
Chapter 2: Trash and Treasure

Opening my eyes, I first scanned the room to which I found myself in, seeing poorly made wooden walls with dirty, cracked windows on one side, I find myself lying on a surprisingly comfortable bed with some sort of woollen sheets seemingly made with some sort of brown, uncomfortable material, my clothes were definitely not the ones I was wearing before. As I was looking around, I realised that I'm unable to move even though I'm not shackled or bound. I simply lack the strength and energy.


The wooden door on the other side of the room opened, revealing an average height young woman with dark rings around her grey eyes wearing uncomfortable, dirty clothing and had long, messy black hair. For some reason, the moment she saw me staring blankly at her, her hands instantly moved to cover her mouth as if in shock and tears began to fall profusely down her cheeks.

[woman] "*sobbing* Kai...?"

This woman knows my name?

Before I had time to think any further she rushed towards me, embracing me tightly in her arms as I lay there unable to move. I can feel her warm tears trickling down onto my skin as they flowed even more uncontrollably than before.

[Kai] "who are you?"

[Woman] "Kai? Fuin mar neghan?"


We both sat there looking at each other, unable to speak as it seemed we both realised we wouldn't be able to understand each other. I was about to open my mouth once more before the sound of boots crashing on the crappy wooden floorboards resounded in my ears. Looking over towards the noises direction, standing in the doorway was a ragged man with a dirty brown beard and mid length brown hair, the same black rings around his eyes and wearing old raggedy clothing that matched the rest of his look. Following behind him was a man wearing a contrastingly neat and clean white robe with green accents that made him look incredibly out of place in this dump. The robed man had a pointed face, bright blue eyes, long dark green hair and looked to be in about his late twenties. All in all, I would have considered him some sort of cosplayer, had it not been for the rather long, pointed ears showing through his hair. When I saw him, only one thought crossed my mind.

[Kai] "elf?"

A shocked look showed on all three of their faces. Was I not meant to say that?

The older, bearded man walked over before removing the crying woman from my bedside and awkwardly yet surprisingly with a good amount of strength, slapped me in the face.

Wait what? Why the fuck?

I could feel a red mark forming on my face as anger one would imagine being the same raw, red colour began surging up inside me.

[Man] "hurra ga nah! Jirra farewa kiyo tahn!"

[Kai] "shut the fuck up asshole!"

The shocked faces returned as they looked at me, seemingly able to understand my words if only by the way I spoke to them. The mans face began to twist in rage as he raised his hand towards me, time seemed to slow down and a familiar non gendered voice rang inside my head.

[Entity] "you seem at a loss for what to do?"

[Kai] "You're the one calling themselves god. You should know that already."

[Entity] "it's much more enjoyable to watch without knowing the future."

[Kai] "ah, is that right?"

[Entity] "you realise... anyone else in your shoes would be speaking to me in a much more respectful manner."

[Kai] "you promised me power and instead I'm lying here, unable to move, getting slapped by a man whose language I don't understand. So excuse me if I'm a little underwhelmed."

The whole world seemed to shake once more as if the earth was splitting as the sound of short, quiet laughter could be heard from nowhere and everywhere.

[Entity] "I suppose that is true. Very well, I will help you. You're power, the power I have given you, relies on your voice. It is connected to your thoughts and it's only limit is your mind."

[Kai] "wh-.. I don't-... huh?"

[Entity] "I'm not so magnanimous as to immediately show you the full capabilities of your power, however, I'll imbue the basics into your mind so you might begin to unravel it on your own."

As he said that, I felt my mind begin to burn as knowledge flowed into it, telling me how to use, as Entity said, the very basics of my ability. However, if this truly is the basics... next time I speak to him, I suppose I should be a little more respectful.

A dark smile appeared on my face as time sped up once again, the mans hand picking up speed as it aimed to reach my face and leave another mark upon it.

[Kai] "<push>"

As if a powerful invisible being had rushed the man, he was thrown back against and through the wall behind him, barely missing the elf behind him.

[Elf] "e-eh?"

[Woman] "Gerard! Wur jio navrena!?"

[Kai] "<Translate>"

[Woman] "Gerard! Gerard are you alright!?"

Much better. Now let's test it the other way around, though first...

[Kai] "<recover>"

My body was immediately encased in a light, green, glowing aura before I felt my muscles begin to repair themselves after what I'm assuming are years upon years of inactivity, in fact, my entire body, inside and out, compared to the unmoving body from a few moments ago or the the sickly figure I held in my past life, this felt absolutely amazing.

