
Ambush at the wolf camp

"Wait up Fenian" Vergil said as he tried to catch up to Fenian. Fenian stood in place with his arms crossed and waited for Vergil who was running towards him. Vergil saw this and quickened his pace as he didn't want to make Fenian wait that long.

Vergil finally caught up to Fenian but had to his lay down for a bit as he had run out of breath while running. "Try...try not to go...so far or...I might not be able to catch up to you." Vergil said as he caught his breath.

"Yeah yeah, whatever you say, slowpoke. Just go at a steady pace and keeping up with me shouldn't be a problem. Also, you won't need to be worried about catching up to me since you'll be leading the way this time around, remember?"

Vergil caught his breath got up and said, "Yeah, I remember. From the looks of it, we'll probably arrive at around afternoon due to that little incident you had with the bears." Vergil made his way towards the original training area with Fenian following from behind.

Once there, Vergil once again analyzed the surroundings and determined the direction in which the both of them would need to go. "It's this way," Vergil said as he pointed northwest in the direction of some trees.

Fenian didn't say anything and simply went in that direction, stopping only a little bit away from a relatively large tree. "Well, what are you waiting for Vergil? We don't want to get there at midnight now do we?"

Vergil simply nodded and made his way through the trees and shrubs with Fenian following him. Along the way to the wolf camp, Fenian and Vergil made some small talk about their surroundings and their destination.

Vergil had told Fenian along the way that he had taken out the wolf camp all by himself and that he had even defeated the storm wolf with a skill called [Devastating Slash]. At first, Fenian said he had never heard of such a technique but later decided that it must have been a subversion of the powerful skill used by a famous adventurer of the city known as [Devastating Smash].

At one point along the way to the wolf camp, Fenian had asked about Vergil's fire sword. Vergil didn't respond at first since he was worried that revealing the secret would be dangerous for him, even if he said it to someone such as Fenian. In the end, Vergil just told Fenian that it was a sword handed down to him from previous family generations.

Fenian seemed to believe Vergil but the topic of family brought even more questions. Vergil tried answering them all without revealing too much as he and Fenian made their way towards their destination.

Finally arriving at the wolf camp in the afternoon, Vergil seemed more tired than excited as he had to come up with just the right answers so that Fenian wouldn't get suspicious of him. Fenian, however, didn't seem to notice how tired Vergil was on the inside and simply made his way into the camp.

Once Fenian stepped into the camp, he smelled a somewhat rotten smell as he neared the center where he could see a large pile of what seemed to be wolves. Fenian surprised at this bizarre tower of animals, simply stared at it with a complicated look. Fenian then turned around to where Vergil was and said, "You made this? It's quite bizarre I guess you could say."

Vergil, not wanting Fenian to think of him as a weirdo simply said, "I just thought it would be more convenient for me if all the wolves were in one spot rather than scattered throughout the camp."

Fenian simply replied with an "Aha" as he once again turned around to look at the wolf pyramid. "These wolves are cool and all, but where is the storm wolf?" Fenian said as he got closer to the pile and began looking for any signs of blue fur.

"It's in the pile, all I did was chop up the parts into separate pieces since the wolf was too heavy for me to carry around all in one piece," Vergil said as he also joined Fenian in looking for the parts.

After looking for a bit, Vergil and Fenian finally found all the pieces that belonged to the storm wolf. They were hard to find since the original blue color of the wolf fur had been tainted a now murky red due to the blood of the other wolves.

"So this is what a storm wolf looks like, or at least what remains of it," Fenian said as he picked up each piece to take a look at it. Vergil while watching Fenian suddenly got the urge to use the bathroom and said, "While you do that I'm going to take care of business. I won't go too far away from the camp so if something pops up just call me over."

Fenian simply nodded as he was to engrossed in examining the storm wolves body parts. Vergil made his way over to a tree not so far away from the camp and did what he needed to do. Once done, he made his way over to the camp where Fenian was and prepared to help Fenian with anything he needed.

Before Vergil could get very far into the camp however, he sensed a presence. Not just one presence, but multiple all heading towards the camp. Vergil wouldn't have been able to notice this before but due to him being an elf who also had the [Hunter] job, his instincts and senses had grown by a marginal amount.

Vergil not wanting to waste any time, rushed over to Fenian as he prepared to tell him the worst. When Vergil got the center of the wolf camp, Fenian was still working on investigating the storm wolf, almost oblivious to what was about to happen. "Fenian! Did you sense that? There seem to be multiple animals or things coming our way." Vergil shouted to get Fenian's attention.

Fenian didn't seem all that distressed by Vergil's message though as he simply got up and dusted himself off a bit. "Yeah, I noticed. Don't worry though, whatever it may be we should be fine." Fenian said as he started took off his bag and sorted through it.

After a while, Fenian got out a bow and handed it to Vergil. "Let's see if that target practice you did yesterday will be put to good use today," Fenian said as he got out a hunters knife from his bag.

