
I'm Dead Already!

I am dead.

I died now I'm awaiting something....

I guess it's tome to tell you how I died.

(switching from 1st to 3rd pov)

Jonas is normal single man. He spends his days at work and comes home, eats, watchs tv, plays games, and sleeps. Although well like Jonas rarely went out with coworkers or friends. One average day Jonas was walking home. Though today you could say was different. He was engrossed in thought about what had happened earlier that day.

As he was heading out to get lunch as usual he was stopped. The timid girl that he saw around the office every now and then stopped him and asked him to eat lunch with her. Totally surprised the only thing that he could say was "wah?" as these words were said both parties expressions changed. Jonas' change to that of utter surprise and the girl's to a look of fear and worry. See this Jonas quickly recovered and accepted the invitation. Then going to lunch with her.

This scene and the later lunch was what was going through his head as he started to cross the street. Not realizing that he had crossed went he shouldnt have he kept walking. An equally distracted driver looked up from his phone then looked back up only to see the body of Jonas get flung a few feet ahead of him as he stood on the brakes to stop his car "shit!" acompanied the loud thump from the crash. The only thing Jonas felt was the sudden impact hit his side and the cold pavement under his head as the world blurred. He laid there knowing he was dying. The only thing that came to his mind at this time was of course all of thw regrets he had. He thought about the what ifs and missed opportunitys through out his life. From bot trying hard enough at the end of high school in order to get in to a better college to thinking about how he never expressed how he felt about that timid girl that asked him to lunch that day. The final thought that went through his mind as his life began to fade was 'I only hope in the next life I can be happier' and with these words the coldness that Jonas felt on the back of his head faded, the pain on his side as well, and his blurry view of the night sky was replaced by a blinding white light.

First time writing a story for others to read. I know its not great, and updates will be sxarce. But please dont judge me to harshly. :)

Daoist_Nilbcreators' thoughts
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