
chapter four: Dinner with the scumbags

"You are already here Ethan, you are welcome and I see you have already met my two beautiful daughters." Amanda said as she came down the stairs with Mr. Johnson.

As they sat down, Rozinah felt a sharp gaze on her but she didn't care. She already knew what they were up to.

"Rozinah,I need to tell you something about Ethan. He is the second son of the Sawyer family and our families have decided to form a marriage alliance. And you being our first daughter and considering your age , we decided you are the suitable choice for the alliance." Johnson said with a smile. To Rozinah, that smile was so sinister.She just looked at her father without saying anything. Lily who was serving the food at the dining area looked at Ethan and Rozinah then continued with her work. She already knew something like this was bound to happen.

"Sister, Ethan is so handsome. I hope you will consider this alliance and you know our two families will enjoy many benefits from it. What is your take on this sister?" Joyce asked with a fake smile.

"Nobody informed me about this decision and you didn't even give me time to know the person before forming an alliance. Does it mean my opinion in this matter does not count?" Rozinah asked with a sad face.

"No at all Rozinah,you know we are your family and will always want the best for you and after investigations ,Ethan was the best choice." Her father said.

"Am only eighteen and I still have to go to the university and work on my career path. Did you also consider that?" Rozinah asked with tears breaming at the corner of her eyes.

"We will explain everything to you later, let us eat dinner first." Amanda said.

"Okay."Rozinah agreed

As they proceeded to the dining area, Ethan kept looking at Rozinah. He hadn't seen her slim figure well while they were sitting . Now looking at her She had a slim waist and a figure most men could turn to look at. He had also noticed how Joyce looked at him. Although she was young, she had a grown up's body. She was fleshy than Rozinah. He smiled at himself.

"It wouldn't be bad if I got a taste of the two worlds." He thought

At the dining table, Amanda made sure to let Ethan sit between Joyce and Rozinah.

"You seem to be a gentleman." Joyce said as Ethan pulled out a chair for her.

"Thanks for the compliment." He said

"What do you think sister?" Joyce asked

"I can't judge someone on first encounter . People tend to hide their true intentions and characters until you get to know them better.What to you say Ethan."Rozinah said

"Exactly, but I promise you that you won't regret ever knowing me." He answered.

"I can't be sure yet .Anyway ,if it fails to click emotionally you might consider my younger sister.What to you say sister?" Rozinah asked with a sly smile.

Amanda and Joyce were shocked and as for Johnson and Ethan ,they knew how to hide their emotions well. Lily who was not far away from the dining gave a thumps up.

"She has finally grown up. I wish her mother was still alive." Lily thought.

"Let us observe table manners." Johnson decided to break the awkward silence.

Ethan looked at Rozinah deeply. He found her interesting and wanted to conquer.

During the meal ,no one else had the strength to talk.They were all silent thinking about their own problems as they ate.


After the meal, everybody went back to the sitting room.

"Rozinah, I want you to try and know Ethan better. And for that to happen ,you need to go on dates with him. Do you understand?" Mr. Johnson said

"Okay." She replied nonchantly.

Anyway she will not get engaged to this fellow in this life.

Ethan seemed pleased with himself.

"I can now leave rest assured Mr. Johnson. I know she will gradually get to love me as I fell for her at first sight." He said as he looked at her.

Joyce pretended to be happy and congratulated them in advance. Anyway she had already obtained Ethan's contact information.

As Ethan stood up to leave, Amanda looked at Rozinah meaningfully. She got the message and stood up to show him to the door.

At the door Ethan requested for her contact information and promised to keep in touch.Rozinah told him to contact less as she will be busy reading for the college entrance exams . He agreed and left.

"What a good and responsible young man." Amanda said.

"He seems to like her alot." Johnson added to the hearing of Amanda.

"Such a rich gentleman."Joyce added

Rozinah heard them but went up the stairs claiming to be tired. She needed to plan her life . Especially regarding her education. The college entrance exams were coming up in a month. She had been influenced in the previous life to just score enough for a moderate university. In this life she had to unleash her potentials.


"Do you think she will fall into our trap?" Amanda asked.

"Yes ,she trusts us." Johnson answered.

"Who wouldn't love Ethan?.He is rich and handsome. Every young girl will want such a boyfriend." Joyce said.

"Let us be patient and wait. Let us retire for the day." Amanda said as she stood up.

They all left for their respective rooms.Lily who was still in the kitchen , looked at the figures going up the stairs deeply before leaving for her room. She heard everything they said. But now that Rozinah knew them, she will wait and see how she handles them. And she will do her best to protect and help her. She was still indebted to her mother.