
Om! Nom nom (Taki & Tosh’s Profile Story)[6/8]

<p>{"Master! We're hungry!"}<br/><br/>{"Yeah! Hungry!"}<br/><br/>"Oh? Okay? What would you like to eat?"<br/><br/>{"Something tasty!"}<br/><br/>{"My belly's rumbling!"}<br/><br/>What do shadows eat?<br/><br/>"Hey guys, what do... uh... you guys eat?"<br/><br/>{"Steamed buns!"}<br/><br/>{"Dumplings!"}<br/><br/>{"Braised pork over rice!"}<br/><br/>{"Noodles!"}<br/><br/>Steam pork buns? Dumplings? Pork over rice? And noodles? Where do I even get those? I mean I could make them but I need the ingredients to do so... <br/><br/>The kitchens!<br/><br/>I hopped out of bed and walked to the door, I opened the door and looked to my left. <br/><br/>"Loc, could you take me to the kitchens?"<br/><br/>"The kitchens?"<br/><br/>"Yes, could you take me?"<br/><br/>"Sure but if your hungry, I could get the chefs to cook you something?"<br/><br/>"Eh... no, no. If you could, just take me to the kitchens, I don't want to wake up the chefs."<br/><br/>"As you wish, sir!"<br/><br/>I followed Loc to the kitchens as I heard the twins sang about food. Their singing kind of reminded me of the 'Dango Daikazoku' song.<br/><br/>We went through the hallways, passed the library, down a spiral staircase, down to the depths of the palace. There, we walked through another hallway but this hallway had barrels and crates scattered along the walls. <br/><br/>At the end of the hallway, was the entrance to the kitchens. <br/><br/>"The chefs will be back in the kitchens in a few hours. I hope, whatever you do in there, please don't make a mess... the chefs have it tough with the king's demands and they could get pretty moody if their things are messed up."<br/><br/>"Don't worry, I'll clean up once I'm done."<br/><br/>"I'll stay out here and keep guard."<br/><br/>"Thanks and I'll make you something too." <br/><br/>"Oh no! You don't have to worry about me. I'm fine."<br/><br/>"Nonsense. I'm feeding an army anyways. What's one more?" <br/><br/>"Feeding an ar..." Before Loc could say another word, I gave Loc a smile before entering the kitchen.<br/><br/>Once I was in the kitchens, I wanted to check something out first before I started to make anything... <br/><br/>As I entered the kitchens, it was exactly what, I had expected it to look like. It was a medieval kitchen. Pots over wood fire pits. Jars of different spices on tables and shelves. A storage room for meats and a store room for fruit and vegetables. It was currently completely devoid of chefs as it was in the middle of the night and in a couple of hours, the chefs would start coming in for their next shifts.<br/><br/>I went straight to the fruit and vegetables store room and grabbed two apples. I, then called on Taki and Tosh to come out. <br/><br/>In a blink of an eye, two enormous shadows rose up from my own. <br/><br/>{"Master! I'm hungry! My belly is eating itself! Listen to that noise!"}<br/><br/>GRRRR<br/><br/>Taki's stomach growled, like an angry dog.<br/><br/>{"Mine too!"}<br/><br/>Grrrr<br/><br/>Tosh's stomach made a tiny sound, that sounded like a snarling dog.<br/><br/>I held an apple in front of me and asked Taki to take it and take a bite. Taki, without hesitation, reached out and grabbed the apple.<br/><br/>To my surprise, the apple was still in my hands but the shadow of the apple was now in Taki's hand. Taki took a large bite of the apple. Black liquid dripped from Taki's lips as a large chunk of shadow apple was missing. <br/><br/>I was too focused on the shadow apple, so when I looked back at the real one, the real apple was still whole. This was the result I was looking for, a result that if it was the complete opposite, then I would've been screwed. <br/><br/>I had a hundred mouths to feed and if the other result had happened. I would've wallowed in despair. One hundred mouths meant I had to find a lot of food... It would've definitely been a nightmare... a never ending nightmare.<br/><br/>I decided to not let the thought cross my mind any longer as I went into the store room and grabbed the ingredients I needed to make a few dishes I promised. <br/><br/>I'm not a cook by any means. Mum, of course does all of it but she was adamant on teaching me how to cook, saying that 'whether you live alone or you're able to find a girl, you still need to know how to cook!'<br/><br/>My grandmother was the same, when I went back to China for visits, she would often teach me a few things and would say the exact same things as her daughter in law. <br/><br/>Her style however, was different from mum's since her kitchen was stuck in the 1940's with only a few modern appliances. Her kitchen was only a small upgrade to the kitchen I'm currently in right now. The only difference was that she had a gas stove.