
An Order That Shakes The Kingdom

At a certain place away, there was an enormous single phenomenal root eclipsed everywhere by earth, which produced extremely intense of spiritual power that seemed to become tangible, giving out waves that transmitted everywhere.

If putting an analogy, it had the same effect an earthquake would do such as the seismic wave. However it didn't bring devastating shaking force but instead were invisible waves that became tangible due to extreme compression of spiritual power.

Below of it lied a recondite and monochromic burial coffin, in which a gravely old man in a feeble emaciated constitution found sleeping inside. His age lucidly taken root of his body, showing his skeleton-like form.

He was draped in majestic golden and crimson robe, sewed and embedded in opulent designs of coiling dragon and white tiger with wings. It was an art of regal projection that have 10 stars streaked in a line across the sacrosanct image.

His venerable face showed short ancient white hair yet seemed full and healthy of its characteristics, a deep contrast of his old aged body.

Suddenly, his withered eyes opened, his red ruby eyes shone in a savage gleam. A monarchal air leaked out from his awakened state, condemning his surroundings in an oppressive tremor. His clothes that was constricted in the coffin, shook by the pressure he caused, flying its edges in a flailing manner.

"Space element! Yet so pure..."

His clothes suddenly glowed, brightening up his coffin in a mixture of crimson and golden colors. The things inside became apparent, due to the splendor.

There was an intricate sword with a sheen and keen blade etched of life-form golden dragon with mystic gems. Its handle was also chromatically golden, having runes at every intersections of its form.

There was a normally plain bell but time and dust seemed to not affect it. It remained its refined and unpolluted composition.

There was a prismatic stone diagram inscribed in a text of rune which was hued in a shade of black and gray. Ripples of suppressive weighty force leaked out from its diminutive form.

Aside from the three noteworthy items, there were unduly amount of pure red stone marbles, appearing as if the crystallizations of blood itself. It surged out of vitality and pulsated strong life, which seeped through the pores of the old being.

The age of the person seemed to pause, unable to degenerate when exposed of the intangible awash of the marbles.

As the majestic robes absorbed the being's power, the supposedly invisible runes suddenly flared up, showing its appearance. The power of the old man surged out, immediately amplified when the runes manifested.

A link was completed.

In the trigger of his essential essences, his blood and flesh; he was connected to his descendants.

He was the sole guardian of the whole kingdom of Lafanor. He was the oldest entity that protected the fief in the dark, which managed to live in the present times.

The progenitor that formed his kingdom, the inexhaustible desire of ambition to create his own empire.

Willhern von Lafanor

All of the old ancestors of the kingdom had already awaken, sensing the ripples of space elements in the vicinity of the kingdom. They received their progenitor's link, astounding them.

The king that lived for ten centuries, a legend, had already furrowed his brows. His presence oppressed the large hall as he sat on his regal chair. All of the aristocrats, administrates, guards, and distinguished persons silently quivered under the unstable force the king produced around.

Suddenly, the oppression vanished as his expression suddenly turned 180 degrees. His low voice he uncontrollably exclaimed, managed to slip everyone's hearings, "Your Sovereignty"

Everyone was utterly shocked hearing it, pin-drop silence assailed the area.

The progenitor had been the greatest legend of the kingdom. A supreme tale of him remained in the stories of every kids, relishing with the adventures of the first king in exultation.

In the ending of the story, the first king in his prime powerfully proclaimed while bathed in blood of his comrades and enemies, "I'll become the greatest emperor! I'll rule everyone with my own strength!"

And since then, as respect for his ambition, everyone during the past times had always called him "Your Sovereignty".

Currently, the king himself had said those sacred phrase. Everyone was thoroughly shocked and trembled to their core, disbelief plastered on their faces.

Even the king himself had the same shock everyone had, but he managed to control his expression to a certain degree. It was all for the image of a king which is the pillar of the city.

"Is it the progenitor?!"

"To think he is still alive!"

"I don't believe it!"


Hushed voices of uncontrollable excitement came out from the large hall.

Every sentence and phrases they uttered, contained vast elegance and nobleness, entailing their highborn statuses. The grand words that escaped from their mouth carried a sense of loftiness from their exalted backgrounds.

"Silence!" An irreproachable and commanding voice ushered from the foremost chair at the sacred platform the king resided.

Everyone naturally obeyed. Their presiding identities carried no weight to the preeminent person of the whole kingdom. Their clans and nobles houses held insurmountable power akin to their potent and influential cultivation but they held no candle to the army and forces of the royalty.

But they truly held faithful and loyal to their ruler. The prestige and strength remained in the firm and flourishing tree, the lineage of Lafanor, who sheltered everyone from its insuperable shadow.

At this moment, the progenitor had initiated a conversation with the current king and all of the ancestors which bore greater status than the king himself.

"Since ancient times, the people of the Oscentas Continent had never awakened space element. Presumably, the whole world, Olkwart, should also never had a space elemental user. What should my words imply?" Willhern spoke in an enigmatic and inexplicable tone, entering their mind and enshrouding their thoughts.

"A Celestial person?"

"A Divine entity?"

"In the legends, upon gaining eternity, they were released by the shackles of the heaven's laws and ventured to the outside realm.

"We don't even know if Celestials exist."

"Only Celestials have the control of space and can fly to the aether which the laws prevented us. It should be the truth."