I stood up off the bed, the wood creaking horrendously as I stood there. The man I'd previously thrown through a wall was muttering curses under his breath as the woman knelt down next to him and the elf stood flabbergasted, unmoving, staring at me like I was some unknown thing he'd never seen before.

[Gerard] "You fucker.. after all we've been through, you sleep for sixteen years, taking up our money, leaving us barely scraping by, and you think you can pull this shit!?"

[Woman] "he doesn't understand you, please, calm down.."

[Kai] "with all due respect, I do understand this insignificant asshole. You as well Mrs..."

[Woman] "...opia.."

[Kai] "Mrs opia, I guess I have you to thank for surviving for so long?"

[Gerard] "piece of shit, it's my hard earned money that payed the healer!"

[Kai] "shut it!"

The man immediately backed down which made me break into a slight smile.

[Kai] "so you're the healer?"

I asked, looking towards the elf waiting for confirmation.

[Elf] "y-yes, my name is Raener Yuforian. I am a healer of the fae."

[Kai] "fae?"

[Raener] "yes, we are one of the oldest races in this world-"

[Kai] "don't need a history lesson. I'll read up on it later."

The faes soft face turned rather red. Seems I'm pretty good at pissing people off in this world. Oh well, not like it matters much.

[Raener] "Mr Opia, you're sudden health is honestly quite astounding. And the magic you showed earlier is quite impressive for someone who's been asleep for his entire life."

[Kai] "asleep? *quietly* So this body's been comatose..."

[Raener] "would you be willing to subject yourself to a dissection? Just so I can see if there is anything more wrong after such a sudden awakening."

[Kai] "Dissection?"

[Raener] "just a few tests so we'll know you're completely healed."

[Kai] "you take me for a fool?"

[Raener] "w-what?"

[Gerard] "you little bastard! do what the doctor says!"

[Kai] "are you in on this too? And you Mrs opia? What about you?"

[Mrs Opia] "w-what do you mean? It's just a few tests isn't it?"

[Kai] "ah, so it's just that the education of this world is shit... I guess being an elf helps, what with the long lifespan right?"

[Gerard] "you fucker! Spouting off racial slurs like it's nothing!"

[Kai] "oh? I think he deserves it though? He's trying to cut me into pieces after all."

[Gerard] "w-what are you shitting out of your mouth now?"

[Kai] "pleasant..."

[Elf] "amazing... you understood the more complex vocabulary at such a young age after just coming out of a comatose state?"

[Kai] "yeah, so I'm afraid I'll have to reject your offer thanks."

[Elf] "I'm sorry but that won't be possible. There is simply too much about you that intrigues me."

This guy really wants to mess with me?

The elf raised his hands and began chanting what I presume is a spell incantation. Being someone who spent a lot of his time reading light novels, comics and other assorted things, this is honestly kind of exciting. Alright, let's see what you've got.

[Elf] "<Binding>"

A glowing yellowish green magic circle appeared a few centimetres away from his hand and a light the same colour as the circle began to form around my arms and waist before solidifying around me, making me once again unable to move.

[Gerard] "take that you little shit."

[Mrs opia] "Kai! Please, let him go... we'll give you whatever you want just please!"

[Elf] "I'm afraid you have nothing left that is of more value than this boy."

[Kai] "I'd rather you not call me boy, baby faced old man. <Release>"

The binding magic the elf seemed so proud was instantly broken the moment the word left my mouth, leaving all three onlookers aghast in shock and surprise.

[Elf] "h-how? Th-this shouldn't be possible. The magic I wield is that of my ancestors..."

[Kai] "really? You're ancestors weren't very good with magic then were they."

The elf was successfully taunted as the tips of his ears went a bright shade of red and his veins popped out as if he were about to comedically blow steam from his ears.

[Elf] "Give me strength ancestors, the light you've besto-"

[Kai] "*smiling* <pull>"

The elves incantation was interrupted as he was pulled towards me through the air before stumbling a few steps as I forced the bottom of my foot into his stomach making him cough up air and spit.

[Gerard] "wh-what are you doing!? Don't make an enemy of the fae!"

[Elf] "y-yes... you should think about this more clearly if you don't want your family to end up dead."

I looked at the elf, then to my "family" then back to the elf and simply smiled.

[Kai] "you think I care?"

[Elf] "wha-? You-.. you're not human..."

