
His Own Unique Festival (2)

The guards didn't want to make a move when necessary. Judging by the strange actions of the three respectable butlers, they didn't want to make a reckless decision.

The wisdom of the people since the new era had proved beneficiary.

However, the noble inexperienced children had only made their derision grow stronger. The commoners had finally knew of their places now that their guards had intimidated them.

"Uncle, just already beat the crap outta of them!" Leo harshly shouted, his stare was intense.

"Where's your demeanor, young master Leo? A noble should act calm and be prudent." He scolded him with a mild tone while he shifted back his gaze to Orlan and Gloathiac, saying meekly with a smile, "We're sorry for our actions. We don't want to make unnecessary troubles. If you want the line, you can have them, esteemed persons."

Everyone was dumbfounded especially Gloathiac and Orlan.

'Have they misunderstood something? What esteemed persons?' Orlan was extremely baffled.

However, those noble children became more violent.

Duram had been conscious all the time, with a dizzy vision. But right now, hearing those gentle words from Leo's butler, he could not help but explode. He blisteringly blared out, "What are you saying? Why should we follow the heeds of some meager insects? Have you gone crazy, you mere butler!"

Upon hearing the harsh remark, the butler enraged. He looked at Duram, talking somberly, "This mere butler you spoke about had served the noble family, Liones, for 60 years. I could have been granted by the king of a noble title 'baron' but with my loyalty to the family, I've refused. My apologies, young master Duram but we should step back for now. We'll come back here after we enjoyed the other games."

He smiled submissively but his gruff voice contained pressure that suffocated slightly Duram. The gap of their cultivation levels was enough to suppress a mere child. As a result, Duram became utterly afraid.

It was only until Duram's butler vanish the pressure, irritated. He looked at Leo's butler who had an appearance of having an old hair, and aged face with wrinkles on parts of his visage. However, the eyes he held within still maintained its ferocity from his prime. "Old Cai, I understand what you are thinking but he laid a hand to my young master. The least thing he can say was to reveal their identity. In that way, we can be satisfied."

Duram's butler had his clothes fluttered in response to his strong words. Wind escaped from his being, as his eyes reflected bright and pale light. He stared with a frown to both Orlan and Gloathiac.

He was a late-aged man with a brown hairstyle correctly appropriate for a butler. He looked refined but that was only to his outer image. An aura much weaker from Leo's butler, Old Cai, yet oppressively leaking out.

Hearing those, Old Cai seemed to agree as also for the remaining female butler. They wanted to know of the other person and if their identities was deemed highly appropriate for them to back off.

Orlan had rejoiced that the misunderstanding could have let them get their ways with a smile. However, to let his identity be verified, should he tell them he was just a genuine commoner? Of course, it was the truth after all.

He maintained his bow, "Mighty nobles, it’s our place to back off. We're truthfully only commoners. I hope I've cleared your misunderstanding and I wanted to erase all our offense with you."

Orlan spoke roughly, already moving backwards and wanting to get out this place quickly. However, Gloathiac suddenly interjected.

"Oh, this complicates things." Gloathiac derisively uttered out a rude voice. He rubbed his ordinary black hair, impersonating a cool person from the stories he read while lowering his head.

Afterwards, he lifted his face back to stare at those nobles, butlers and guards; sweeping his stooping gaze to each and every one of them flawlessly.

Yes, flawlessly!

His intelligence provided him accurate information according to the situation. They had misunderstood both of them as some lofty nobles who wore commoners’ clothes. It was plausible as some eccentric nobles wanted to hide their identities with these or some other reasons.

If they can come here, then some nobles would also have come here secretively, covering their prestigious identities. If the hierarchy system played with them, then he would also played with its loopholes.

"How dare you question our identity in the public? We only wanted to enjoy more without garnering any attention but for you to mislead other people of having assumptions, aren't you afraid of suffering a punishment of exposing us?" Gloathiac blared out furiously. He was not a bit afraid of them. His pet felt much stronger than them. Why would he care for some entities he could just flick a finger to annihilate them?

Orlan immediately paled. He swiftly spoke out, squeezing again his words, "What are you doing?!"

However, those butlers broke out cold sweat. Such ferocity! This was a high noble with a natural disposition of arrogance due to his inherent high status since his born.

They could sense that they were not a bit afraid even when they exposed their auras:

-- Half-Step Nipping Bud Realm (Old Cai)

-- Peak Staged Mortal Realm (Duram's Butler and Gia's Female Butler)

They apprehensively looked at the kid. They could not feel any aura from him that could be compared to their young masters and young mistress. How this kid without cultivation did easily blew up Duram with an early stage mortal realm.

'Do they have a spiritual artifact that could hide their cultivation?'

