
His Own Unique Festival (3)

"Whew, my back sure hurts a lot." Orlan grumbled while holding his waist and bending his posture.

"Uncle, I can rampage anywhere with this huge deal of money right?" Gloathiac was extremely exhilarated, holding huge bags of golds letting all the bystanders stared in helpless greed.

"Yes but just only in the stalls. I'm telling you!" Orlan had a pained expression due his back when he suddenly turned frivolous. "Anyway kid, you're really great. You only need 1 bag with that tiny body of yours, I'll carry the others."

"Ehh, I don't want to. But here, grab it." He tossed 9 huge bags from the ground to Orlan while he immediately dashed to the front line bringing one, leaving the spot.

Orlan had a large grin imprinted on his face while looking at the sprinting Gloathiac. "Now there's plenty amount of money here that it may leak. It is only natural if I unintentionally lose some gold coins."

Holding 9 huge bags of gold while having a walk, may either be stolen or accidentally slipped down or fell to the ground. Orlan nodded mischievously, already prepared of an excuse if he wanted to buy some things.

At the front line, Gloathiac was facing a plump person that was responsible for the line and carrying the task for people to get in order. He loudly shouted excitedly, "Hey you, can I directly enter inside? I'll pay up ten gold coins!"

The plump person seeing the kid, deemed as an esteemed one even by the nobles, approaching him, he was full of welcome. Hearing his request to enter directly with an extravagant ten gold coins, he was slightly shocked and brimmed in happiness,

"Of course, young master, we just need to wait after everyone had already finished."

For this young master to pay a raw 10 gold coins instead of 1 silver, he had already planned to silently grab the money except for the fee.

Gloathiac inserted first at the line, in which the kids complained a lot but was immediately zipped silent by their parents.

"It is so unfair, we've waited for a whi--" A small girl expressed her dissatisfaction when her father covered her petite lips with his wide palm.

"It’s okay Sheil, it is just only one person inserting." The father hushed at her.

Upon hearing those lot of voices behind him, Gloathiac pulled hundred gold coins as he turned to them, "Distribute it to yourselves."

'This--' The father who held the gold coins had his hands trembling. Even if he could only get a share, it would be at least a gold!

The families became astonished, they looked gratifyingly towards him.

At this moment, the earlier plump person happily spoke, "Young master, they're done. You can now enter."

"Oh" Gloathiac turned to the spot where there were fifteen bubble balls which were lined orderly. Fifteen kids along with their family came out with various faces, going to a specific line for their exit. Among them were kids which were annoyed and the ones who were exuberant.

Gloathiac briskly went towards it while leaving the families who were busy allocating their given gold. Their kids pulled their parents, wanted to play already. However, some children energetically rush inside.

The man in charge allowed them but blocked those who were impishly wanted to enter despite it’s not their turns.

Gloathiac had observed everyone earlier so he knew how to use the bubble balls. As he slowly put his tiny hand, he felt it was drenched inside with a warm sensation although there was no water. He clearly sensed it was moving inside in a swirling motion while some peculiar forces occasionally prickling his hand but dealing no harm.

His thoughts linked to the 4 finger claw inside the enormous aquarium in front of him. When he controlled it to make a fist, it was able to do so.

"Oh, what a wonderful feeling. Even if the synchronization is only up to 58 percent and even by just only linking the hand, it felt greatly satisfying." Gloathiac turned feverish. He looked to another person in charge of these. "Can I start?"

"Not yet, young master. We have to wait before the other kids settle down, I will time you with a limit of a minute." The person was respectful.

Outside of the spot, Orlan looked to the aquarium with a sympathetic expression, "They wanted to scam some kids knowing that they are unable to catch except for some meager fishes. However, it’s a pity. Maybe I just need to buy some food and wait outside."

Then he went out this particular stall, exited to find some food and drinks to buy.

He knew Gloathiac will not be lost and will find him even anywhere because of his unduly senses and control of the elements.

Every bystander who had watched the exciting scene earlier had still not left. The area was full of audience to watch Gloathiac, wanted to know how this particular kid was so capable to outdo some nobles.

Being absorbed in his own dimension, Gloathiac excitedly clenched his fist, his plain black eyes glistened until finally...

