
MP Depletion

The next day excited to start using the magic that he had got form the old man in the rift Jonas' eyes flashed open. The early morning sun greeted him as he woke up. Used to waking up early in the morning in order to get to work on time he of course was up before the rest of his family. Still being incredibly young he couldn't move to anywhere more secluded in order to practice in peace so he had to just hope that he would be able to practice without being found out by his parents. Other than work Jonas was a super big nerd in his previous life. He read tons of stories, manga, and light novels about swords and magic worlds. So he used his collective experience in order to see it worked the same way in this new world that he was in. Concentrating on moving the strange energy throughout his body, and of course attempted to control the slowly shortening shadows that were cast by the few things that were in his room. As he sadly thought 'There doesn't seem to be anything happening.' He saw the shadow that he was focusing on twitch and he move slowly towards him. 'Im controlling the shadow!' went through his mind as the shadow that had been moving stopped. Dumbfound Jonas tried to move it once more, but instead of watching a shadow creep towards him he watched the world surrounding him turn black as he fell unconscious. As he fell unconscious his parents came in. All they saw was their sweet baby boy sleeping peacefully even though he had an expression unbefitting his age on his face, one of being dumbstruck.

Hours later

Jonas blinked as he came back to consciousness. The only thing that he could figure out that happened to him was that he ran of mana (MP), and being a baby meant that he recovered mana so slow that he remained unconscious for hours. He checked his stats to see if it would tell him anything


Jonas Malque



As he looked at his status he was absolutely sure now that it had been mana depletion that had knocked him unconscious, but he had found out something out from looking at his status as well. His total mana had increased by 2 by only moving the shadow in his room a little bit 'even though it did knock me unconscious' he thought to himself. Jonas was even happier now realizing he could practice everyday to increase his shadow magic and his total mana.

Days later

Jonas was doing his normal everyday routine. Then a soft chime resounded in his head 'skill has levelled up' Jonas' eyes widened and quickly opened his status board. 'Status!'

Jonas Malque

Lvl: 1

Hp: 5

MP: 15/30

Class: None

Title: None


Str: 2

Agl: 2

Sta: 2


Int: 17

Passive Skills

Rifts Blessing: ??? Effect discovered later in growth

(Temp)Reborn: Memories from past life +15int +5pre +10mp once achieved naturally buff will lose effect


Shadow Magic(2): A magic to rule shadows and become one with them

 Shadow Control(2): Basic movement of shadows

 Shadow Aura(1): A weak aura of shadows surrounds the caster boosting all stats by caster lvl + skill lvl and gains shield of 1% of hp

Other 'shadow magic' skills gained through growth

Temporary Status Ailments

Age- 15 days: general lack of growth

He looked over his stats. All of the basic stats had increased by one while his mana was sitting at 30. His 'shadow magic' had levelled up. Now level 2 he gained an  additional skill from that magic, 'Shadow Aura'. Seeing this knew skill his eyes widened even further seeing that it had the potential to be a cheat skill in itself. Knowing he had time left before his parents would come and check on him he decided to practice this new skill. Though he never had used it before he had the general understanding of how  this skill would work though he didn't know what to expect from the mana consumption. He closed his eyes. Focusing on the darkness around him drawing it in so that it surrounded him. The was a cold and gave off the feeling of a void that consumed any light that came into contact with it. Jonas' small body soon was covered in dark shadow like energy. As he opened his eye Jonas felt different. He felt stronger like he had a boost in his stats. He knew it was the effect of the skill he was currently using. He felt a drain though.  The simplistic room that he was in faded away as he once again floated into unconsciousness though this time it felt different. As his eyes closed he was greeted by a darkness that seemed to be just as much a part of him as any of his limbs were. It was a shadow but not of his new infant body but rather the one he had when he was alive on Earth. Another shadow also joined the one that was already in front of him. More and more of these shadows appeared before him as he stared silently.

Soon the shadows that looked faintly similar to people from his memories on Earth gained color. The picture that was before him was one of all of the people that he had been affected by during his lifetime. Then this scene faded and was replaced by one of his oldest memories. It showed him as a child running the short distance from his school to his house where his mother would be waiting for him with snacks. The look of happiness on the face of this young Jonas was undeniable. Though when he walked into the house the only thing that greeted him was his mother in a fetal position balling her eyes out. Confused and doing the only thing a young boy could do for his mother was ask "Mommy? What's wrong?" As he said these words his mother looked up at him unable to control her tears. In a trembling voice his mother said "B-baby d-d-daddy wont be c-coming home a-anymore…" Even more confused the boy asked "Why cant daddy come home?" Helplessly his mother looked at him "Jonas your d-daddy has passed away" The boy that had been standing there didn't understand what that meant but the now grown Jonas that was spectating this old memories had tears rolling down his cheeks. This was the day he found out his father was dead. He found out years later that his father was killed by a random mugger. He found this out right before he had started high school and that was one of the main reasons for him basically giving up on trying while there. As the scene ended it began to form into another one of his memories, but before he could see what memory would appear before him he blinked his eyes open to be greeted by two faces before him


Jonas's mother Milina walked slowly to her baby boy's room. Quietly opening the door she could see the sleeping form of her baby. She waited a few seconds trying to see the small rise and fall of the baby's chest. Much to her surprised it never rose. Her eyes widened and her heart began to beat faster than ever as she ran into the room screaming over her shoulder "GET IN HERE!" Hearing this Milina's husband, Jonas's father, sprinted to the room. As he arrived he saw his beautiful wife weeping while holding her baby in her arms. Clearly seeing something was wrong he spoke "What happened?" worry slightly trembled in his voice as he spoke. Milina looked at her husband that was now approaching her. Her eyes showed unending sadness, but there was a deep set rage, too. She spoke calmer than her appearance would make you think she could "He isn't breathing and it appears as though his mana had been depleted somehow." Now her husband, Reds, understood the meaning of the emotions that were very clear in her eyes. Both of them were amazing mages of this world. Both knew that at a young age even races with extremely high innate magic abilities couldn't actually use magic, they simply lacked the understanding. The only thought that occured to both of them was that they had made an enemy of someone and they sought after taking revenge by killing their baby through extreme mana depletion. The she felt movement in her arms. Surprised she looked down and felt the baby in her arms start to breath again. Moments after that the babies eyes blinked open and tears were visible on the cheeks of the infant though not once did it make an audible noise. Dozens of emotions swept over her in a second, but the rage in her eyes lessened but never died. Both parents let out a long sigh of relief as the baby in Milina's arms looked up at them a gave a pure smile that only a baby could.