A spiritual artifact!

That thought brought them shivers down to their core. Only royals had the ability to procure those artifacts aside from the main masters of the noble houses.

This was only a kid, it was unbelievable for his age to acquire a spiritual artifact! Unless, he was a scion of the royalties?

To think they have offended him!! Why had they only realized this so far? That explained his unbridled audacity.

Then they looked in terror to Orlan, his aura leaking out late-staged mortal realm cultivation.

'This man was pretending to be a wolf hiding in a sheep coat. What late staged! A personal guard of a royal scion should have an ability of a Nipping Bud Realm!'

That kind of strength is unbelievable!

If he was a butler then it would be likely Half-Step Ocean Folding Realm!"

That would already be a legend for the people in the city in which only the kings and its ancestors of the kingdom could have.

But that was likely implausible but a personal guard was enough to destroy them.

Old Cai broke out cold sweats profusely. This was a late-aged man in contrast to his old age, already attaining the realm he could only dream of!

That's why they could not determine his exact realm. He was just suppressing it, making them think he was just a lowly prey but genuinely a tyrannical predator.

"We're sorry. We're deeply sorry. Could we excuse us to leave? We are greatly grateful if you can do so." Old Cai respectfully uttered, terror within his eyes. If those royals would kill them in the spot, he was helpless to react. There was nothing for them mere nobles especially just house butlers to act against them.

Gloathiac suddenly broke out laughter, his ploy had easily taken effect. He repeatedly jumped and hit Orlan's back to reach his size that was still bowing, as if saying, 'See, uncle! For you to bow to such weaklings? What an embarrassment.'

Orlan became embarrassed. These lofty nobles he widely imagined and to those butlers he greatly waried of, to think they only amounted to just these. Just only a misunderstanding and they wanted to put their tails behind their back and scurried off.

Chee! He wanted to spit saliva on them. But he continued his bow, he just wanted to hide his green eyes.

Even he didn't know of its origins but these nobles may likely do. He didn't want to take extreme risk to expose it just to spit out right?

However, Gloathiac continued to burst out laughter until it died down. He strangely said to Orlan, looking him weirdly, "Uncle, why are you still bowing?"

Upon hearing it, Orlan even became further embarrassed. He thought aggrievedly, 'It's not that I want to, it's that I just have to. You damn brat! Just shut your mouth already!'

But to those witnessing eyes of those butlers, they could see his unyielding spirit.

This was a core aspect of a powerful cultivator!

"What happened? Why are the nobles seemed to be surrendering? Are they afraid?" A young man from the audience was carrying his baby sister in his embrace, and spoke out. Wind coursed around the baby, defensively protecting her and providing an ample amount of oxygen.

"I think so, that kid is not simple." A middle-aged man answered him.

The people crowded more of this stall, with the manager full of smiles. This had attracted most attention of the people, letting its fame boomed across all others competitors.

Gossips run amok from the audiences, leading to the speculation of the kid's identity. The butlers only had their expressions darkened even more.

The people had already filled with assumptions to the kid's identity. What if it angered him even more? They would likely die!!

Doom had befallen them, as horror birthed from their hearts. Their expressions turned desperate.

"Esteemed young master, how should we reconcile with your lofty status? Command us as you see fit. Even if you had to let us storm to the "Witchful Forest", we would likely do so." The female butler, Bellia, swiftly resounded out her words. Her cultivation backing up on it to loudly express her strong determination to follow it.

Her face was gorgeous with a short black hair but her body had a masculinity in it, giving the people a deep sense of foreboding fierceness.

The guards had pale faces, visibly seen among their large numbers having the same expressions. They were utterly scared out of their wits. If they would be forcefully taken there at the "Witchful Forest", it would just be suicide!

The butlers had it the worst. Only they knew the terror it lied within. Even Ocean-Folding Realm cultivators which they thought as legendary beings could only succumb to death after venturing far within it.

It was a location near the kingdom, eclipsing the south and the east, a natural blockade spanning for billions of miles, preventing them to see what hidden place after that vast forest. It was only just a mystery, never clarified.

However, it was also thanks to it, that the kingdom could only encounter invasion from the north and the west. Taking advantage of it, this kingdom had continued to rise in power, gaining utmost envy and jealousy of the neighboring kingdoms.

However this "Witchful Forest" despite its rumors that struck horror, it was filled with unbelievable treasures even at the outer regions. As such, the kingdom had taken full of its advantages.

This forest had been birthed by the catastrophe, "The Gloating Merge", only aging at a million years. Although its age could only be an infant if compared to the other ancient forests, this was filled with unexplainable dangers and beasts. This location had never been treaded, and would always never be.