"Okay children, young master. Be prepared. The time starts at 3, 2, 1, now!" The person shouted out.

The bubble ball which was locked by a handle broke free. The kid who had his hand eclipsed by the bubble ball had their freedom to move it of their own.

Gloathiac pushed forth his hand in a smooth motion. However, the claw in the aquarium moved in an unstable manner. It went slightly left to mid then strongly right, and back to middle. It didn't flow straight the same as his hand's trajectory did.

Gloathiac closed his hand like a claw would did, flawlessly imitating a beast he defeated with the same structure of a 4 fingered claw. On the other hand, the claw in the aquarium would not follow his pattern, disarray was in its following movements.

That all goes for the others, the children were unable to display perfect control of the claw.

Learning it in an instant, instead of accurately moving his hand; he moved it unstably. He wanted to wrong his movements intentionally. Firstly, he tried to repeat those wrong movements of the 4-fingered claw that resulted from when he pushed his hand in a smooth straight line.

What he analyzed and concluded, if he moved according to the erroneous movements of the claw and properly imitate it to his hand, it would result in the claw in the aquarium moved in a straight pattern instead.

When he flawlessly lifted his hand above, the claw would move erratically. If he repeated those erratic movements, the claw would instead lift in a correct motion.

He experimented for 7 seconds, finishing on making his own created style specifically accustomed for the 4-fingered claw. It harbored all claw movements of the human's hand, whether thrusting, bending, piercing, and other moves.

The people were baffled of why he didn't already catch those fishes like all the others kid. Someone had even luckily managed to capture one large normal fish. It only looked like Gloathiac was playing with the claw itself, not taking the challenge instead.

However, Gloathiac had finally made action. He moved his hand in a haphazard movement, greatly unstable but it followed a certain pattern and rhythm. Whereas the claw in the aquarium instead had utterly shocked everyone who saw it.

It swam into the water like an aquatic living creature, moving flawlessly as if the claw was not controlled by a child but it had a life instead. It suddenly shifted its direction with unbelievable movements to the most dazzling fish in the aquarium, the "Rainbow-Tailed Characin".

Its scales gave off a lustrous shine when reflecting the light. It was a brightly colored tropical fish water with its rainbow tail giving off brilliants luster of different colors.

The fish was alerted and sped off with unreasonable speed. It ran into many reefs with elongated heights. But the claw didn't lose its chase and it had the same speed as the fish.

To properly chase it, it required for the claw to not have extra movements which might extend their distance. It needed to not crash or delay even a single moment. Moreover, the reefs were a natural barrier and the fish had made the aquarium its home. As such, the fish easily maneuvered the obstacles.

But Gloathiac was not distressed by the difficulty. He wore large smiles instead, he was only getting hyped. The claw moved up, down, entered into a circle, moved clockwise, and any dizzying paths in the field of the aquarium.

It nimbly run into the different courses into the water, moving naturally like how an elf roamed into the woods.

It was a large contrast to the other 4-fingered claws which were controlled by the focused kids, moving chaotically in the aquarium.

"The claw didn't have eyes so one must control it in the perspective of a player. But during the given time before the timer began, I had already observed the entire aquarium and memorized it to the very detail. I can even chase the fish even when my eyes are closed." Gloathiac mumbled.

Even as what displayed in the scene looked facile, everyone took it as an impossibility. They could not believe their eyes. That seemed to be a claw fingered fish, not a puppet claw that required human control.

Yes it must be!

It was a fish that looked like a claw.

But their imagination broke off when Gloathiac triumph of laughter rang everywhere amidst the shocking silence. Reality had dawned them.

The claw had confined the sizable giant attractive fish, restraining it with its hard fetters.

It was a peak mortal realm creature!

The best one among all other aquatic living entities in the aquarium. This fish was only intended as an eye grabber for the people, to attract them to play the game along their greed if they luckily grab it. It was only practically a design, and winning it was the same as winning an impossible jackpot.

The manager at a near distance who was watching the scene, amidst his shock, had his guts turned green from regret. He already knew that the 6 family nobles had already back off from this kid, so this already showed his capability.