<br/><br/>The kitchen was like the images that came up, if I had searched up, 'medieval kitchen,' on google. I laid the ingredients I had collected from the store room and dumped them all onto a table.<br/><br/>I went over to the spice racks and peered inside the wide selection of jars. I was astonished at what I saw, I recognised some but others I didn't think were edible in my opinion. I took the ones I hoped are true to what I think they were and placed them on the table next to the pink slab of pork and a variety of leafy greens and mushrooms.<br/><br/>Though this kitchen was more western and my grandmother taught me eastern, I think I'll have to improvise, to make this work. <br/><br/>I grabbed a mirepoix of onions, celery and carrots; chopped them two different ways; chunky and fine and placed them into two different bowls. I took the slab of pork which was a 1/10th from the original slab and sliced the slab in half. <br/><br/>One half, I cut into quarters. I minced one quarter by chopping it furiously into a mush and place it in the bowl with the fine mirepoix. The other quarter, I chopped it chunky and place it in the chunky mirepoix bowl. <br/><br/>I also chopped some mushrooms and placed them in as well. I added spices... the ones I think would work and mixed them all together. <br/><br/>I, then made two types of dough, one for the buns and the other for the dumplings. I let the doughs to rest whilst I cut the remaining pork into strips and dunked them into a marinade I concocted with citrus. <br/><br/>I couldn't find any rice so instead I decided to make two more types of dough. A Pasta dough and a dough for hand pulled noodles. <br/><br/>There were four fire pits with pots over them. I poured water into two of them. I made a quick pork broth with one and cook the dumplings in the other. I used the two remaining pots as frying pans. I poured a bit of oil into both; one frying pan/pot, I used to fry up some leftover bits of the pork to make some crackling bits. After that, I used the pan to fry half of the dumplings. The remaining dumplings will be for the noodle soup. <br/><br/>The other pot I used to braise the marinaded pork by frying first, then added some dumpling water from the dumpling pot to make a sauce. Whilst that was cooking, I unloaded the fried dumplings from the pan to the plate to rest. I then, poured the pasta into the pot where I used to cook the dumplings. <br/><br/>After the pasta was cooked I took the pasta out and put in the noodles. After a minute or two, I took the noodles out and drain almost all the liquid out of the pot. I, then placed a bowl upside down in the pot and then placed a plate on top of the upside down bowl with the buns on it. I placed the lid on but left a crack so the steam could escape. <br/><br/>I waited for a minute, hoping my makeshift steamer would work. After a few more seconds, steam billowed out of the crack.<br/><br/>I couldn't believe it worked, I made a steamer. I didn't think it would since the pots were big but it did!<br/><br/>As the buns were steaming, I moved to the broth pot and tasted the simmering broth first before adding some flavourings to infuse. I sprinkled in some few spices and flavourings from the jars and tasted the broth. It was coming together wonderfully, I couldn't help but smile. After the adjustment of flavours, I then let the broth boil for a while before adding the leafy greens to finish. <br/><br/>Within an hour of cooking, I finally finished making everything and placed them all on the table. I had a bowl of pasta with the braised pork on top and on the side was a plate of crackling bits. A plate of fried dumplings with a side of dipping sauce I've concocted with the citrus marinade I've placed aside before I added the pork. A plate of steamed buns and a bowl of hand pulled noodles with dumplings, pork and leafy greens.<br/><br/>The smell in here was incredible, I may be an amateur cook but even I impressed myself. <br/><br/>I could feel the twins eyes bulge as they witnessed the feast before them. I asked everyone to come out and grab something to eat. With four dishes there weren't much variety, so I hoped the taste was to their licking. I felt my heart raced as I watched the twins take their first bites. <br/><br/>{"Master! Yummy!"}<br/><br/>{"Master! You can cook well! Everyone try!"}<br/><br/>The rest of the shadow legion tried the food and their faces instantly lit up with an arrange of happy faces. Some were even on the verge of foodgasm like the characters who tasted food in food wars.<br/><br/>I had a bright smile crept onto my face as I watched the legion ate my food. As they ate, I cleaned up the mess that I created and noted down how much food I've made. I've actually made a lot of food since with all the work I've done, why would I waste my time making only a little. I had a plan with the food. I would give the food to Baihu to eat as a way to say thanks for their help in the first dungeon.