as he put the backpack on his back. "Yes, Vergil?" "What are we going to do about the storm wolf and that variant wolf? Do you want me to put some of their parts in my bag? I still have some space left." Vergil said as he looked around the camp.

"No, it's alright Vergil. Our main priority right now should be to get home safe and get us both checked out since it seems we both suffered from the fight against the wolves." Fenian said as he became paler and paler by the second.

Vergil noticing this, immediately became frantic and headed for the way out of the wolf camp before remembering something. "Oh yeah! Almost forgot my explosive arrows." Vergil said to himself as he went over to pick them up.

He made sure Fenian wasn't looking and put them inside his inventory. Vergil also saw his bow nearby and put it inside his inventory. "Alright Fenian, we're all set to go!" Vergil said as he made sure Fenian was still conscious.

"Yeah....let's...hurry up…Vergil...I don't feel so well...right now." Vergil realized that Fenian's condition was getting worse and worse so he spared no time and immediately rushed out of the wolf camp, leaving behind corpses upon corpses of wolves.

Vergil raced through the forest ignoring everything and anything as his only priority right now was saving Fenian. "Hang in there Fenian! I'm sure that with this speed I'll arrive in the next two hours or so!"

Fenian didn't say anything and this worried Vergil even more as he once again increased his pace. Vergil ran at top speed and eventually got to the lodge. He immediately looked for Fenian's key and unlocked the door.

Making his way inside, Vergil looked for Fenian's room and place him on the bed. He then looked around Fenian's room for any medicine but only found a strange red liquid encased in a flask.

"Fenian! Fenian is this the medicine you were talking about?" Fenian didn't reply and that only made Vergil even more distressed as he thought about giving Fenian this weird liquid or not.

"Although I don't know what this is exactly...it does remind me of a health potion I would normally see in video games," Vergil said to himself as he looked over Fenian. "Well, whatever it is I can't waste any more time. Its either I give Fenian this or I give him nothing and he dies. I have to take the risk!"

Vergil calming his resolve, finally decided on giving Fenian the weird red liquid. He opened Fenian's mouth and put the liquid into his mouth as Fenian reflectively gulped down on it.

"Come on! Come on! This better work or else...my only friend in this world will die." Vergil realized that if Fenian died he would be alone once more and he didn't want that. As if cheering for the liquid, Vergil continued to shout out for Fenian to make sure he was okay.

Fenian didn't respond but Vergil didn't give up as he continued to watch over Fenian. After what seemed to be the longest 15 minutes of Vergil's life, Fenian finally showed signs of getting better.

His skin no longer had a sick look to it but was now back to its original "fresh" color. Vergil also checked Fenian's wounds on his legs and found out that they had been completely healed almost by some sort of magic it seemed.

Vergil after making sure that Fenian was fully okay, sighed a sigh of relief and lay back on a nearby chair. Vergil, being the imaginative type, started thinking about various things. He thought about what would've happened if Fenian did die and he also thought about the fact that he needed to get stronger.

He needed to get stronger to protect the people he cared about. This world was dangerous and Vergil knew this because he had lived in it for a long time. "Who knows what else I'll have to deal with when I get into the city. I might even get killed if I'm not careful!"

Vergil thought and thought but eventually put those thoughts aside as he checked the system notifications he had gotten earlier. Vergil wasn't able to check them before as he had been too concentrated on getting Fenian to a save spot. Now that Fenian was saved, however, Vergil could finally check them out and see what the system had been bugging him about.

[Congratulations! You have killed 30/30 enemies with a bow and have completed the first part of the mission [The Adventure Begins!]

[Congratulations! You have killed 30 enemies with a bow and [Guns] will now be unlockable for you in the store!]

[Congratulations on killing [psychic wolf]. You have received 100 SP for your efforts.]

[Level up:11]

[Level up:12]

[Level up:13]

Vergil looked at the system notifications and was surprised. Although Vergil had never looked at any guns from the store, he didn't think that he'd need to unlock them by killing enemies with a bow.

"Guess I killed two birds with one stone didn't I?

[Yes, you certainly did Vergil. Also, do be aware of the fact that certain items from the store are locked, and require certain conditions to be met before you're able to unlock them.]

"Some items are locked? Guess that would explain why when I looked through the store some items had a locked image over them." Vergil said as he looked at what else the system had given him.

"100 SP? Dang, that could have been useful earlier but I'm sure the system probably gave me that amount of SP late on purpose. The system probably did that so I'd be forced to find another way to heal Fenian without relying on it."

Vergil once again inwardly cursed the system and then began to look for [Gun] in the store. A lot of results popped up but eventually, Vergil found a basic revolver with ammo for 300 SP.

"300 SP? Guess I'll have to save up for a while before I can buy my next "mission" item," Vergil said as he closed the store and made his way over to the stats page where he could relocate his newfound points.

Vergil looked at the stats page for a while before finally deciding on where he should relocate his points. He decided that he needed to be more agile to catch up to people faster. He also needed more magic since currently, he could only go into his Shikai form for about 2 minutes before getting magic overconsumption.

After allocating his stats points, his new stats looked something like this.





Skills:[Meditate],[Devastating Slash]


Magic:37 while in forest -> 42

Strength:29 while wielding Ryujin Jakka -> 32 and while in a forest -> 37

Agility:25 while in forest -> 30

Endurance:20 while in forest -> 25

Dex:19 while in forest -> 24

Available points:0

Current skill points:3

Current SP:101

All stats increased by 5 while in a forest.

Vergil had received 9 stat points and allocated 5 to agility and 4 to magic, making it his now highest stat. While on the stats page, Vergil also found out that he had 3 stat points. Although 3 stat points would have been a lot before, right now he needed at least 10 skill points for one of the basic [Zanjutsu] skills.

Vergil messed around with the system for a bit more before closing it and deciding to call it a day. He checked up on Fenian and made sure he was ok before he sat down on a chair next to him and fell into a deep slumber.

Vergil awoke the next day to the sound of something moving around. He stretched himself for a bit and noticed that the "thing" moving around was Fenian getting out of bed.

"Feeling better now Fenian," Vergil said as he looked towards Fenian trying to analyze for anything that may still be broken or wrong. "Yeah, I'm alright now after you gave me that "medicine". My previously broken ribs now feel brand new and all the wounds I previously had are now completely gone."

Vergil showed a rare smile on his normally expressionless face and said, "Good, I was beginning to think that you might die overnight and I began to think about what it would be like with my only friend gone."

Fenian simply nodded and said, "I'm glad you think of me as a friend Vergil. Over these past few days, I've also begun to thank for you as more than just a guest. To me, you're also one of the first true friends that I've had. I hope that from now on we can continue to be friends and work together on various missions like the one at the wolf camp."

"Yeah, me too Fenian, me too." Fenian then got up from his bed and made his way outside, seemingly to prepare breakfast. Vergil simply stayed on the chair for a while, looking into nothingness.

"I guess I've finally found someone I can rely on in this world. I'm glad." Vergil said as he got up from the chair. Vergil had been laying down on his backpack the whole night since he had completely forgotten about it due to Fenian.

Due to this, Vergil's back ached quite a bit so he did some more exercises before he felt a little bit more comfortable. While doing back exercises, a new system notification popped up.

[Fenian Barlan's relationship has gone from [Acquaintance] to [Friend]

Vergil, feeling happy about this, finished his back exercises and made his way out into the kitchen, where Fenian was making breakfast.


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