
Swords and Magic?

The birght light that overtook Jonas' vision soon faded away. Where that light had been coming from now stood a rather odd looking man. He had a youthful air about him and seem like he would be in his mid twenties. However the man in front of him also sported the grey mess of a beard a old man would have. This confusing appearance shocked Jonas more than anything, but one question couldnt help but be formed at the tip of his tongue rather two questions "Where am I and who are you?" A look of surprise made its way onto the odd man's face. The truth is the man that stood before Jonas was in fact expecting a question just not the ones asked. He expected 'am I dead?' or 'are you god?'. But instead was faced with where and who. His original expectation did in fact come partially true. In a deep bass voice the man anwsered " Young man you are in a dimensional rift and I am the rift's monitor." Confusion was the only thing expressed on Jonas' face because what he just heard didnt make sense. He should be dead not in a 'dimesional rift'. Seeing this all playong out in the facial expressions of the young man before him. The man said "I chose your departed soul to be reincarnated into anotherworld connect to Earth through this rift." continuing he said "You will be reborn with your memories intact and I will give you one skill of your chosing as a parting gift." Still dumbfounded Jonas stared at the man. Finally managing to speak he said "What is this next wprld like if your willing to give me a skil" The man calmly respounded "This world cpuld be seen as... hmm... something similar to a rpg in your world. You have a status board and use swords, magic, and use 'skills'"

(abstractly meaning ablities like an rpg)

The confusion on Jonas' face soon became an expression of glee. He just relized he could becone super sttong! Calmly once again the man spoke "Now that you understand are you willing to create your skill now?" 'Wait! create my own skill?!' was the thought that floated through his head. He could create anything he wanted! "I want a special type of magic!" Jonas shouted. "What magic would you like" said the calm man standing before Jonas. Thinking for a second a thought popped into his head. 'would something like shadow magic be cool' "Shadow Magic!" Jonas responded after a few moments thought. "Alright then I wish you good luck. Don't fret to much for you will all so have my blessing." And the man that stood in front of hom began to fade away...

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