
Chapter 1 Reborn as a Black (edit)

I sighed and put down my cigarette, feeling drained from a long day at work. I had finally finished all of my paperwork and decided to head back home. As a regular salaryman in a typical business, I have a high-status thanks to the strong work ethic instilled in me as a child. Despite my father being abusive, I am grateful for the valuable lesson he taught me about the importance of hard work, which I continued even after being placed in an orphanage. Thanks to my work ethic, I am now able to indulge in the Marvel and DC universes after work without any financial concerns.

As I arrived home, my eyes landed on my Harry Potter book, and next to it was the first comic my father ever gifted me before he became abusive. It was "More Fun Comics #73," and as I touched the cover, I was flooded with memories of the day he gave it to me. He had just come back from burying his wife and was in tears, but amidst the incessant crying, he handed me the comic.

The sight of the comic book and the memories it brought back made me smile, and I couldn't help but think about all the times I had imagined myself as a character in my favorite books, like Harry Potter. Lost in this nostalgia and not feeling too tired I decided to read the last chapter of the final Harry Potter book, the worries and stresses of the day slowly faded away. As I finished reading, a small smile appeared on my face, and I drifted off to sleep, feeling content and fulfilled.

After some time I opened my eyes to find myself in a featureless white room. Panic set in as I tried to move my body, but I couldn't even lift a finger. My mind raced as I wondered if I had been hospitalized, but the absence of medical equipment made me doubt that possibility.

A strange being with no face, whom I referred to as "Being X," suddenly appeared before me. It calmly announced that I had passed away, leaving me both scared and bewildered. Being X then gave me a list of worlds to be reborn in, including Attack on Titan, Harry Potter, and the Fate series. I quickly dismissed the idea of Attack on Titan, and the Fate series seemed far too dangerous. Therefore, I opted for the Harry Potter universe, which had always fascinated me.

Being X then asked me to choose three wishes, but I had to be careful because any absurd wish would be erased, and the number of wishes available would be reduced. As a result, I thought hard about my wishes. Since the Harry Potter world is based on magic, I also realized that wizards don't usually train their bodies so I decided to focus on a wish which could help me with this by requesting the memory of Oliver Queen after his crash in Lian Yu I would have all his experience. I questioned myself quite a bit for the second wish, in the book blood supremacy was common but was but since blood status signifies strength in this world I chose to be born into a wealthy family without any other members, to avoid any Death Eater entanglements and can become a lord.

Finally, the third was easy, I've always wished that the Harry Potter universe wasn't so monotonous, so I decided to ask for some tweaks, like a gender-bender, changes to the timeline, and new things.


The darkness was overwhelming, and there was a dull throbbing pain in every part of my being. I couldn't move, I couldn't speak, and I couldn't think. It was as if I was suspended in a void, waiting for something to happen. And then, suddenly, there was light. It was a blinding light, and it felt like it was penetrating every inch of my body. I instinctively closed my eyes, and when I opened them again, I was met with a blurry image of a woman holding me. Seeing her indiscernible face I blinked multiple times, it was only after some minutes that I looked up, and I saw a pair of eyes staring back at me. They were filled with warmth and kindness, and I instinctively knew that this was my mother. My soul felt a sense of relief and gratitude wash over me. Just when I was at ease a sudden gust of cold air stirred around me, lifting me and causing a shiver to run down my spine, the woman put me on a cold and hard surface. It was a sensation I experienced before, betrayal, and it left me feeling overwhelmed and terrified. My mother had abandoned me.

Despite my confusion and fear, I tried to rationalize my situation. As a baby with an adult mind, who had already been betrayed, was being abandoned by my mother that hurtful? In my past life, I lived alone in the orphanage, and I became a self-sufficient adult. Doing this once more wouldn't be difficult with my memories. At least that's what I told myself to calm my nerves.

I tried to move my arms and legs, but they felt heavy and unresponsive. I couldn't even lift my head. Panic started to set in, and I let out a high-pitched cry. It was then that I realized just how helpless and vulnerable I truly was.