If he had begged and pleaded to let him not target the fish, he would not have gotten such tremendous loss.

Truly, what a pity!

Outside this particular stall, Orlan had waited with squishy barbecue foods inserted each with a stick. Smoke wafted from it and blended with the different food aroma in the air. He had a juice drink in a long traditional form of a black container, at his right hand.

Finally, he saw Gloathiac leaving the stall, squeezing his tiny body out from the numerous people entering.

"Brat, you're finally out." Orlan spoke casually until he saw another huge bag of gold on Gloathiac despite that he had already one. "Is this your reward?"

"Yes, uncle." Gloathiac beamed widely. "I never thought I earned 1000 gold selling back to the stall for the fish I acquired. I think I've heard they named it as "Rainbow Tailed Characin". The claw made it slightly problematic to move but it was too easy! Umm... Uncle, why are your expression different?"

"Kid are you a fool?" Orlan was frustrated. "That fish naturally costs 1000 but if it was a living fish, then it was tenfold the price which was a lofty 10000 gold coins. You let yourself got scammed! Why you didn't know of it? I- I told you of it right? (Sigh), I forgot I didn't. Let's go. That sum of money is just a drop of an ocean of what you can do."

Orlan walked out and Gloathiac followed.

"What you mean by that uncle? I can make a lot of money?" Gloathiac asked ignorantly as he scanned his surroundings.

There were people selling all random things and he even saw one person buying a big horn of a beast that cackled in lightning at plenty of gold coins.

He also remembered his uncle's words,

— That fish naturally costs 1000 but if it was a living fish, then it was tenfold the price which was a lofty 10000 gold coins.

"Uncle you liar! What deal? I only get a 1 percent from the profit!" Gloathiac was incensed.

"Damn, I should have not slip my tongue. It’s not like that my dear nephew. I cared for our deal. I gave you silvers and mine is also silvers. Just for that serpent alone you killed and sealed off in ice which we left at the mansion, i- it would fetch a price of... m- maybe a price of..." Orlan guiltily scratched his head.

"A thousand gold coins?!" Gloathiac was no idiot.

"Yes, you're right." Orlan looked at him straight and righteously. Seeing Gloathiac wanting to punch him seriously with his cute fists, he exclaimed, "Hey hey, stop, stop, stop! Don't hit me. I'll sell the serpent for you okay? And I'll give you the full profit of it. Let's just wait after we get home."

"And also for the other beasts that I may slay. I wanted to get paid full too!" Gloathiac uttered adamantly.

"Ehhh, what about the labor work?" Orlan wanted to complain but Gloathiac had already showed his fists. "Uh, I remember I had sold hundreds of beasts since those 5 years. But can you lessen the punishment my dear nephew? I'm your uncle after all."

"No, I won't." Gloathiac shook his head in a childly manner.

"Ehhh, I'll change your mind then. How about eat some barbeque squish first?" Orlan thrust the food he held to him.

"Oh!! What is this food?" Gloathiac cheerily exclaimed.

"Just a barbecue squish." Orlan arbitrary replied.

"(Yum, Yum) what a weird name." Gloathiac happily ate it.

After that, they went to every stall. They even entered entertainment buildings but only with Orlan as a company.

There was even one time with Gloathiac pointing to a degenerate motel, the "Sexy Bedhouse". He even asked why almost naked women were waiting at the door and some even winked to Orlan like they knew him.

"(Cough Cough), how about we go to other places?" Orlan bashly said, making Gloathiac feel strange.

Every fun places were stepped by the two except for some like the motel. Gloathiac even felt like he was cheating every time he went places that includes money and rewards. Such things were pointing out which held the jackpot, throwing a coin to a right spot, moving small balls in a circle and ultimately hitting into bent holes, free shooting, lucky draw, and other more.

Because of his practical understanding of the essences of the elements and his ultimate control of his body including his unreasonable intelligence, he had conceived everything to determine the reward.

As a result, Orlan had basically became a servant, holding many toys and bags of gold. He was standing outside a particular stall, waiting impatiently why his nephew had taken so long just to shoot some penguin toys.

"That kid, did he gotten a fight again? Better leave him alone. Everything will still end right for that brat."

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