
Goodbye, Home (2)

At the couple's house, the woman was carefully attending the baby to her arms who had just awoken from her loud voice earlier.

Its eyes innocently stared at her gorgeous green eyes, wondering what's were those. It watched her every movements, as those beady eyes momentarily looked at her arms, shoulders, then back to her green eyes again.

The woman giggled in a chortled voice. Her blue long hair moved along her back as she felt great affection and tenderness towards this baby.

"How cute!"

"Wife, I think we should name him already." Her husband voiced out his husky voice, yet clear on his deep joy.

"Yes a name. What's a good name for our little boy, my dear husband, Heish?" She asked while continued to play with the baby in her arms.

"What about Gloathiac? I feel I need to name him that." Heish feel puzzled on his decision.

"What a coincidence, I felt the same too. But it was weird for him to name under the word "gloat", but if it was destined, he shall be Gloathiac." Louissa gave a beautiful smile to him, which incessantly attracted Heish whenever he saw her smile passionately.

"Sorry to interrupt you lucky couple. But it seems your dear brother wants to look at his nephew. Hehe" A large man with highly toned muscle like a dwarf but tall, tittered teasingly to her beloved sister and brother-in-law. His green eyes was apparent but his hair maintained black, like the whole villagers.

Only the Louissa was different in the color of her hair, painted in blue. Even Glothiac had black but it was different from the original black. It was a discernable silky deep black hair and shimmered like a brilliant jewel found in the deepest reaches of the earth.

However, his hair was not yet grown enough, as he was still a neonate with little short hair. If it would be lengthen and stacked with hairs on each other, only then his deep black hair will gave out its unworldly beauty.

"Older brother! Come and look at your cute nephew." Louissa beamed with gratitude upon seeing his brother bestowing his presence to them upon the celebratory mood.

"Come, come, brother Orlan. I hope you will not shock my son at your huge size." Heish attended his brother-in-law in entering the house as he laughed claiming his stature.

"This size is a sign of good health. Oh what a boy! He will grow more handsome than I." Orlan complimented his largeness while he was shocked looking at his gorgeous nephew.

Goliath, a tiny baby, also looked at Orlan. It examined him from top to bottom with curiosity. It already held a little intelligence in its eyes.

"Of course he is. He came from the heavens. Any son of god would look like him." Louissa pinched softly the cheek of the baby, without dealing a slightest harm.

"Sigh" Orlan sighed. "If this baby was situated at my front door. I will immediately adopt him as my own son, not letting you have him."

The news had already spread far, that a child was gifted to them by the door.

"That will not happen. The baby could not survive with your carelessness." Louissa laughed sweetly while Heish just stood behind, widely smiling.

The parents were greatly proud at the child while the uncle was already ardently preparing his wits to teach this baby to become like him.

This happening was already precisely calculated by the great Glothiac. He who had a grasp of fate and time, surely knows of his future. But despite of it, he could only see a glimpse of it. This event was already the limit of his delineation of fate, the next scenes were foggy until it became wholly dark, unable to decipher more.

He knew for this kind of existence he transformed was unduly unique and transcendent. Even his full prowess of controlling the future, he could not acquire more. As such, no one even he, the supreme, could determine what would be the changes near the later time.

But this family relation was already arranged by him. Added more to the near city for basking him with prominent knowledge, if he was led to be there.

A village for attitude; a small birth place seemingly a little well, would become a thirst for adventure to outside places; and all other his instinctual predictions of either devilish or angelic outcomes.

Plus, he was in need to feel a familial love. The creators, whom were Gods, could be considered as parents or maybe more as inventors. However, this type of love could not be genuine as to what already transpired of this little village. This experience was something he never had, and he had taken a risk whether this type of mental and emotional foundation would be a hindrance to his future. A gamble must be taken!

Anyway, he had already schemed everything with a million year of planning.

Unaware to the plans by someone in a league of a supreme existence, the villagers continued to create a more festive mood.

The chief villager had already sauntered outside, with a pole stick as a leverage for his relaxed walk. Everyone greeted him as he passed by, a form of respect and a stable leadership in this small place.

He arrived to the celebratory house, with villagers making way for him. At his side was a young teen, the chief's son.

As they stepped at the door, the chief spoke with natural weighty words amidst his old age, "Greetings couple. I am here to congratulate you for your prayers and wishes had finally been heed by the heavens for years of time."

