
Different Meaning (Part 2)

In that span of time, Gloathiac unleashed full electricity coursing his body. His heartbeat pumped violently, his blood roiled across his body in its multiplying speed. However, his body's hairs didn't erect as if they were not affected by its electrical properties, entailing his full compatibility with the said element.

The golden glyph moving circularly in his pupils had let his perspective vision perceive the areas in vastly slow motion and assumed precise future movements.

That extreme advantage ensured him accurate critical attacks to point his blows whether the enemy moved himself voluntarily or he was moved due to the impact forces by the attacks of Gloathiac himself.

His left hand hardened itself like steel, darkening the color of his arm. Making it more deadly, sharp spikes formed at his knuckles.

He was floating at the same spot where he teleported, distinctable compression of wind elevated him.

As he flexed his arm to move his punch, his elbow suddenly combusted out in flames, giving more outburst acceleration.

The path of his fist was not deterred by any friction or gravity, as it seemed they were intentionally put off. Hence, the fist's speed was at its fullest.

The tiny fist aimed to the assassin's face, and the first to hit was the menacing spikes, facilely shot inside and embedded into the skull. Afterwards, the solid hit of the fist came, carrying an oppressive mass as it felt tens of tons strength. It broke the skull's frame and exploded the brain within, surging out brain fluids.

It was not yet finished.

The hand suddenly exploded in flames that could melt the finest metal, easily corroding the assassin's face as if a plastic had neared a fire face on. Even the skeletal bones were clearly dissolved.

Pestilent sparks of electricity also spread out, coursing to the assassin's lower intact body. The amount of electricity swimming the interior seemed high as it inflicted the body lethally. It turned it into a burnt crisp like a charcoal, exuding white smoke.

The assassin had now without a head, with visible spine sticking out from his melting neck and shoulders. His whole body was electrocuted and pitch-black.

Gloathiac could see the future as where that body would be blown towards after that grievous attack.

His right leg was already prepared, with multicolored straight beam lining from his knee down to the front part of his ankle. It seemed there was a floating colorful keen blade hovering straightly on his lower leg.

Suddenly, he kicked it upwards towards the recently blown up assassin. It never had a chance for the body to be flown away from the impact before something extremely sharp was destined to cut it.

At that instance, Gloathiac's leg was eclipsed with mysterious light, ushering it to light speed.

Even an ordinary sword that was propelled in light speed would cut the moon depending on its size. Much more, a keen sharp beam of "more than rainbow light" that was filled with mystic and unknown origin properties.

Even the space was cut, making a neat and straight crevice, reaching through the highest atmosphere of the skies. There were no stars within it, but mysterious pitch-black nothingness.

The assassin's headless body perfectly divided into two parts, scattering little dips of blood as if there were nothing to gush out due to being already solidified by intense heat.

The two parts continued to fly towards a specific direction, undeterred by the beam slice. It kept propelling forwards where his first macabre punch combo aimed to.

After gaining clarity in vision, the other assassin was appalled in puissant horror. His covered face lost his color as if he had aged rapidly.

The sight of the towering length of the space crevice along with a young kid who seemed to be consumed by darkness itself which wriggled like tiny snakes around his body; was an unreasonably beyond his worst nightmare.

The area was no longer in recognition, with only the remains of trees' sturdy stems, wooden shards, and obliterated blocks and bricks. The garden was unduly messed and the grasses were uprooted, showing the land of large spots of broken soils.

The expression he had become even more twisted as another presentation was for him to witness.

"The first punch was supposed to be a feint." Gloathiac's voice seemed to come from the deepest netherworld, cryptically eerie low yet resoundingly lucid and loud to the still living assassin in utter terror.

The assassin then saw the young kid's right hand that was shrouded by darkness, swiftly forming a demonically pitch-black five-fingered claw of a devil. It was stretched forwards, aiming to the already beyond disfigured form of the killed assassin, still in the air.

And suddenly, that assassin's body ruptured in appalling black meat. It looked like the body turned grievous black and wanted to explode into smithereens, then wanted to compress horrendously tight.