[Kai] "hm? Well, I suppose I'd rather not have my uh, mother? Die, so I'd prefer to avoid that but as for the bastard that keeps spewing obscenities at me... I couldn't care less."

[Elf] "then- then come with me willingly and she won't be hurt!"

[kai] "you're still prattling on like you've got the upper hand?"

I placed my hand on the elves left shoulder.

[Elf] "wha-"

[Kai] "<twist>"

[Elf] "Eh? Gaaaahhhhh!!!"

The elves arm twisted to become almost unrecognisable as an appendage, causing him to scream in agony and give me a slight, sharp headache. Is this rebound? I guess I need to train this more if this is all it takes to bring me near my limits. How do I even train something like this?

As I pondered the idea of training my ability, the elf, who seemed to have regained a little bit of its focus, pulled a small engraved knife from within it's now bloodied robe with his remaining arm and swung towards me.

[Kai] "<deflect>"

The knife hit close to my skin but seemed to hit an invisible barrier, sending it flying from the elves hand and into the wall beside him.

[Elf] "guh, you... I'll make sure you and your family and your family's family pay for what you've done!"

[Kai] "well we can't have that can we."

The elf turned to leave in a hurry but wasn't able to escape my newly restored bodies grip as I held the back of his head in my left hand, an evil smirk appearing onto my face.

[Kai] "<shatter>"

Using gods teachings, telling me my power was only limited to my mind, I first imagined the elves mind breaking, putting him in a close to vegetable state, then shattering parts of the inside of his head one by one letting him feel as much pain as I could, then, to finish him off, his skull shattering into a million pieces. As the body fell limp with a disfigured, unrecognisable face bleeding from every possible orifice, I looked at it, cold and emotionlessly, thought the stinging feeling in my head grew much worse.

[Kai] "not exactly a dissection but i think the end result was pretty much the same."

Looking over at the two I assume are my mother and father, their faces full of horror at me and disgust at the body before them, they gazed back towards me as I took a step forwards.

[Gerard] "d-d-don't come any closer monster!"

[Kai] "Mrs Opia, no, I suppose I should call you mother? I think it would be best to get rid of the body as quickly and quietly as possible."

[Gerard] "what do you think that's going to do!? We'll be found out eventually and then we're done! Dead!"

I walked back over to the body and searched its pockets. It didn't take long before I found some gold pieces I presume are part of the currency of this world.

[Gerard] "th-that! If we had that we could leave!"

The man ran towards me and the body, his greed apparently stronger than his fear, hoping to grab any gold left on the body. I left him to his devices as he grabbed about ten pieces of it and ran towards the door screaming obscenities at the both of us. My mother began to cry as she fell back to her knees in quiet suffering.

Seeing this, I'm glad I decided that I had to get one last laugh at the expense of the old asshole that helped create this body. Muttering under my breath as he greedily picked out the most valuable pieces of currency, I said a single word I knew would ruin the rest of his day, if not end his life at the hands of some mercenary or someone of the likes.

[Kai] "<Dust>"

Focusing on the idea of the gold my father took, and replacing that image with one of common dust, I couldn't help but snicker to myself in mischievous glee. Though this gave me what would equate to a small migraine, it was definitely worth it. And the pain i hope, means it worked. I then looked over towards my mother, still sobbing with her hands cupping her face.

[Kai] "mother, please, stop crying. That man will get what's coming to him. He thinks way to small."

[Mother] "w-what...?"

[Kai] "look."

I opened my hand to reveal a single gold coin to which my mother looked at, but didn't touch. A good person, one of a very few in any world.

[Kai] "<copy>"

The gold began to glow brighter and brighter before splitting in two as the light dispersed and revealing two, exact copies of the single gold piece from earlier. My mothers eyes lit up before looking at me as if asking me if it was alright to take it to which I nodded gently.

She slowly reached out and grabbed a single coin, leaving her son with the remaining one. Truly a good person. How she ended up with that man I'll never know. It was the same in my world so I guess it had to be similar here as well unfortunately. Seeing the happy look on her face I decided I would make this horrible experience of hers at least a little easier.

[Kai] "excuse me, but, would it be alright if I stayed the night? I plan on leaving early tomorrow but don't worry, I can pay for my stay."

[mother] "you-... you're my son. No matter what you are, who you are or what you become. Of course you can stay here. And you don't need to worry about paying. This is your home."

[Kai] "thanks."

Later that night, after taking out the trash (elf), I went to my room and practised my ability by using different words to duplicate the gold coin, in the end leaving me with three hundred coins before I passed out.

Next chapter