
A Hated Ally (Part 1)

At the kingdom of Lafanor, Willhern, the progenitor, opened his eyes again. He clearly felt the fluctuation of all kinds of elements. It was located deep into the forest.

"Is a Heavenly Treasure was forming?"

At the main base of Ravarisk, inside the darkness of the nicknamed "Red Council", all pairs of red eyes stared at a wall. Towards that wall was the location where both Orlan and Gloathiac were.

The new ruler, Voltar Xylem, also stared. Everyone felt the same feeling as Willhern, the astounding fluctuations of all kinds of elements. It only meant one thing.

"A Heavenly Treasure?" Voltar's frigid voice came out in a mutter. The deep pair of crimson eyes remained unmoving.

Even as everyone was shaking in excitement, no one dared to voice out. Because in this kind of situation, they only need to await their leader's decision.

Voltar thought, 'It seems that was the location where the target at. '

Time stretched for a very long time as neither the leader or the council members voiced a word. Some were already at their limits, wanted to speak out. It was already five hours, what was their leader waiting for?

At this moment, Voltar coldly said, "Open the door."

It resounded at the place and suddenly a door opened within the pitch-black darkness. Dim light entered and finally revealed the appearance of the place.

It was a large hall the same as the hall of the Kingdom of Lafanor. However, there were no pedestals, statues and chairs.

The pillars were plain black and there were red coats on the floor. On the coat, there were bloodstains. It was apparent as there were blood-red spots on it.

Above, there were floating chairs, where all the black hooded council members sat at. Their pairs of red eyes stared at the person who is at the door.

Outside the door, there was a shallow and narrow cave, nothing unique. It was the passageway into entering this particular hall.

At the door, there was a person standing. It was none other than the assassin who fled from Gloathiac. He was restless and his expression was terrified.

"Geython Mock" An elderly dreadful voice came out. It was a council member in charge of those who came in. "Enter."

Geython only then entered and the doors behind him mysteriously closed. The place regained its gloomy darkness, which only pairs of red eyes gazed at him.

As he stepped inside, he felt strong apprehension especially to the pair of crimson eyes above. He walked into the center and bowed with one knee.

In all rights, the council members would get into the report and ask inquisitive questions. It was the protocol that must be followed when this situation happened.

Unless, that reporter was someone under the leader's orders.

"Geython, I recall you haven't failed any mission. This is the first, I think?" Voltar's words carried an icy tone.

"Yes." Geython couldn't lie so he answered truthfully. The Red Council had means of seeing the truth.

"I presume Trex is already dead. But I find it hard to comprehend that two middle-staged nipping bud realm cultivators cannot execute a mission." Voltar said amusingly.

Geython misunderstood his amusement as he shivered in fear.

Voltar continued, "Every time you report here, you disregarded anyone and felt no fear. I understand it is your pride as you were only a step away from being on par of an elder's strength. But right now, it was as if you're shaking in fear. A big contrast of your past attitude. Is what you had experienced terrified you that badly? "

"Yes." Geython replied.

"Elaborate."Voltar had now given the command for him to explain.

"It was the target we are to abduct. H- he was not a human!!!...H- he was... a demon."Geython was unable to contain his emotions.

Suddenly, everyone's aura weighted him. The oppression that combined all of the council's cultivation bases forced him to knock his head down the floor.

'Thud' A sound was heard.

It was a rule to conduct oneself properly.

"Elaborate again." Voltar said coldly.

Fortunately, the pressure vanished.

"Y- yes."Geython inwardly heaved a sigh of relief. "The target was able to wield different elements and had easily rid my partner. As I said, he was not a human but a demon in disguise. His true appearance was a wretch as if he ascended from hell. H- he is too strong, we could not even last a second."

"Wield different elements?" Voltar was extremely shocked.

"That's impossible!"


"As if that happened!"


Some members had lost their demeanor as they spewed out curses. There was a rule not to interject but they violated it.

In all of historical records of Oscentas Continent, those who were capable of wielding different elements were persons with unfathomable cultivation. However, the question remained if they existed. They were only extreme legends, never been proved.

They were said to cultivate daos, a concept incomprehensible to everyone. Why such an existence was here and disguised as a kid?

Of course, Geython maybe was lying. But the notion of such a person to exist was enough for them to lose their bearing.

"Silence" Voltar's voice resounded out. A force that could destroy a mountain bore weight at them.

The noises were gone except for their gritting teeth. They were silently suffering from the pressure.

Voltar stopped the pressure as he continued the conversation with Geython, "From what I felt, the elements were still at infancy level."

He didn't doubt the credibility of the information. It was because he had a treasure within him that enabled him to pry one's memories. The only disadvantage was, he couldn't feel anything.

He stared at Geython. "Do you feel the vitality of your target?"

Geython was filled with confusion but he immediately replied, "Yes, as strong and vigorous as a five-year old child. Your Supremacy, don't be deceived! The vitality of a demon was supposed to be overwhelming that it may have us fooled."

Calling their leader "Your Supremacy" was one out of many changes since Voltar sat at his position. It was originally a term to say to the leader, since ancient times during when the organization was at its peak. It was only restored.

"Interesting, what a talent! A heaven defying talent!" Voltar's laughter was very clear at the enclosed hall.

He didn't believe in gods and devils in the slightest. Those are all fictions in order for churches manipulate the people to its control.

As to why he believed something like legends? He had already become one, someone with two innate elements! If another legendary talent may pop up...

No, a heaven-defying talent was possible. That kid, which was the target, could testify for that!

As Voltar laughed, everyone was baffled.

Arrogance filled Voltar's tone. "That's why all of you geezers can't think. All of you have lost your prime and turned rigid. Can't you understand what I imply?"