Vergil took the bow and got out some arrows from his inventory making sure to make it look like he had gotten them from his bag. Although Vergil could use Ryujin Jakka and just burn the enemy into nonexistence, he wanted to complete his [The Adventure Begins!] mission, since he currently had 0/30 enemies killed on the bow.

Once everything was prepared, both Fenian and Vergil stood still as they tried to predict where the enemy was coming from. Vergil got a little tense since this seemed to be a large group of fast enemies making their way towards the camp.

After what seemed like an eternity of waiting, the enemy finally came into view south of the camp. It was a large group of almost 50 wolves that had made their way into the camp. They were all grouped with what seemed to be their leader at the front.

Their leader was an orange-colored wolf variant with purple eyes that exceeded dominance from its somewhat large build. As soon as the variant wolf spotted Vergil and Fenian, he stood still. As if following his every move, the wolves behind him also all stood still and stared at the enemy in front of them.

Vergil had seen how wolves would often use teamwork and leadership to take down enemies but never had he seen such a coordinated group of them before. It was almost like the wolves were a hive mind, all being controlled by the single variant.

The wolf variant and his group continued to stare down Vergil and Fenian before the wolves finally made their move. The variant wolf made some sort of gesture with his head to the wolves behind him and as if following some sort of signal, all the wolves behind him suddenly charged at Vergil and Fenian.

Fenian already expecting this, simply adjusted his stance as he got his knife, getting ready for the bloodshed that was about to occur. Vergil also did the same thing as he readied an arrow and prepared to take down one of the wolves in one hit.

Once the wolves got close, Vergil let out a nice straight arrow and managed to hit one of the wolves straight in the head, killing it instantly. "One down, forty-nine more to go," Fenian said as he charged at the wolves in front of him.

Vergil had expected Fenian to immediately be overwhelmed by the wolves but he was instead dodging all of the wolves attacks almost as if he couldn't be touched. Fenian continued to dodge and attack any wolves that go to close to him with precise accuracy.

Vergil, not wanting to waste any time, immediately reloaded his bow with another arrow and prepared to shoot once more. He shot a brand new arrow at one of the wolves almost hitting its head but missing by a bit and instead hit it on its neck.

Although Vergil had not hit the wolf in its head, the wolf still collapsed, as the force of the arrow had broken his entire throat and made it so he couldn't breathe. Vergil once again reloaded another arrow onto his bow and shot into the crowd of wolves, repeating this process over and over again until he was out.

Once he was out of arrows, Vergil decided to quickly go to the store and purchase a set of arrows. Not caring about what they were like or how much they cost, Vergil bought a set of 5 arrows simply named [Exploding arrows] for 20 SP.

Vergil had wasted almost all of his SP when buying these 5 arrows but didn't mind it since the name sounded cool and they seemed effective enough to be worth the price.

Vergil loaded one of them onto his bow, making sure not to accidentally explode them in the process. He then shot one of the arrows onto one of the wolves back.

The arrow didn't do anything at first but after about 10 seconds, a sudden beeping sound was heard coming from the arrow and it exploded. When it exploded, not only did the wolf instantly die, but any wolf that was near it either lost parts of their body or died in the explosion along with it.

"Wow! That's one interesting bow you got there Vergil" Fenian shouted to Vergil as he continued attacking the wolves. Vergil sighed inwardly as he was happy that the bows had been worth the price and prepared to load another one up.

Before Vergil could, however, a group of 6 or so wolves charged at him. When the explosion occurred, the variant wolf saw how dangerous Vergil and his arrows were so he decided to send a small group of wolves after him.

Vergil noticed this and simply shot an exploding arrow at the middle wolf. The wolf exploded after a couple of seconds bringing down almost all of his comrades down except for two that continued to charge at Vergil.

"Persistent are we now?" Vergil said as he put down his bow and arrow and prepared to fight the wolves head-on. The wolves pounced at Vergil with their claws out intending to leave a devastating scratch on him.

Vergil noticed this but didn't care as he simply used his somewhat high strength stat to his advantage against the wolves. He dodged the wolves at first but then proceeded to charge at them from behind when they had landed.

He grabbed one of the wolves by their tails and then proceeded to throw him like some kind of baseball at the wolf in front of him. The wolf was thrown with such force that when he was knocked into the other wolf, all his bones immediately broke.

Vergil then turned around and was about to pick up his bow before noticing that something was wrong. Vergil noticed that Fenian had been somewhat overwhelmed by the wolves and was struggling with 2 wolves on his legs.

He seemed to be in a somewhat tight spot as the wolves took out his mobility making it somewhat hard to move around. Vergil saw this and instead of risking exploding the bow on Fenian, he instead made his way over to his backpack where he took out his Ryujin Jakka.

Vergil wasted no time and with a deep concentrated breath said "All things of this world, turn to ashes! Ryujin Jakka!"


This chapter seems to be incomplete on mobile for me and wont update which is really weird.

Xelospherecreators' thoughts
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