<br/><br/>The plates on the table will be for me and Loc who had been keeping guard outside as I did all this. I packed the food into packages and would deliver the guys the food when Loc escorts me back to my room. I knew where they all are with my information network system. <br/><br/>Once the shadow beings were finished with their meal with burps and satisfied smiles, I asked them all to return so I could ask Loc to come in. <br/><br/>Each one, the shadows disappeared with satisfied smiles as I walked to the door and opened it. <br/><br/>Loc was standing to the left of the door facing the hallway. <br/><br/>"Loc, how's things out here?"<br/><br/>"Sir, you finished your meal?"<br/><br/>"I uh... haven't started eating yet."<br/><br/>Loc's face scrunched up in confusion.<br/><br/>"Why don't you come in? Come on I've made a share for you too!"<br/><br/>Loc tilted his head but came into the kitchen, once he was inside, his eyes widened in surprise.<br/><br/>"You made all these?"<br/><br/>"Yup."<br/><br/>He looked around the kitchen.<br/><br/>"How? The kitchen looks so clean!"<br/><br/>Ah! He must've thought I would not clean up the mess I've made or that he thought, with the dishes in front of him, there would be a big mess. <br/><br/>"Yes. I cleaned up the mess I've created for the past hour."<br/><br/>Loc was speechless.<br/><br/>"Come let's eat before the food gets cold."<br/><br/>Loc hesitantly moved forward as if he didn't know what to do. I had to nudge him to the table. Once we were at the table, the smells blasted him with it's alluring aroma and I could tell he was salivating. <br/><br/>"This smells amazing!" Loc exclaimed.<br/><br/>"Try it."<br/><br/>Loc picked up a fork and went in for a dumpling. He lifted it up and placed it into his mouth. I could hear the crunch of the fried shell as he chewed.<br/><br/>"Wow, what's this?" Loc asked as he picked up a spoon and aimed it at the noodle soup. He scooped up some of the broth with some noodles and pork and tasted it. <br/><br/>"How did you make this? It's so flavourful!"<br/><br/>"Eh... with pork and some spices I found on the shelves?"<br/><br/>"Sir's a genius!"<br/><br/>"I don't know about that..."<br/><br/>He picked up a bun next and took a big bite out of it before I could warn him about the steam inside...<br/><br/>"Ouch! Hot! Hot! but so good!" Loc cried out from the steam but continued eating. <br/><br/>After Loc had sampled everything and showered me with compliments about my amateurish cooking, I too began to start eating. I was not narcissistic but I had to compliment myself on how, I managed to cram flavour into a broth for the amount of time I had with the ingredients and had no idea of what they were. <br/><br/>As we ate, I decided to pull up Taki and Tosh's profile story for a quick read. Their story was short with only two parts. Loc was quietly devouring the food with all his full wrapped attention which meant that I could read without him having to ask me anything. <br/><br/>***<br/><br/>Part 1: A bond with your twin<br/><br/>Hanoshi, 433AR<br/><br/>"Steam buns! Steam buns! Where have you gone!" Taki sang as he and his twin brother Tosh walked along a path through a forest. <br/><br/>"In my belly! In my belly! We don't have anymore!" Tosh sang the next couple of lyrics to their song. <br/><br/>"Dumplings! Dumplings! Where have you gone!"<br/><br/>"Right here! Right here! Would you like some more?"<br/><br/>Tosh reached into a bag he was carrying and grabbed a box of dumplings. He flipped the lid open and Taki reached over and grabbed one.<br/><br/>"Cold but delicious! Oh! Wait... why is it a bit sweet?"<br/><br/>"The chef said that he had mixed some modachi berries in it."<br/><br/>"Why?"<br/><br/>"For some tartness but I guess they were more sweeter than tart."<br/><br/>"Why tart? Wait do we have some tarts? These modachi berries would be perfect on tarts!"<br/><br/>The twins talked about the absurdity of a fruit being in a savoury food whilst eating said food happily.<br/><br/>The twins were born in a small town in Hanoshi, under a feudal lord that's known to be cruel and unpredictable. It was said that the feudal lord was such a tyrant, that he had sent half of the village's villagers to fight a losing battle, just because he didn't want to lose any of his own men. <br/><br/>The twins grew up with hostility everyday as the feudal lord would send some of his men to the villages as a tactic to instil fear. The fear grew so bad that the twins couldn't take it anymore and marched themselves into the dragon's den. The twins were only little boys surrounded by blood thirsty men. The only thing that was surprising was the fact that the twins were not fazed by any of it.