
Last Flicker of Life (2)

Gloathiac bade farewell as the fluctuations of space flittered around his area. It seemed to bind him and Orlan, their figures suddenly became quickly drifting silhouette as if going light speed.

They suddenly vanished in the spot as their presences were finally gone for good. Only the couple remained, and above was the moon which imprinted its circular shape on the dark and dim light.

The white-striped tiger laid beside the mansion, acting as a bodyguard, deterring any ferocious beasts with its astounding size and powerful aura. The aura produced seemed to always shift, as if it was only a step away to its evolution.

The wind moved the trees’ leaves, creating a gloomy atmosphere. Without the couple's child, the place seemed to become barren. The splashing of the falls continuously echoed out, scattering tiny droplets of water and gradually accumulating to soak the nearby soil and pebbles.

Fishes occasionally jumped out the water, some creating electricity coming out from its diminutive forms. The birds flew up to the sky with faint light, suddenly brightening the paths they took when their tails blazed in glowing flames.

The place was bizarre yet peaceful. It only authenticate the mystical wonders of this peculiar world.

"Louissa, it seemed we're back to the two of us again." Heish spoke amidst the silence. "It had been 5 years."

"Om" Louissa nodded with a timid sound. "I am still not accustomed not having our child with us."

"It’s okay." Heish said in a soothing voice. He hugged her with his comfy embrace. "I'm still here with you."

Within his warm hug, Louissa sniffed cutely while burying her body closer to him.

The bushes outside shook fiercely without strong wind. The flowing stream suddenly fluctuated as if someone had stepped, but producing no sound. The dim light of the sky began to turn dark.

Within the room, with lamps flickering candescent light, illuminating the couple and casted both of their shadows.

As a hunter, Heish sensed danger.

He looked behind and as shock had just started to form on his face, a gleam of white had passed to him. Before he knew it, a dagger pierced his shoulder, unable to contain his painful scream.

He greatly push away his lover, aiming to defend her even the risk of his life.

But before her wife could realize, Heish had been penetrated numerous times by that dagger, back and forth. Copious holes secreting out blood appeared to Heish as he casted one last long glance to his beloved wife.

His body finally slumped to the ground, lifeless and dead.

Louissa eyes widened and uncontrollably wanted to scream but was stopped by a hand covered with black glove, smothering her cherry lips from uttering sounds.

This black glove only eclipsed across the palm, letting the fingers slip through. A mythical beast laid on the glove, a plain white image of Rikimaru.

Behind Louissa, a half horizontal mask stopping half at the nose with one red eye and normal eye at the other, staring at her insidiously. It was an assassin, with a bloody dagger at her neck, the blood sourced from her own husband.

Louissa felt her strength sapped by, as she shudder in fear, silently shaking violently.

The assassin behind her spoke with a cold tone, sending shivers down to Louissa's spine, "Where is the kid?"

He forcefully threw her down to the floor, where she made contact with her husband's pool of blood. She slipped and fell, hitting her head hit upon Heish's back who was lying in face to the floor.

It struck deep horror as she panicked, trying to retreat from her husband's corpse, screaming, "Heish, Heish!!"

Before she could utter another sound, her shoulder immediately sliced upon by a dagger drenched in blood. Louissa let out a shrill.

The man continued, with a grave voice, "Where is the kid?!"

Louissa slumped on the floor, terror plastered on her expression. She chaotically moved backwards from the cold killer, as she cried out, tears streaming down continuously from her face,

"Why?! Why are you doing this? Why?!!"

Suddenly, another shadow came behind her. Another assassin with a long material shadow grabbed by both of his hands. It lunged from above to her left shoulder, splattering blood as a black sword stuck inside. It held through the bone until the floor, letting the sword stand amidst the woman's high-pitch screams.

The man who spoke earlier approached her, standing and looking down her with a genuine icy font. He uttered again with a spine-chilling voice for the third time, "Where is the kid?!"

Louissa struggled in painful suffer, producing bloodcurdling screams. Somehow, she mustered courage as she stared grievously to the one who asked her, "I will never tell you where my son is!"

"This woman!--" That man's right red eye maintained its stable form while the other unmasked eye constricted in viciousness. He wanted to continue his words however, another black sword pierced the woman's right eye, straight to her brain and ultimately killing her.

It was the other assassin holding the same mask, with his exposed eye at his left visage showing apathetically. It held little to no emotion as half of his mouth uncovered by the mask, opened and produced a frigid voice,

"She will not tell us any details. Better killing her off."

The man with his daggers that dripped with blood, had one of his visible brows furrowed. His voice echoed out despite its low eerie sound, "Find the kid!"

The lamps constantly flickered with moving lights, somehow shaking slow or fast at due intensity of wind slipping inside.

Beside the dinner table and chairs along with some food contained in plates above; small and shallow shadows were formed by the unmoving couple at the ground, with a mix of moving blood. Whereas two long shadows were manifested by two living persons standing beside the corpses, when it suddenly vanished as if they were not there at the first place.

Outside of this mansion-like-house, a white-striped tiger wiggled in his chuffed sleep, letting out a pleasurable sound of its relaxing rest.

The surrounding nature continued its tranquilness as a strong wind bellowed to the bushes and the lengthy grasses, while also swaying the trees' leaves. A fish jumped from the stream, floated at the air for a bit with its innate wind element coursing across to its body, as it splashed down back to the water.

Everything was still with a peaceful scenery, unaware of the bloody sight inside the house just across the land. The water falls continuously produced splashing sounds and creating mist.

The skies had finally became dark, with a moonlight gauze covering the beautiful earth.

At the outskirts of the city, in the skies above of a near forest, a tiny kid and giant man with hardened muscles suddenly appeared and floated above.

Gloathiac brimmed with happiness, exulted, "Festival! Here I come!"

Orlan burst in a boisterous guffaw and mixed with the tiny boy's immaculate exciting laugh, it created a euphoric atmosphere, happy and warm.

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