
The Motherless Child (3)

Camie finally felt a relief for all the days she had suppressed her own pain, the suffering she had hidden deep inside her feelings. She then eyed the sparkling city below.

"You know what Glo" Somehow, deep inside of me, I feel that you and I are the same. That's why I showed you this place."

Gloathiac eyed her but kept silent.

Camie continued, "After what happened, you still stayed with me. I know you had holy element, so if you want to go down, you have already activated the platform. After sensing that my aura was tainted with darkness, you still managed to sit beside me.

Glo, you're really a good person."

The silence continued.




"My mother had always been beside me ever since I could remember. She would play with me even she had very little time, cook for me although she is hungry from work, and showed this place as a birthday present for me. You know I hate my mother right?"

Camie kept looking at the scenery below while Gloathiac listened and stared at her.

"Mom is so kind. She got pretty sick but she wouldn't even tell me. But because she's too kind, I hate her. I really hate her."

She clenched her fists in anger.

"Mother is an idiot. If she felt that her body couldn't keep up, she should have given up. I could still do the housework even if my hands are too small. If I keep doing it, I would know how to cook and clean. I'll wash her clothes and help her eat if she's sick."

Her crystal tears trickled down from her gorgeous blue eyes that glistened like jewels as she cried. She kept ridding her tears, her snowy white and tender hands always moving on her striking face, despite the continuous streams of pure liquid from her cries.

"Even if I scolded her too many times, she would always maintain her smile. That idiotic mother, I truly hate her!" She removed her hands, letting her tears continued to flow and drench her clothes.

"But I could still forgive her for that. It was because I know, it was all for my sake. But what I should never forgive her was leaving me behind to those people. She told me to wait so I waited every night in a strange place. I felt afraid that they may do something to me so I always prayed for her to finally appear and save me from that place... I miss her so much. I wanted to hug her, I wanted to see her. But, she never came. She had never stepped inside and said "I am here"."

She looked at Gloathiac with her eyes that he himself had never seen so far to exist, with so much emotions.

"I asked everyone where my mom is for days. Until finally, I approached that person and h- he told me that my mother is already dead."

She gripped the arm chair as every tear drop streaked down to her face and soaked her clothes.

"I- I can't believe it. I don't want to believe it. I wanted to know where she is but that person never told me. He only said my mother died and became missing but I never held it as the truth. That's why I wore her clothes she always wore during when she's doing the housework. I wanted her to recognize me when I walked into the crowd. I wanted to see this place just to meet her. So I ran away and those guys chased me pretty badly. I only wanted to see my mother, why can't they just let me?"

She released her grip and her body lied down at her seat enervated. Her jade like legs fell down and touched the clouds below. She was lying at her seat as if she lost her spirit.

"Glo, am I a good daughter?"

Gloathiac gazed down the scenery as he strongly spoke, "Yes, you are."

"I hate my mother, can I still be allowed to see her?"

"Yes, you can still see her."

"Then, why is she's still not here?" Camie's voice was riled up. "Why would she not show up? Why would she let me wait for long? I hate her. I hate her!"

Silence came at the next moment except for the pitiful cries of an innocent young girl.

"Camie, I don't know if I have the right to say it. But I believe, it's neither your fault nor your mother." Gloathiac gently said.

Camie lifted her head to look at him as Gloathiac also peered at her with a smile.

"I have always read books and I'm still a child the same as you. So never what will I say is the truth but we're just human beings. We always make mistakes and never been always correct. Even if your mother had wronged you or you had wronged her, we just act accordingly to our desires. Desires birthed from our hearts that wanted to cherish and protect someone we love."

["Mom, I want to go to the festival. I want to meet new people. I don't want to be locked up in the house." Gloathiac, at the age of 4, was rampantly arguing her mother.

No, you can't. You must stay here." Louissa commandingly said.

Heish didn't want to enter the conversation as he knew he would suffer from his son's puppy eyes.

"But mom, I want to go. It's so boring in the house. I want to eat new food!| Gloathiac was adamant.

"So you meant my food didn't taste good?" Louissa stared at Gloathiac.

"No, I don't meant about that. I just wanted to taste something new." Gloathiac pitifully replied and shook his hands.

Whereas Orlan at the side, guffawed in big enjoyment as he was the one who devised this scuffle.]

"I strongly believe that your mother had not lied at you even once." Gloathiac continued.

"No, she had lied to me! She said she'll come back to me but she never had. She left me behind while I kept waiting for her. Tell me, did she not lie?" Camie looked incensed at him.

"Then I'll tell you this, before she left you behind, did she ever lie to you?" Gloathiac gazed at her deep in her eyes.

