

The wolves were known as [Red Eyed Wolves] in this world. They are vicious beings that patrol the forests in groups for prey. Luckily enough, Vergil was only facing a small group of 4 that where looking for food to deliver to their main group. Vergil stared at the wolves for a solid minute before anything happened. The wolves were aware that Vergil was decently strong and didn't want to make the first move.

Eventually, though, the wolves realized Vergil wasn't going to do anything and pounced at him. Their sharp claws strong enough to tear any human flesh with a mere swipe, and their sharp teeth that could tear through even steel, were made visible to Vergil. Vergil started freaking out, he hadn't even had the chance to check out the system before these wolves attacked him.

Vergil looked around only to find that his Ryujin Jakka was on the ground a few meters away. He wasn't fast or strong enough to stop the wolves while he reached for Ryujin Jakka. Luckily though, thanks in part to his previous encounters with wolves while playing games in his previous life. He came up with the idea to just take the hit from one of the pouncing wolves and use him as a semi-shield. So, Vergil did just that and took a hit from one of the wolves, who planted his teeth deep inside his right arm.

"AAGHHH," Vergil screamed as loud as he could, as the Wolf's teeth stuck onto him like a clamp. It was so painful, that for a split second he forgot what his plan was. Vergil somehow managed to compose himself though, as he swatted away the pouncing wolves with the wolf currently on his arm.

Immediately after all the wolves were swatted away, Vergil ran for it and reached out to grab Ryujin Jakka. All the while the wolf on his arm continued to bite down harder, as Vergil felt like his right arm would soon become unusable. He grabbed Ryujin Jakka and with all the force in his body, smacked the wolf on his arm straight on the head.

The wolf fell releasing its clamp from Vergil's arm, fell to the ground not even realizing what had happened, as its brain was turned into mush. The crimson red blood flowed out from Vergil's arm almost like a waterfall. If Vergil didn't end this fight quickly, he would most likely end up dying from blood loss.

So, instead of lazing around, Vergil immediately turned his attention to the wolves who were once again staring him down. The wolves realizing that their comrade had died, turned on some kind of switch in their brain that made them extra cautious of the enemy in front of them.

The wolves slowly made their way towards Vergil, They were planning to surround him from all sides, using numbers to their advantage. Vergil seeing their intent tried to move away slowly but every time he did, the wolves would only increase their pace. Realizing this, Vergil immediately made a run for it, somehow hoping that the wolves would stop chasing him or get bored of him. The wolves not wasting any time used their massive agility to their advantage and chased after Vergil.

Vergil was in a panic, he didn't know where to go, or how to stop these wolves. Vergil had a feeling that his blood, flowing down from his limp right arm, would also attract any nearby predators, causing them to join in on the chase as well. When all hope seemed lost though, Vergil remembered about the system and how it had a store. If the store had any sort of medicine or ointment to cure the wound, he would most likely be able to stop bleeding and possibly fight the wolves.

Vergil immediately opened the store before being greeted by another message from the official system.


[It's a shame that your in this situation Vergil. As your official mentor and your only "friend", I'm willing to make a deal with you. So, how bout it?]


Vergil, once again perplexed by the condescending tone of the system, had no other option in this matter and any help he could get was wanted. "I...Accept your deal, Mentor." Vergil, remembering what the system had said earlier about calling them Mentor, was in no shape or form to deny the deal.


[That's good Vergil, I'm glad we could compromise. So, my deal is I'll give you just enough points to buy some pain killers and rubbable antibiotics, but you must pay me back in full ASAP or...you die. I'll even do you the favor of making it a mission, so you're constantly reminded of the debt you owe me.]


Y OR N ]


Vergil immediately became aware of the nature of this system. It was ruthless, It didn't wish for its owner to die but it still managed to make things difficult for the owner. Not really caring about paying back the debt right now and only focusing on the pain in his right arm, Vergil pressed yes.


[Congrats! You have been given 10 SP by SYSTEM.]

[New mission: Payback the 10 SP the SYSTEM has given you.]

Rewards: You don't die

Penalty: You do die

Time limit:72:00:00


Vergil, ignoring the mission, immediately bought what the system had recommended from the store and gulped down the painkillers while rubbing the ointment on his arm.