It repeated into small cycles like the water in a bottle container was shaking relentlessly. Until, the mangled body ruptured in explosion, splattering out black blood and pieces of meat along with remnants of innards and interior parts.

The alive assassin despite his overwhelming amount of torturous interrogations, had an urging tendency to puke out. The utterly disgusting show he watched was just that repugnantly gross.

Then came another of the young kid's abhorrent voice, "Why would you die so easily?"

Those words had break the assassin senseless, he trembled in relentless intensity. His foot stepped backwards unconsciously as he then swiftly turned around his body, scamping away to leave briskly.

His sword in its sheathe hanged at his behind, following his careless movements.

"I… I don't want to die. I don't want to die. I.. I want… I want to live!"

He made continuous mistakes, falling into his knees and kept crawling to regain his foothold and balance. The repetitions came one after another, always screwing his feet and slipped on the ground.

The terrors he seen successively clouded his mind, even more so of the approaching little steps he heard behind him.

Gloathiac kept his pace slowly, as if he wanted to treasure this moment to satisfy his unending boiling wrath.

Meanwhile, Orlan inside of an oval barrier which Gloathiac put upon unknowingly, suddenly awakened. This elliptical cover acted as a shield and also a healing, spilling out glittering mystic mix of verdant green and holy white.

"Kid, stop it." He blared out, his face contorted in pain.

However, Gloathiac seemed to not hear it. His demonic aura kept thicker and stronger, now forming lengthy snakes squirming across him.

"STOP IT!" Orlan mustered his strength to raise his voice to the limit. As a result, he felt a surging rush of blood to his mouth, making him throw up adhesive sanguine liquid.

Fortunately, Gloathiac halted. His ten inches thick aura swiftly soothed and the tentacles around distinctly shortened into small snakes, long worms, until all of the darkness shrouding him vanished.

Gloathiac turned to him and his eyes showed the bloody red glyph within instead of the usual golden color. He said obdurately, "Uncle, why are you stopping me? Mom and Dad are dead!"

Orlan was feeble as he hardened himself to reply, "Damn brat, Of course I have to stop you. Don't you remember what your mother said?"

"I- I don't want to remember. My head hurts." Gloathiac held his temples in suffering headache. "I don't want to think of it. I… I want to kill him first."

He turned around, aiming his vision towards the running assassin who was already in distance. His eyes started to spin rapidly, his body discharging hazy black aura.

After sensing his murderous intent and gaze, the assassin's regained composure greatly diminished immediately.

"Gloathiac! Don't fall down the drain. You'll never return to yourself. Remember what your mother has always says to you." Orlan rattled out continuous words.

Gloathiac's pair of eyes decreased its rotation as he mumbled, "What my mother has always says to me?"

["Gloathiac, don't be upset. I just don't want anyone to hurt you." Louissa came into his son's room as Gloathiac sulked, gaining no permission to celebrate the city's festival.

"But mom, I just wanted to…" Gloathiac turned to face his mother, his crystal tears rolled down his tender cheeks. "Am I not allowed to be happy?"

"Dear child, of course you can. You can smile always, anytime and anywhere." Louissa hugged her son. "But there are always exceptions. You don't want your parents to worry for your safety right?]

Suddenly, the images of grotesque grisly forms of his parent's corpses flitted into his mind. The horrifying gore and bloodshed remained apparent.

"Aarghhh" Gloathiac screamed, augmenting his handhold on his head. "I- I don't want to remember."

Suddenly, as if Gloathiac was out of control…

He and his uncle, seemed to have their skins shed by the nature, peeling out from their skin uncontrollably. The pulled out skins quickly vanished into arcane and polychromatic particles. However, below the peeled skin was another skin. Their original appearance had revealed itself, exposing their true forms.

The flowers paled, the sun lost its radiance. The world seemed to turn frozen as an otherworldly beauty had finally showed its existence. Glothiac stood lonely across the obliterated area, the caliginous atmosphere added to the bizarre yet beautiful scenery.

"Remember Gloathiac!" Orlan shouted out.