"Should we welcome the Celestial? Otherwise, we would neglect his invaluable boon."

"It is that we should avoid the Celestial. Otherwise, we might offend and bring a disaster."

Ancient voices transmitted from every minds that linked.

"Do you think the space element is at its infancy?" The current king of Lafanor, his Majesty, Graham von Lafanor, brought out a topic that attracted everyone into silent thinking.

"Yes, that's what I originally felt." Willhern suddenly spoke, bringing out words that weighted a mountain.

For a while, everyone became truly silent.

"Your Sovereignty, should it be a natural pulse of power required to trigger small activation?" A grave aged voice echoed between the linked minds.

"Pardon me but Celestials should have gained an unfathomable enlightenment that would fluctuate space we cannot comprehend. And I cannot understand the Celestial's boundless strength to show his powers, much more, degrading it. Why bother to show his Celestial's presence if we are only meager ants before him, unable to serve him use?" Graham said.

"So it is someone who naturally awakened his space element?" Another rough and ancient voice spoke out.

"That is my speculation." Graham answered.

"That is likely correct. The pulsations the remaining remnant space brought out was at infancy level. Furthermore, it was exposed at our area. It is highly someone from our subjects."

"Space elemental user. Unbelievable!"

"It may be a blessing or a curse."

Before copious voices intertwined in a disorder, Willhern's magnetic voice gushed out, letting everyone unable to resist,

"Hear me out. From this day onwards, I decree: search this person and welcome him to our abode. If he refused, I hereby allowed the kingdom to dispose its entire resources to rid a potential enemy."

Everyone was surprised by the revelations of his words but they had already somehow expected it.

"Your subjects agree." Everyone uttered an official answer.

The link suddenly died and the connections that attached every powerhouses were cut.

At his impregnable coffin, Willhern's glowing robes kept illuminating but the flared up runes disappeared. Slowly, the refulgence dimmed until it went completely dark.

The oppressive pressure he surged out calmed down and the place remained its still.

However, the ruby eyes of the progenitor remained open, the red light that still gleamed within the pitch-black darkness of the coffin.

Finally, it closed.

His mystical and cryptic voice softly poured out, "I will not risk someone who will overthrow my position as a single ruler of this world."

It announced the return of peace at this esoteric location.

Back at the large hall of the kingdom of Lafanor, Graham sat at his majestic seat in distress.

He wore the same robes as Willhern had, with the same ten streaking stars across its draconic image and along a white tiger. He had the same deep ruby eyes and eye-catchingly jewellike red hair, every lineage of Lafanor would inherit and the symbol of their royalty.

His stature was outstandingly fierce with a virile mustache perfectly complimenting his defined muscled body. He was a late-aged man but his body exploded with vitality and strength, unbecoming of his senescent age.

His seat was fully designed in opulence, gems and jewels streamlined in an affluent fashion. It carried the symbol totem of the kingdom: the legendary crimson dragon that breathed out golden flames.

The symbol totems were embedded in the pillars and columns, showing its overbearing image. The golden texture of its appearance highly contrasted with the sheen black hue of the art.

Every chairs of the people of nobility and distinguished positions, were neatly arranged to the right and left, above a highly colored red mat. Patricians stood above the said magnific chairs.

There were silvery armors lined in a grand fashion across the sides, with fully golden armored chested guards ferociously standing up in vigilance.

Everyone didn't make a move, preventing any sound to be made.

Suddenly, the king's aura smothered them in constricting pressure, his majestic charisma bore weight to everyone.

"As the 24th king in line of the royal lineage, Graham von Lafanor, under the words of our progenitor, the first king, Willhern von Lafanor, and under the witness of our great ancestors, to all areas in the vicinity of the Kingdom of Lafanor; the first king hereby decreed that the kingdom to use all of its powers and dispose its entire resources to recruit a certain man and if he shall refuses, he shall be slain at any necessary costs."

Graham's reeling words resounded at the castle, heard by all personnel, shocking them at their essence.

It's not only the people at the main hall that were hit at their minds by the sudden concussion, blowing their minds in incomprehensibility; the other members of a lower hierarchy were also utterly astounded.

"What's going to happen to our kingdom?" A plump woman in her cooking suit was washing the utensils, strongly spoke out in worry.

"Is that the reason why the king gathered all the famed persons across the city? It was not just for the banquet?" Another woman who was attending to the neat and washed dishes, also inquired hastily.

"I also thought it was to honor the young lady's betrothal." The plump woman answered.

At the chambers of the crowned prince, at his grandiose soft bed that was veiled by smooth violet sheets, and scented with orchid fragrance from the flowers that scattered around the red coated floor; the crowned prince at his naked body detached his impressively lean body from an undressed exquisite woman.

Only the deep blue hair of the woman was seen draped along her perfectly shaped back until stopping at her highly raised perked butt, with a creamy complexion of long legs.

The carnal scent which lingered around the room proved that they just recently made a titillating act.

The crowned prince was immediately awoken up by his father's sudden official words. The content was a genuinely serious topic that he couldn't neglect.

He sat properly, showing his chiseled and elegant face coupled with his deep rosy glistening eyes and darkly chromatic bloodred hair.

He smiled ambiguously, saying,

"Finally, an opportunity was presented to me."

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