The painkillers would take some time to kick in so in the meanwhile Vergil was still trying to endure the pain coming from his right arm. Vergil looked behind him only to see the wolves chasing him, slowly catching up to him by the second. If he didn't fight now, he was thinking that the penalty from the system would come early.

Vergil came to a sudden stop, surprising the wolves who immediately stopped in their tracks. Vergil calmed himself a bit and then proceeded to slowly turn around. What he saw was 3 wolves with bloodshot eyes, Murderous intent oozing out of them. Vergil was terrified as the situation had now become more clear. He had a broken, unusable right arm that was constantly breathing out pain. The painkillers he had taken wouldn't take effect for a couple more minutes, so in Vergil's eyes, they were useless in this situation.

With no SP to buy a bow, a gun or anything that might help him somewhat. The only idea that Vergil could come up with to get out of this situation, was to take the wolves by surprise. Vergil took a deep breath before charging to the nearest wolf he could get to. Surprised by the sudden attack, Vergil managed to impale the Wolf straight in its heart.

The wolf was instantly killed, taking advantage of the fact that Vergil was currently unable to defend himself though, the wolves charged at him. One of the wolves managed to lodge himself into his side and the other recognizing that he was an Elf, bit straight into his ear.

"AGHHHHHH" Vergil cried out once more. If it wasn't for the fact that he had adrenaline pumping through him, he would have probably passed out on the spot. The fact that one of the wolves had bitten his side didn't bother Vergil. What caused him immense pain though, was the fact that one of the wolves had bitten into his Elf ears.

For elves, their ears were one of the most sensitive areas on their whole body. Even a mere scratch or light cut would cause immense pain. Vergil stood there for a while, trying to keep himself awake, as all he wanted to do now was take a long nap.

Unfortunately, Vergil could not bear the pain any longer, as he fell face-first into the cold hard ground. The wolves realizing their prey had finally lost the battle, let go of their clamp-like grips. As soon as they did that though, Vergil immediately threw the wolf corpse that had stuck to Ryujin Jakka at one of the wolves. The wolf was thrown several meters before hitting a tree. Vergil knew that if he pretended to be dead, then the wolves would most likely release their grip on him to analyze their new caught prey.

Vergil, using the help of his staff to get up, slowly made his way over to the last wolf. The wolf oozing out even more murderous intent than before immediately charged at Vergil. Vergil blocked the clamp-like grip of the wolf with his Ryujin Jakka and proceeded to headbutt the wolf while it was stuck on the staff. The wolf was knocked out, and fell on the ground like a puppet that had lost its strings.

Vergil, not caring for the fact that blood was slowly oozing out his head due to the headbutt, Struck the wolf directly in its eyes with the pointy part of his staff, hitting the wolf's brain in the process. Vergil stood there for a while, using Ryujin Jakka as support to keep himself upright, before dislodging Ryujin Jakka and making his way over to the tree where the wolf had been thrown to.

The impact that the wolf had received when he was knocked into the tree was so great, that his spine had been broken. Not being able to move, the wolf simply stood there waiting for its comrade to finish the human off. The wolf stood there for a while before he heard slow rustling noises, hoping that it was his comrade, the wolf began to howl. It howled for various reasons such as the fact that they had been successful in killing off an enemy, and the fact that they would be able to bring back food to their leader.

Not knowing its impending doom though, the wolf continued to howl louder and louder as the footsteps got closer and closer. Eventually, the footsteps came to a sudden stop, and the wolf was made clear as to who had won the battle. "You sure like to howl a lot, don't you. Let's hope you don't howl this much in your next life."

Vergil slowly removed the wolf corpse that the wolf was stuck under. The wolf realizing it was going to die, made one last attempt to bite the human's arm before Its skull was destroyed, as Ryujin Jakka impaled the wolf. Vergil finally managing to kill off all of his attackers, smiled before falling onto his back. Before he could fall asleep though some system messages decided to pop up.


[Congrats! You have killed 4 [Red Eyed Wolves]. As a reward for overcoming your limits, you will be leveled up to level 4 and will be granted 30 SP.]

[Congrats! level increased to 2!]

[Congrats! level increased to 3!]

[Congrats! level increased to 4!]

[Congrats! 30 SP awarded!]


"Tch, so you decide to level me up now. My system is a bastard…" Vergil said those last few words before falling into a deep slumber.

----END (As always feedback is most appreciated!)

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