
Purchasing Manual

David looked at the chained double daggers in disappointment before placing them back into his inventory, and the daggers shone with a bright light bright disappearing into his inventory. David let out a sigh before looking at the System features that are currently available to him.




David has 3 features, and none were of help. David let out another sigh wondering what to do but the system interrupted David's thinking

"David can buy manuals and information regarding use of a variety of weapons and tools in the store." Commented Eva.

David knew finding a manual that could help him learn how to properly use the double daggers would be his only chance of surviving in the wild and hunting, forgetting that there was 4 spears near him.

"How much would a manual for double daggers cost?" David Asked Eva.

"The cost depends on which of the 3 levels the manual teaches such as: Beginner, Intermediate, and Expert. The cost rises by 10,000 FUK for each level." Eva explained.

"How much FUK do I have right now?" Asked David which Eva responded to with

"10,000 FUK."

David was surprised, but remembered back to the 2 features which cost him 5,000 FUK and 10,000 FUK respectively.

"So I can only buy a beginner level manual right now for double daggers?" Asked David.

"That is correct." Responded Eva.

David took a deep breath and felt a small pain for not going have a single penny anymore before going into the Store and pressing onto the search bar and typing in 'Double Dagger Beginner level manuals'. Millions of items showing the information and picture of book was seen as David scrolled down, surprised at the number of books available and asked Eva for the best manual that was suited for him.

"The best manual suited for David is 'Basic Arts Of Dual Dagger Force' which shows ways to defend and attack in a variety of ways solely using double daggers while also including methods to attack and defend simultaneously and increases the comprehension of the forces working behind a blade." David nodded at Eva's response.

Most weapons can already be used to defend and attack, but most weapons couldn't do both at the same time, info which even a newbie like David new about.

Although David knew the system wouldn't make David become weak, he wondered why Eva chose that manual out of the millions.

"'Basic Arts Of Dual Dagger Forces' was written by the most proficient dual blade wielding warrior who mastered multiple blades to the pinnacle of existence before dying and converting his soul into 3 different books. Multiple copies have been made of the manual, but the original 3 books that teach the Arts Of Blade Force contain Blade Emperor's soul and increases comprehension to greater heights while most other manuals do not contain the original writers soul or teach as much as Blade Emperor's books do. This is also the reason the manual cost a total of 10,000 FUK for the Beginner level manual while most others cost around 6,000 FUK." Eva explained to the excited David.

Who wouldn't want to read a book that contains and soul and is super better than all other manuals?

David didn't understand what the forces were and even forgot about the weapon he received that only received disappointment and dissatisfaction, only thinking about how cool of a book he was going to read, even if he never really liked reading.

"Quick! Buy it!" Excitedly yelled David out loud.

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