"Good morning chief!" They spoke at the same time.

"Thank you for your blessings." Louissa smiled gently.

Heish looked approvable to the chief with delighted expression whereas Orlan shamelessly patted the chief's shoulder.

"Old man, this night should be loud. I'll go prepare and hunt those golden deer for this blissful occasion. As a chief villager, you'll command me about this right? Of course, I'll assent for the sake of my baby nephew. You're welcome chief." Orlan uttered lengthy sentences in a beat and laughed wholeheartedly, leaving the house in a chuffed expression.

Louissa softly laughed to his brother's child acts while Heish only looked weirdly as he said, "Sorry village chief, my brother lacked a sense of propriety."

"Its of no concern. I have already integrated with these old bones of mine how mischievous he was since he was a tiny little kid." The chief laughed in mirth. "For this young baby, we need to hold the best celebratory event. Kellen, go out and take out to the forest with your fellow brothers. I'll handle the matters within."

"Okay father." Then the young teen left and his teenage voices echoed out clearly to the outside, commanding his fellow brothers as a representative for his father.

"That young kid really resembles me." The chief village happily laughed.

"He truly is." Heish agreed pleasingly while Louissa constantly played with the baby.

During the night, on this particular village enshrouded by the darkness and shadows of the trees from the veil of moonlight; an incandescent light was generated by a giant fire in the middle of a large clearing.

Sturdy wooden table made from unknown trees, lined in a streamlined order, in columns and rows but circling the fire.

It showed people that were sitting and enjoying their drinks and foods around the fire, happiness booming within everyone.

"Orlan brother, how much toll had taken with your body to gather a full ten golden deer bodies. It was already sufficient for us to hold for days with only almost a hundred villagers." Heish spoke worriedly. "Even if you hide your wounds, it could not cover up the wounds inflicted by the white-striped tiger."

Orlan finished eating a large meat leg of a deer, sizing up to 2 feet wide and 4 feet long. Such bulking size, a golden deer alone could be adequate enough to be fed for months for ordinary mortals of the past, with its nutritional value of a piece of meat to satisfy a hungry stomach.

However, every mortal had changed since the new era, hence it was only enough for days for a hundred villagers, even by cooling it off.

Yes, cooling. Everyone on this village had an innate of elemental property, either ice or fire and even more. Such as the result of the merging of the daos, transforming everyone's constitution.

It was not like in the past, which one out of a million could be congenital wielder of an elemental property. But now, it was ten out ten, basically everyone had it. That includes the wild of the outside.

"That tiger was sure pain in the ass. Luckily, I am adept in evading and with this huge size of mine, I have full of stamina." Orlan glanced at his forearm bulging with muscles with wounds that already scabbed.

"I know my wife had healed you earlier, forming that scabs of your wounds. But Orlan, that white-striped tiger is a small realm higher than you. A beast is more innately stronger than a human and our wisdom for martial arts could be implemented to stand up with them. However, that beast was a step away to that realm. You have experienced that prowess by your noble relatives in the city, how that realm can easily wipe out our village with a slick of a hand." Heish's expression was somber, as he had an experience gained by witnessing an unimaginable power.

"Of course, of course. Such damned beasts. They will have an intelligence of a young kid, after attaining that realm. It was even said in the legends that beasts could cultivate like humans, shaping as humanoids, and interacting with us. Our advantage of wisdom could no longer gain an upper hand." Orlan upon finishing his sentences drank a flask of wine. He gulped it and gave out a sound full of pleasure, slamming the flask on the table.

"So don't anger that beast and steal more of his favorite food, those giant golden deers. It will only implicate our village." Heish gently said while drinking his wine.

"I won't next time. I'll leave that cat in my lifetime. It really scared my wits. It was a nick of a distance away from my neck when it pounced to me. Gladly, the wind heeds to my call." Orlan lifted his hand and a gentle and smooth wind swirled around it.

"Look at your nephew, rising on the air due to the village chief. My son is really intelligent, to think it was already feeling enjoyment of experiencing soaring the air, despite being newly born." Heish gazed at the baby flying in the air with meek wind raising it.

An old man, which was the chief, guffawed in enjoyment with his hands controlling the trajectory and strength of the winds.

Beside the chief, there was a woman with green eyes and hair as deeply colored as a blue water. She was constantly smiling in joy.

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