Camie was surprised as her memories flashed back to her.

["Camie, don't leave the house, I'll be back home before six." Her mother said as she went outside.

"Mmm" Camie nodded, "I'll be waiting."

"Camie, I'm home." Her mother shouted at the door.

"Mother!" Camie sprinted to her mother's embrace. She constantly moved her face up and down to her mother's touch and scent. "I miss you"

Her mother laughed amusingly, "I just left you for two hours, and you already missed me. Anyways, here's my present. Happy birthday Camie."

Camie shook in a large surprise to see her mother took something from a traditional bag, showing her a lavish and cute pink dress just right for her. "Mom, this is-"

"Yes, this is the dress you wanted in that shop. You really drooled over it that I can't help but buy it for you. Your mother's wallet had long lost its weight." Camie's mother smiled warmly.]

"Sh- She never lied." Tears tried to break out from Camie's eyes again now that it just had calmed.

"Camie, your mother strongly wanted to go back with you. That is the truth or what I wanted to say. Your mother is alive, I believe it. She just came up with a problem that she couldn't deal with and got stuck on it. I bet she was doing everything so she can be with you again. So don't lose hope. Just like I accept your darkness, you need to accept the darkness of the world. See!" Gloathiac pointed to the scenery below.

"The world is so brilliantly colorful you might not want it to be filled with darkness again. haha" Gloathiac lightly laughed, just like his father.

At that moment, Camie couldn't help but remember her mother's gentle words.

["Remember Camie, even if the world is tainted by the darkness, we just need to see above how colorful it was."]

She trembled to her core, her eyes finally broke down the dam she tried to suppress and drowned herself in tears. She persistently wanted to rid her tears but now she let herself be absorbed by it. It was because she no longer felt constricted by her feelings but instead she felt freedom to believe her mother had never betrayed her. She would come back to her again. At least, that was a hope given by a stranger which was the same age as her. A peer she found to be comfortable with.

Her cries became louder and louder that she lifted her head above, wanted to vent up her feelings rooted down in the tenebrous depths of her heart. But Gloathiac seemed to be smitten with it. He felt truly happy that he saved a girl's soul before it managed to get a point of being unredeemable. He thought, "I wonder how, why she looks so happy right now?"

Gloathiac smiled as he consistently stared at a beauty that no one could resist of. He never felt any likeness towards an opposite gender. But instead, he had already treated her as a friend.

He lied his head above the palm of his right hand using the leverage of the arm chair.

Wind bellowed in a puissant manner, shoving fiercely at their hairs. The wind seemed to be affected by the young girl's feelings as it constantly blew their clothes ferociously. The sparkling lights in the city continued to glow as the moonlight's refulgence seemed to become stronger, blanketing every found earth with its pale gauze.

At this moment, a strong explosion resounded in the skies followed by continuous explosions. Booming sounds after another travelled to their hearings as it eclipsed the sorrow of the young girl. It seemed to snap out, shutting her off in silence, as if trying to say that she need to lie still and enjoy the riveting atmosphere of the festival.

Fireworks crackled with coiling dragons and scaly serpents brightening up the night sky. Mythical and legendary beasts stormed in a radiant splendor, with unique formed fulgent lights, surprising everyone and transforming their states into exhilaration.

Every voices down below tried their hardest to exult, "Happy Senior Saint Neil. Happy Festival!"

After which, shouts and exclamations ringed everywhere but it seemed only a buzz from a mosquito from the distance where both Gloathiac and Camie at. But despite of it, Gloathiac could still clearly hear it as he also shouted, "Happy Senior Saint Neil. Happy Festival!"

He also then accompanied the cheers.

Camie still cried but the explosions had managed to dampen her sorrow. She tried to sweep away her tears. After she was done, she took a furtive glance at Gloathiac and sweetly smiled.

She followed Gloathiac and loudly shouted out to her voice's limit, "Happy Senior Saint Neil. Happy Festival!"

Finally, a deep sense of relaxation flooded her as she felt tired and sleepy.

["Camie, if the future comes when I cannot accompany you any longer at this scenery, someone will fill this empty seat of mine. At that time, you can regain your smile." Camie's mother sat beside her daughter and spoke during at her sleepy state. But even still, Camie just barely heard it.]

"You're right mom." Camie uttered a last sleepy voice before she finally let her exhaustion pulled her to her dreams.

On the other hand, after finishing his lively cheers, Gloathiac at his seat, had realized he genuinely loved the things the way they are currently now.

He stared at the city and heartfully said, "I wish I can enjoy the festival every year."

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