<br/><br/>With the constant fear mongering everyday, the twins had build up some kind of immunity to it. They weren't scared of the feudal lord nor were they going to let the lord bully their villages any longer. <br/><br/>***<br/><br/>"Loc, sprinkle some of the crackling bits onto the pasta dish, it will make it taste so much better."<br/><br/>Loc had finished most of his side of the food, he had only the braised pork pasta left and I had to suggest putting the crackling bits on. Loc had been snaking on the crackling bits in between dishes and hadn't put it on anything. <br/><br/>Loc face immediately lit up with excitement as I heard the crunch of the crackling as he shovelled down the soft velvety pasta. Braised pork sauce smothered his lips. <br/><br/>"You must be hungry, Loc."<br/><br/>"Haven't eaten anything all day, sir!" Loc spoke as he ate and was already three quarters away from finishing the pasta dish.<br/><br/>"How come?" I asked.<br/><br/>"Bandits."<br/><br/>Ah!<br/><br/>"Bandits?"<br/><br/>"Yeah, found them close to the palace. I spent most of the day processing them." Loc had finished his pasta but I could tell he was still hungry as he was eyeing my side of the dishes. I hadn't eaten much as I was busy reading the twin's story, so I had a lot left on my side. <br/><br/>"Go ahead. Have more but leave the noodle soup."<br/><br/>Loc nodded and continued eating as I returned back to reading with a spoonful of soup in my hand.<br/><br/>***<br/><br/>The twins stormed straight in and were faced by the lords best guards. <br/><br/>"Capture the boys!" The lord spatted. "It's high time the villagers know how serious I am for those who breaks my rules!" <br/><br/>The guards circled around the twins but the twins did what they did best in all types of situations, they pulled out a pouch of rock candies and started munching. <br/><br/>"Bad guys are coming," said Tosh as he sucked on the rock candy. <br/><br/>"Do you think they are coming for our candy?" Replied Taki.<br/><br/>"It is yummy, should we share?"<br/><br/>"Hey, bad guys! Want some rock candies?" <br/><br/>The guards crept closer with a rope and was ready to capture them but as soon as one of the guards lurched forward, the guard was thrown straight back. <br/><br/>"Hey! Don't waste food! Catch it with your mouth, not your head!" Taki had thrown one of the rock candies at the in coming guard's head with so much force that, the guard's head snapped back and his whole body was thrown backwards. <br/><br/>"They are just kids! Go and capture them!"<br/><br/>All the guards rushed in but were knocked back a few seconds later.<br/><br/>Once the lord had witnessed the twins's might, he cursed all his guards under his breath. <br/><br/>"If you want things to be done right, do them yourself!"<br/><br/>The lord charged forward but in an instant was knocked back like his guards.<br/><br/>"How?!"<br/><br/>The twins didn't respond but instead kept eating whilst idly chatting to each other.<br/><br/>This infuriated the lord and he unleashed a large wave of power to bombard the twins's defences but instead the power rebounded and came straight back to the lord. The power swallowed the lord up in a blaze of irony.<br/><br/>The twins returned home that evening as heroes, saviours of their homes.<br/><br/>***<br/><br/>[Please press continue to proceed to part 2.]<br/><br/>{Continue}<br/><br/>Loc was nearing finishing my half of the portion, as I nearing finishing off my noodle soup. I took a slurp of the broth before lifting up my finger to press continue.<br/><br/>***<br/><br/>Part 2: When food is your best defence.<br/><br/>The twins ate and talked as they strolled through the forest.<br/><br/>"It looks like it's going to rain," said Tosh as he looked up to the darkening sky.<br/><br/>"Do you smell that brother?" Asked Taki as he smelled the air.<br/><br/>Tosh was about to sniff the air but before he could, a pillow of smoke drifted into them. <br/><br/>"Smoke! It's coming from straight in front of us."<br/><br/>"What should we do brother? Do you want us to go in?"<br/><br/>"We'll go and take a look." <br/><br/>The twins rushed into the smoke and when they got to the end of the forest, they witnessed an unsightly sight. Villages was burning to the ground as raiders pillaged the area. Villagers ran for their lives as raiders chased after them on horseback. <br/><br/>"Help!" Cried the villagers as they ran for their lives.<br/><br/>"We need to go help them, brother!"<br/><br/>"Let's go help them!"