Surge of pain entered Gloathiac's senses as he tried to remember. He strengthened his will, his immaculate deep black obsidian eyes flickered from the reflecting light.

["Orlan, don't teach him like that. Do you want him to be a barbarian?" Louissa chided at his older brother who was holding a blunt weapon.

She then turned to her son who was watching them cutely, with gorgeous large black eyes. She lowered her body and faced the lovely child with his dainty height. Gloathiac was still one year old, innocently blinking his eyes towards his uncle and his mother, wondering what's wrong.

"Gloathiac, don't follow your uncle. What's good if you're powerful? As long as you're smart and kind, it's enough to live life peacefully."

"Mmm" Gloathiac nodded cheerfully. "I don't know but I'll follow your words mom."

"Good boy" Louissa patted his weeny head whereas Orlan was unyielding to her opinion, making face.]

Another memory quickly flashed.

["Mom, I want to go to the festival. I want to meet new people. I don't want to be locked up in the house." Gloathiac, at the age of 4, was rampantly arguing her mother.

"No, you can't. You must stay here." Louissa commandingly said.]

Another one again.

["Louissa, it may be the greatest gift we can give to our child. For once, we must agree to one of his wishes." Heish said.

"B- But, he is still 5 years old. To wander in a strange place, I am deeply worried." Louissa's tone was full of unease. The sheen of her eyes reflected down-heartedness, feeling dejected at the probability of losing her child for a small time.]

Then another.

["O- okay. But be sure to be careful. Take pay very good attention to your surroundings. Don't be lost." Louissa had finally agreed, but she still said word of concerns. She could not help but also tear up.

"M- mom!!" Gloathiac suddenly ran to her mother, hugging him in gratification. Finally, he was given permission to explore in the city even for a night. "M- mom, I love you!"]

"She wanted to protect you Gloathiac!" Orlan strongly echoed out.

Gloathiac's eyes moistened and the red circular symbol motioning in his pupils, glistened discernably. The hazy black aura abated in a visible manner.

"And more importantly, she wanted you to gO INTO A RIGHT PATH!!" Orlan's emotions transmitted to his words, resoundingly lucid into the forest.

The sound spread out to the forest and the wind seemed to also coincide, bellowing the leaves into producing rhythmical cadence.

However, what slammed into Glothiac was instead a gentle wind, as if it was a sweet caress of a mother, blowing his hair and clothes demurely.

"Mother?" A voice escaped from his lips while his expression became blank. He seemed to reminisce due to the trigger of the wind.

["Gloathiac, don't follow your uncle." Louissa stared harshly at Orlan while she immediately shifted her gaze back to Gloathiac.

The same memory flitted back.

"What's good if you're powerful?" Her eyes carried deep warm of a loving parent as it seemed to melt Gloathiac from remembering it.

It was the same memory again but it seemed quite different. What Gloathiac felt right now… was different from the past.

Louissa, his mother, the one who had embraced him full of passionate affection, the woman who devoted herself to raise her own child; fondly smiled at Glothiac with such tenderness.

"As long as you're smart and kind, it's enough to live life peacefully."]

Gloathiac escaped from his trance, his eyes returned its clear clarity. He clenched his fists as surging emotions rampage within him. However, rage no longer shackled his mind as he trammeled out all of his negativity.

Tears trickled down his face, a teardrop fell to the ground. He rubbed his eyes by his arm like a child, replying to a question from his mind.

"Mmm" He nodded in grief. "I'll follow your words mom."

The same memories flashed to him and the same similar words were answered.

However, the meaning seemed different.

At the slope of a hill, a man clothed in black with a vertical mask on his face, the fleeing assassin, lied down in panting. He can still see the visible silhouette of the young kid however he no longer sensed a sinister intent. Gasps of breath loudly sounded out, the sheer exhaustion from the stressing mentality had fatigued him crashingly.

His eyes showed signs of fire, determined to uphold his survival. Remaining in this place would undoubtedly shake his mind, shivering in cold terror. He may likely be killed if he stayed. The demonic aura that oppressed him had horrified him, the sheer amount of pure evil which terrified him greatly.

"I- I need to leave."

Next chapter