
Trials of Dungeons: First Dungeon part 1

[Information Network is now level 2]

[(Ultimate) Mastermind skill unlocked. Summon/Recall]

[You have received the title: 'what's mine is mine, what's your's is mine.']

[Class: Mastermind [Passive trait] Exp sharing is now visible]

Wait, now visible? Does that mean there are more traits?

[[Passive trait] Exp sharing has now been upgraded. All Exp gained by your companies will now have a multiplier... (Read more)]

My eyebrows raised as I saw the words, 'read more'. It was the first time I've seen a game notification that have the words 'read more', usually notification are used to give straightforward info, without any fodder.

How do I open to read it? Do I click it? Or do I say the words?

"Read more."

Nothing. I tried clicking it with my finger and when I pressed the words, the notification expanded.


[[Passive trait] Exp Sharing: Exp gained by your companies will be shared between you and your companies at performance percentage value. The percentage will decrease if the performance of a company/companies is poor. Performance percentage will decrease by 10% from each company that performs poorly. (Added) If the company/companies performance is good, multiplier will be applied.

Current Performance Percentage: 100%

[Companies (2/10)]

[Percentage of decrease by 10% (0%)]

Th Knight's Order Performance: Good

Exp shared: 2500

Baihu Performance: Normal

Exp shared: 0

'Wait... 10% for each company? As in if I have all 10 companies and they all did poorly then I... I get nothing....'

Multiplier: A multiplier effect will be gained as an reward if the company/companies performance is good. Multiplier will be determined by the success rate. If success rate drops, the multiplier will reset back to 0. To earn back success rate, reputation value must be at 100%.

Multiplier tier:

x1= original amount x 1

x2= original amount x 2

x3= original amount x 3

x4= original amount x 4

[Max] Excess amount of exp gained will be converted into power and defence stats for the company and the user instead as a booster.

'I took another look at the multiplier tier, the max tier and nearly bashed my head on the wall behind me as I slumped down deep into my bed. So if the multiplier reaches max, then all exp gained by that company will be converted into power and defence stats for me and the company... That would make me and the company a power house and if all my companies are maxed then...'

Multiplier Current Value

The Knight's Order: Multiplier x0

[2500/10000] (x1)

Success Rate: 100%

Reputation: 100%

Baihu: Multiplier x0

[0/10000] (x1)

Success Rate: 0

Reputation: 0

This passive effect can now be viewed on the Class: Mastermind info screen.]

Holy shit!

Wait... something just popped into my thoughts...

If my companies goes out and do anything that would give them Exp, then I will get the same amount by doing nothing and if they do really good, that Exp will have a multiplier? Isn't this like power levelling? I remember back when I played a lot of MMO's and the monsters exp would only give so much when grinding. Raising levels, the normal way is impossible at higher levels.

So players needed to find ways to gain more exp by exploiting the game system. Whether through a particular continuous quest/event or through items and skills or even exploiting a particular bug or glitch that the game company never even noticed before someone reported it.

Wait... Now that is convenient, I don't have to do anything and let my companies do the work... yep exactly like power levelling and to be honest...

I will admit that I may have did some power levelling back in primary school where levelling was a hellish process than nowadays.

I was about to drift into nostalgia when another notification popped up.

[System update: You are now qualified to gain access to the trials of dungeons. Would you like to participate? [Yes] or [No]]

I stared at the notification, dumbfounded. Trails of dungeons? What the heck is that?

{Say yes. This will be a good experience for you and will also give you amazing rewards when completed. You can only leave the trials when you completed one and can return to complete the remaining trials at anytime. Also time in reality will stop once inside the dungeons. So you don't have to worry. My champion, complete these trials and grow strong but most of all be safe.}

I stared at the 'yes' and 'no' function of the notification as I let Roha's words sink in. Am I really going to do this? What happens if I die in the dungeons? Would I just fail or would I really die...

I sighed in frustration as I did the most impulsive thing to date.

"Yes" I answered and before my very eyes, my room began to change.

{Welcome to the Trials of Dungeons.}

[You have now entered the trials of Dungeons Gates access room.]

I looked around and my room transformed itself into a big open void of space. There were five giant portal looking things in front of me. I could feel the enormous amount of energy coming from them that it sent shivers down my spine.

I felt my legs shake as I tried to will my legs to move. I think my legs are paralysed with fear, probably begging me to not take another step closer.

Ba-dump, Ba-dump

My heart beat so fast and so loud that I could feel a strange tingly sensation on other parts of my body. I swallowed a lump of dry saliva as my mind started to play tricks on me. I thought I could hear screams coming out of the gates and I swore I thought I saw a person's figure at the fourth gate.

Ba-dump, Ba-dump

I needed to calm down and think or I might as well go crazy and lose it here...

I took a deep breath and thought.

If I don't do this then I would not become stronger and then the real possibility of losing someone whether it's my students or someone else... I can't live with that... not for the second time. I've been given an opportunity, a second chance to do just that and to achieve that I must put a foot forward.

With my mind made up, I willed my legs to move and slowly my left foot stepped forward. That was the jolt I needed to push myself and walked straight into the first trial dungeon.

{Welcome to the First Trial Dungeon. Dungeon created by Lofis Sha.}

[You have entered Lofis Sha's Dungeon.]

Lofis Sha? Who is that I wonder...

{One of the first Gods in the pantheon. It's a long story, I'll tell you more about him later, for now, focus on the dungeon... Oh no gotta go... 'Little miss, I thought I told you, your still in solitary confinement... who are you talking to? I hope it's not your champion...' N... o... on...e}

Her voice was cut off and now all that I could hear was the place I'm in.

Roha? You still there?

I waited a little bit more to see if she would respond but nothing. Wait... she's still in solitary confinement? Don't tell me they making her do solitary confinement for a whole week... that's just cruel.

I felt all alone now as the silence blanketed me.

"Hello?" As I said that, I could hear the sound coming out of my mouth had dampened as if the sound of my voice was on low volume.

I looked around my surroundings and it seemed like I was in some kind of underground area. Somehow I could see the area clearly even though there shouldn't be any light in here as it was definitely enclosed. The underground area was a very opened space that could've been the size of a football stadium.

I looked up and the ceiling was as high as a city skyscraper. Stalactites covered the whole ceiling and I felt that if those were to drop, I might as well lie down here on the floor and await my fate. I would witness a thousands of stone missiles fall and come hurdling down at me. Rain of stone needles, I bet that would hurt a lot...

Wait... I hoped that's not the trial... I looked up once more and stared at the sharp pointy tips of the stalactites and felt goosebumps all over.

Maybe I should accept my fate now and let those thing take me, rather than waste any energy to dodge those things.


[Quest added: Becoming Stronger.]

[Becoming Stronger: Complete trials of dungeons to become stronger. 0/5 dungeons completed]

[Trials of dungeon: Lofis Sha's dungeon has now been started. Please complete within one whole day. Time remaining: 23:59:59]

[Goal: Defeat 5 waves. (0/5)]

I have to defeat five waves of whatever things appear in here in one day? That's insane.

"Wait! Do I get a time limit to prepare? Hello?"

[Warning: The first wave will now begin]


I would like to thank a reader of mine who commented on the previous chapter, Nikhil. I have taken your suggestion about the restriction and combined it with my multiplier system. I hoped you like the explanation of the system. Thank you and happy reading!

GuanKitcreators' thoughts
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