<br/><br/>The twins rushed down to the villages and intercepted the hunt by summoning up a barrier in between the villagers and the raiders. <br/><br/>A loud sickening crunch sound filled the air as a whole party of raiders smashed into an invisible wall. A second party of raiders witnessed the sight and immediately halted. <br/><br/>The raiders scanned the area but couldn't see what did this. The villagers had also stopped when they heard the crunch sound and when they turned around, some had let out small gasp whilst others screamed. <br/><br/>Archers from the second raiding party aimed their bows and arrows towards the sky and fired. Rain of arrows shot through the air and passed the area that the first raiding party had fallen. <br/><br/>The archers who had watched their arrows passed through with no problem whatsoever, took aim once again and this time they aimed it at the villagers.<br/><br/>"Brother, Bonsu taffy?"<br/><br/>"Crystallised ginger."<br/><br/>The twins got out their respective treats and started to eat. <br/><br/>The archers fired their arrows at the villagers.<br/><br/>"BONSU!" Taki shouted as he stood in front of the villagers.<br/><br/>"TASTSU!" Tosh shouted as he charged into the raiders.<br/><br/>The arrows rained down as Taki stood there, unflinching, unmoving, taking everything the arrows had to offer. <br/><br/>Tosh knocked himself into the raiders at full force and knocked raiders and horse alike to the ground. The horses immediately got back up and escaped, leaving their riders to their demise. <br/><br/>"HANSU!" Tosh shouted as he slammed his fists down and a massive flat barrier came crashing down onto the raiders. <br/><br/>"Brother! Over there!" Taki shouted to Tosh as he pointed to a massive group of villagers being chased by five groups of raiders. <br/><br/>"Honeyed cashews?"<br/><br/>"Chocosticks!"<br/><br/>The twins took out their respective snacks and started eating.<br/><br/>"BURASU!" Both the twins shouted in unison and a massive dome barrier appeared into the sky, the dome then slowly dropped as the villagers was outside the radius. With precision, the dome landed on top of the raiders who had to pull their horses back from hitting the side of the dome. <br/><br/>"Banana crisps?" Taki asked.<br/><br/>"Banana crisps," Tosh agreed. <br/><br/>They both fished out a bag full of banana crisps and started munching.<br/><br/>A whirl of smoke filled the dome before chaos erupted from within the dome. Massive explosions exploded and screams could be heard. <br/><br/>"Haiyah!" Another group of raiders came barreling in from behind the twins. <br/><br/>"Thirsty?" Asked Tosh.<br/><br/>"Moutaina tea?" Agreed Taki with a beverage in question.<br/><br/>"Moutaina tea," Taki agreed.<br/><br/>The twins pulled out a flask of tea and poured the tea into the lid which was also a cup. They drank the tea with a satisfied smile and shouted, "ARHSU!"<br/><br/>The twins grew three times as big and started grabbing the raiders of their horses. The raiders were picked off and were aside like rag dolls. <br/><br/>Those that managed to get of their horses, were running for their lives but it was futile as the twins could easily reach over and grab them before they could gain any distance. <br/><br/>In less time, the raiders had raided the villages, the twins dismantled them. Nothing more could be said but the villagers calling the twins their saviour. <br/><br/>After the many celebrations, the villages threw for the twins, the twins sets off to find more delicious food on their twin food tour. <br/><br/>Once the twins had found their way back on track, the twins stumbled across a Bao shop.<br/><br/>"Steamed buns!" Taki shouted. <br/><br/>"Steamed buns!" Tosh repeated. <br/><br/>Once the twins had bought their steamed buns, they brought over the steamed buns to a near by bench and sat down. <br/><br/>The twins each took a bite out of the buns in their respective bags before they switched. <br/><br/>"Good!"<br/><br/>"So good!"<br/><br/>The twins ate as they watched the sun started to set. <br/><br/>"Brother, why did you turn off the lights?"<br/><br/>"How could I turn off the lights? We're outside!"<br/><br/>"Then why is it pitch black! ... wait what was that?"<br/><br/>The twins turned their heads in every direction as blue flashes of light zipped across. <br/><br/>"Brother! I'm scared!" Taki said as he stuffed into his mouth.<br/><br/>"Me too!" Replied Tosh as he too stuffed a bun into his mouth.<br/><br/>[Don't be scared. Would you like a cookie?]<br/><br/>"Yes!" The twins shouted in unison. <br/><br/>Cookies appeared in the twin's hands.<br/><br/>"Cookies!" Shouted the twins in unison.<br/><br/>[Welcome to your new family, Tanker Twins, Taki and Tosh. Welcome to the Shadow Legion.]</p>

Hey guys, sorry for the late upload of this chapter, was busy with work. I hoped you enjoyed this food enriched chapter. Next up is Amilie. Thanks and Happy reading!

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