"Oh the "Witchful Forest", that playground. It was not enough of a punishment for you all!" Gloathiac boldness was off the charts. He was not even a bit afraid of the forest. After all, he was not knowledgeable of it.

This attitude! He is truthfully a scion of the royals.

The butlers had finally concluded the truth. The female butler had still managed to test Gloathiac, giving a topic about the forest. And the answer they gained bore the most similar aspects of the royal's scions.

They were not scared of the forest for it was their playground! At least, at the outer region of it. Their guards positioned themselves, saving them at only the crucial point required during when they were endangered.

It was their training, and most of the scions called it as their playground, the arrogance to deign the horrific rumors that people were utterly terrorized of. This way, they could lift their status above everyone.

Currently, it was the same answer.

They despondently shook in fear. What punishment would await them?

Suddenly, Gloatiac happily declared, "Give me ten thousand gold coins!"

The crowds gasped, inhaling a huge deal of breath. Even the guards also absorbed a lot of air.

-- What a sum!

However, the nobles even the butlers were utterly dumbstruck.

-- What a cheap sum!

Even if they handled him a million gold coins, it would still be sufficient. Moreover, a scion of a royal must be bulging with innumerous amount of golds.

However, they understood. It was giving them face. He had not asked a lot of money in accordance to his magnanimity. He had already forgiven them for their offense that could already warranted death.

What a person. He is a sublime being full of kindness. A young kid that had even a better quality aspect of moral ethics than all of them old faces combined.

Then they looked at Orlan, still bowing. The gesture for it was again letting them know, that it was giving a lot of face. They had never realized it at this point, they had only wanted to reconcile.


Their young masters and young mistresses were the cause why the royal's scion temperament exploded out. Such carelessness!

They didn't want to disappoint him again. In a flash, they procured ten thousand gold coins to Gloathiac with Orlan still bowing, putting into their ground.

Gloathiac widely smiled, fully showing his complete white teeth. Whereas Orlan was totally flabbergasted, he thought, 'This brat, he managed to acquire tenfold of my money in his first day at the city. What good luck! What capability!'

"You can scram!" Gloathiac uttered out a famous phrase from his books. What a great feeling! He was elevated in joy.

The noble children only had confusion across their little faces. They hadn't fully comprehend what was the situation. They just only read the atmosphere, and been subjected to hold their pent-up feelings.

Leo clenched his teeth furiously, looking one long glance at Gloathiac, etching his face to bear this grudge.

Gia, the violent girl, stomped her pretty foot at the ground, leaving in wrath with her entourage.

Duram had it worst, viciously staring at Gloathiac who was boisterous, bursting forth continuous laughter.

'Just meager coins, you commoner's taste of greed is truly disgusting. I'll have my revenge sooner or later.' He thought with gritted teeth.

Duram's butler only shook his head of his young master ignorance. His fierceness had long been vanished after knowing the identity of both of Orlan and Gloatiac. He just wanted to get out of this place.

As every one of them had managed to cover a distance away, Leo asked in discontent, "Uncle, why are you all afraid of him? Is his status is greater than us all combined?"

"Of course, young master. Let me tell you this. He is out of your league so you better befriend him or get out of his way. He is after all a prince." Old Cai mildly said, dotingly looked at his young master as if he was his son.

"A prince!" Leo blurted out loud when suddenly Old Cai covered his mouth and used space distortion in his space. It was to hide any sound from leaking out.

"Don't carelessly say it aloud, young master." Old Cai severely said.

"I know, I know. I was just freaked out." Leo's expression was grave, his tone was somber.

"It was the same for us when we finally realized it." Old Cai looked back to where Gloathiac and Orlan at. At his glimpse, he had seen Orlan suddenly standing up and caught his pair of eyes.

That green eyes, forming like emerald jewels. It gave enchantment to those who seen it but to knowledgeable persons like him, it gave out true horror.

The duke noble family, "Bleedheart". The extremely loyal ones who devoted themselves as personal maids and butlers for the royals. Every one of them gave out meek personality at the outside but when they turned serious, they would spill any amount of blood, to protect their masters.

That’s how loyal they were even if the whole people of the city should be sacrificed to preserve the blood of the royalty.

He immediately averted his gaze away, shuddering in extreme fear.

To think he was a butler! A personal butler having deadly cultivation level around Late-Staged Nipping Bud realm until to Half-Step Ocean Folding Realm.

His heart palpated in extreme distress, his breaths came out chaotically.

On this day onwards, he should be extremely prudent of his surroundings whether he may unknowingly offend these kinds of people.

They were lucky to meet magnanimous ones but if they met egoistic and arrogant royals, then doom would be fated to their lives.

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