
First Roulette Spin

David was super excited to spin the roulette. Although the prize was random, David couldn't help be tremble in excitement because David had nothing right now, so anything was a large prize. The less you have, the less disappointed you'll be if you get something worth little. And that applied to David's situation regarding the roulette.

David tapped in his head on the wheel that was located at the top right corner. The wheel enlarged rapidly until it covered the whole screen.

David didn't know if something special needed to happen for the wheel to spin so he did what he would do in his previous life for a roulette, slamming the wheel downwards, carried by the force of David's body weight and strength of the healthy 23 year old body, which oddly enough , didn't have any scratches or cuts and bruises from his battle earlier.

The wheel rapidly spun and after 20 or so seconds leaving only a blur before the wheel started to slow down for another 15 seconds. The wheel was slowly ending and the speed was dying out and was close to completely stopping.

There were no items or pictures on the roulette, only colors. David had earlier asked Eva what the colors represented and Eva told David the colors responded with the rarity of the items.

The white color meant a Novice grade item, the gray color meant getting a Common item, Uncommon was represented by the blue, Rare was green, Epic was a dark purple color, Myth was a dark shade of red while a Legend grade item was typified by a bright, glowing gold color. The colors would show what type of grade the item he was winning. A random item would be gifted to David that was the same grade as the roulette color after the wheel ended spinning.

The roulette wheel also contained another color, well colors. Rainbow. When David asked Eva what the color meant he was shocked and soon very delighted. Rainbow color was actually all the grades, so let's say..., if the wheel ended on Rainbow with the arrow inside the rainbow color, David would receive an item of every grade. But the chances of the arrow roulette ending on the rainbow color was very slim.

Eva informed him that the percentage of the wheel landing on the item from Novice to Legend to Rainbow is: 38%, 25%, 20%, 15%, 5%, 1%, 0.80%, 0.20%.

David knew he didn't have heaven defying luck with him, but that didn't stop him from hoping he got a rare grade item or higher.

The wheel suddenly slowed down, stopping soon after. David was let down at first, but the excitement came back after seeing the color was blue. But his excitement died down after looking through his inventory, which he previously bought the inventory function after not being able to use the Hiking Boots., where a pair of simple but curved double daggers linked together by a thin, but long chain that looked easy to snap in half.

David moves his hand within his mind to grab the double daggers when they appeared within his real hands. The daggers were light and similar to nunchucks, except in that instead of hard blocks of iron, was replaced by sharp and deadly blades. David was hit by a wave of disappointment and dissatisfaction towards the top right corner where a roulette lay with a 0 now in the center of the wheel.

Although David was happy receiving the uncommon grade since it's a 20% of getting an uncommon grade item, David couldn't help but feel the uncommon grade hiking boots were better, at least he knew how to use he boots, not the double daggers, hell, the only time David ever held a knife was in the kitchen cutting vegetables and fruits with a butter knife cause he was scared of hurting himself on accident, but now with a pair of double daggers, what was the point of all the safety.

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