As I lay there, alone and vulnerable, I couldn't help but reflect on the vast differences between being a baby and an adult. As an adult, I could reason, communicate, and take care of myself. But as a baby, I was completely dependent on others for my survival. I couldn't even express my most basic needs, let alone take care of myself.

I hoped that my mother, whoever she was, at least had the humanity to abandon me in a place where I would be taken care of. But as the cold wind continued to swirl around me, I couldn't help but feel a deep sense of sadness and abandonment. Despite my adult mind, I was still a helpless infant, and the thought of being alone and unwanted by the first face you have seen in this world was almost too much to bear for a baby's mind. Exhausted mentally, I continued to sob uncontrollably letting my emotion free. The weight of my abandonment and helplessness seemed unbearable, and I promised myself that nobody will get in my way to power even Dumbledore. After this promise, I was suddenly lifted from the cold, hard surface I had been laying on. And I felt a warm, comforting presence against my skin accompanied by a voice "Oh my dear, don't cry. You're safe now," the woman said in a gentle and soothing voice. "I'm here to take care of you."

Her words brought some comfort to my distraught heart, and I instinctively snuggled closer to her, seeking the warmth and security of her embrace. The woman held me close, rocking me gently back and forth, and I slowly began to calm down. As I looked up at her, I realized that she was an old lady, surely the place where I would have to spend my first few years of life. It was a bittersweet realization, as I knew that being back in an orphanage meant that I was still alone and without a family. But at least, for the time being, I had someone to take care of me. The woman continued to speak softly to me, telling me that I was safe and loved and that she would do everything in her power to make sure that I was taken care of. Even though I was just a newborn baby, I could sense the kindness and compassion in her voice.

As the woman carried me away from the surface I was on into a warm and cozy nursery, I couldn't help but feel grateful for this small act of kindness. Despite the uncertainty of my future, at least for now, I knew that I was not safe from the street and I would repay her in the future. I knew that I only was starting a new chapter in my life. A chapter that would be filled with new experiences, challenges, and opportunities.


(Two years later )

Alexender Queen, I don't know if it was a coincidence or not but it was one of the younguest childreen who named me. Magic has her ways as some poeple say.

Looking back on the past two years of my life, it's hard to believe how much I've grown and developed. I remember when I was just a helpless, crying baby, completely dependent on others for my survival. But now, at the age of two, I have decided to establish myself as a prodigy to become self-sufficient earlier which was a big gamble. Normally, children are given their room when they turn five, but I was able to get one of the smaller rooms earlier because of my exceptional skills. I can walk, run, and even climb stairs with ease, and I can communicate my needs and desires with remarkable clarity for a child, according to their perception. This has made my caretakers recognize my intellect and provide me with a room of my own.

I woke up in my room, feeling disoriented and with a strong headache. I had finally received the memory of Olivier Queen. This sudden rush of memories had put my brain under strain, which in turn caused me to have a headache. As I sat up, I could feel the weight of my memories on my mind. It was overwhelming to remember not just one, but two entire lifetimes without Occlumency. But at the same time, I couldn't help but feel a sense of gratitude and amazement at the fact that I was able to retain all of it.

In the next two years, I was careful to meditate whenever I could to manage the organization of my memories. I owe a lot to Olivier's memory and mostly to his training with Yao Fei, it helped me immensely. At the start of his training, he started to teach Kyudo (Japanese archery) to Olivier but the idiot didn't understand that it wasn't just about hitting the target, but also about achieving inner harmony and focus. Every movement had to be precise and intentional, and the archer had to be fully present at the moment. To achieve this famous harmony he made Olivier learn to be able to enter a state of "zen-emptiness". After that, I just had to build my mindscape with the different shelves of memory protected by a password, etc.

During this time, I also tried to access my magic core, but either it hasn't formed yet. I didn't push too hard my practice of accidental magic, as I didn't want to attract any unwanted attention from the adults in the religious orphanage where I was living. Tom was unlucky enough for the both of us and I didn't want to cut my path of retreat


It's now been five years since I have been reborn, my core is still in the process of forming but it started to become a ball solid without anything inside. I've been practicing a little wandless magic, like levitating objects and calling them to me, but it's been difficult as I don't want to use many spells without a book. I've managed to learn a few through trial and error like Lumos and Nox but nothing else. It's also been one year since I discovered that I was living in an orphanage near the Dursleys, and they surprisingly didn't have a nephew named Harry although I asked Being X for some surprise his power scarred me. This meant that Harry was either being raised by Lily or someone else or maybe he was dead. So, I didn't feel guilty about beating up Dudley and his friends to collect some money for my escape and use them as punching bags to start my martial arts training. I was able to gather $150 at the end of the school year, which was enough to pay for at least 30 bus rides to a stop near the Leaky Cauldron. Despite the initial difficulty in convincing the conductor that I had permission from my parents, I finally managed to pay for the bus and settled into the last available seat. The ride was long and tiring, but my excitement kept me going. When we finally arrived at the Leaky Cauldron, I felt a rush of anticipation and nerves. This was my first time seeing Diagon Alley, and I couldn't wait to explore it. As I stepped off the bus, I made my way towards the Leaky Cauldron. The pub was bustling with activity, and I felt a bit overwhelmed, today would be the day I would start my adventure. I made my way to the counter and interpellated Tom, the owner of the Leaky Cauldron so that he could open the wall. As the bricks shifted and the hidden passage to Diagon Alley was revealed, I couldn't help but feel a sense of wonder and amazement. The excitement of seeing this magical world for the first time was palpable, and I couldn't wait to explore it further. Recalling the reactions of Hermione and Harry to Diagon Alley, I knew that it would be a truly remarkable place to behold.


As I walked through the entrance of Diagon Alley, I was in awe at the sight before me. The descriptions of the shops from the books were all there, just as I had imagined. There was the potion store, which had cauldrons of all sizes and materials, as well as Eeylops Owl Emporium where Harry found his owl Hedwig, and Madam Malkin's Robes for all Occasions, which was conveniently located next to Amanuensis Quills. The most recognizable shop was Olivander's wand shop with its gold-lettered sign that read "Ollivanders: Makers of Fine Wands since 382 B.C." And, of course, there was Flourish and Blotts, where students purchased their books for Hogwarts.

Despite all the excitement around me, I pulled myself away from the view to walk towards Gringotts Wizarding Bank. The large white building stood out among the other shops and I entered the bank with caution, ready to defend myself if necessary. The goblin sentinels stationed at the entrance seemed to observe my every move, their posture stiffening as I walked past them. Within the bank, I was confronted with a silver door, its surface etched with ominous words. I couldn't resist the temptation to discover if what laid on it was the famous warning of the goblin.

"Enter, stranger, but take heed

Of what awaits the sin of greed

For those who take, but do not earn,

Must pay most dearly in their turn.

So if you seek beneath our floors

A treasure that was never yours,

Thief, you have been warned, beware

Of finding more than treasure there."

As I surveyed the bank's interior, I couldn't help but lament the fact that Gringotts was the only magical bank in England. I scoffed at the thought of the Ministry of Magic's ineptitude, grateful that I had been born with certain advantages.

"My family's vaults should be loaded with enough of the goblins' weapons to secure some favors in exchange," I mused to myself.

To my right, a pair of bowing goblins caught my attention, and beyond them, I could see a throng of their kin hunched over a long counter, scribbling furiously or examining gems through magnifying glasses. A handful of goblins were visible, guiding wizards and witches through the bank's labyrinthine corridors to their respective vaults or appointments.

I strode purposefully towards the nearest counter, determined to learn more about Gringotts' services.

"Hello, I came here to inquire about Gringotts' offerings. Is there a catalog?" I asked the goblin teller, who looked down at me with disdain.

"What do you take us for?" the goblin snarled, but my steely gaze quickly silenced his hostility.

"I take goblins for bankers, but you don't seem to be doing a very good job of serving a potential client," I retorted irritably.

Just then, one of the guards from earlier appeared with a different-looking goblin in tow, interrupting our exchange with a question.

"What brings you to Gringotts today?" he inquired.

"I am interested in the services provided by Gringotts for a fee of course, but I also wish to determine if I am entitled to any vaults," I explained.

Next chapter