Everyone felt no anger. After the lesson they had learned last time, they had already accepted it. The old should pave way to the new.

They remained silent.

"It is that kid. That kid awakened all kinds of elements!" Voltar shouted.

Disbelief slowly crept at their faces.

"Yes, what you think is true. If by all means possible, that kid will rise supreme. Any organization that will take him under their wings will also rise at the top of this world!"

"Can't you feel it earlier? There is space element! Only someone who becomes a Celestial can only then comprehend the space element. Yet that kid, had able to do so!"

"If you want the organization to rise back to its prime; if you want to bask in the glory of the past, we must share the banner with the kid." Voltar's words were loudly echoing.

His excitement had gone ahead to him. Naturally, something unbelievable such as the kid had genuinely existed. The way he acted could barely be sufficient. If others knew such a thing, they would already become crazy.

Every council members felt blood rushing to their veins, their hearts thumped wildly. They believed Voltar as they had already decided to serve him faithfully. If what he said was the truth, then it must be true.

Even if they carried doubts, they would stake everything and gamble to the path where Voltar may led them.

"Your words are the truth, Your Supremacy!"

"We must take this kid as you wish!"

"For the unending glory of Ravarisk!"

Only Geython down below felt entirely different. His terror slowly crept back to him as the shadow of Gloathiac's demonic form had long imprinted to the deepest depths of his heart.

Hearing that Gloathiac would be taken under the organization's wings and may likely be his ally, the thought that both of them would be sharing the same shelter had utterly terrified him. His face became aghast as he repeatedly shook his head, "No, No! Why will a demon be our ally. You must kill him before this world will end up in carnage!"

Voltar's eyes were filled with detest as it turned cold, "A useless pest. You have long gone expired."

He stretched his hand towards Geython.

Geython immediately became sacred witless and run away when he felt Voltar's killing intent.

"Die" Voltar's voice was frigid as the coldest ice.

Suddenly, blood forcefully poured out from Geython's orifices. Even if he wanted to stop it, he could not. He tried to use his cultivation base to keep it in check but to no avail. He screamed out, "Noooo! Save me. I still don't want to die. Please, somebody help me!!"

As he shrieked, nobody ventured to help him. Everyone had derision on their eyes. In this world where survivability matters, such cowardice was disdained.

"I've still got a daughter. Don't kill me!"

His cries were not heed. In the end, Geython turned into a bony corpse. Afterwards, Voltar's grave pressure brought weight on it, a mass of a mountain. The same as the last leader of Ravarisk, the corpse disintegrated into nothingness.



Inside the passageway; Flitz Kuran, the hawk-eyed person, was walking towards the Red Council. Even though he was greatly delighted of his new status, every echoing step made his heart tremble as the distance became nearer. He could not easily rid the imprinted fear throughout the years of the infamous Red Council.

'Night Lurker is a reputed title that held a position only below His Supremacy. Why it was so easily given to me?' He inwardly thought.

Doubt rose within him. Since his childhood, he was one of the slums. His family died from starvation and he would also follow their footsteps if a man had not helped him. His benefactor was carrying the name Geython.

Every assassin despite their tainted hands, had their own story. Because Geython was also once a slum, Flitz was given a helping hand. The important thing was since he became an assassin, he didn't give any promising talent. The organization paid no heed to him until now.


The door suddenly opened and brightened the place again. Flitz Kuran entered and tried to act as brazenly as he can. He needed to lift his status above everyone. He had the position to do so.

However, he just stepped a foot before he stopped. He frowned.

'Why Geython's aura suddenly vanished?'

"Flitz, it seems you are already prepared for the ritual." Voltar said.

Voltar's awe-inspiring voice entered his ears. Flitz's eyes turned into worship immediately. He quickly walked into the center and bowed.

"Yes Your Supremacy, Flitz Kuran is prepared for the ritual." His words were loud.

At the same timing, the door closed and the place regained its darkness.

"Good." Voltar stood up and left his seat, hovering in the air. He turned around and faced his seat. Afterwards, he touched the symbolic totem on the chair.

The Rikimaru suddenly glowed with blue. The blue lamps around flickered crazily. As if a trail of gas was combusted, a symbol in a shape of star inside a circle, suddenly blazed in blue colors around Flitz.

Being at the center of it, Flitz was surprised. Soon after, he regained his usual faculties. He looked calmly at Voltar, awaiting his orders.

"Unleash your element and don't resist the darkness." Voltar commanded.

"Yes, Your Supremacy." Flitz obeyed and he unleashed his wind element. At the same time, when the flames of the symbol felt the element, its color turned dark. The colorless wind was affected and turned dark, becoming stronger and fiercer.

It was as if there was a violent black gale caged in the symbol. It was violent inside but outside the symbol, it was still.

"The devil craves for your blood. Let it shred your entire body into pieces. If your soul survives the ordeal, you will have a new body and become the 30th Night Lurker since the organization was founded. If the devil consumes your soul, we've no choice but to use all the organization's power to rid it." Voltar shouted so Flitz could hear.

His tone carried a tinge of fear. He didn't believe into fictions such as Gods and Devils. However, ironically, he believed to the devil, Rikimaru. It was not entirely a devil but an evil mythical beast. He was not confident in defeating it alone and he couldn't trust the organization to kill it. If it managed to occupy a host, it could be a catastrophe.

He could only believe to Flitz's willpower. If he needed to rise in this era, he needed a strong subordinate. But this ritual is terrifyingly fatal. In all the million-year history of Ravarisk, only 29 managed to survive. He was taking a gamble from his intuition. He truly believed Flitz could become a Night Lurker that he himself could not.

Bloodcurdling Screams. Glitz screamed out, resoundingly clear at the hall. It was not apparent to see his bloodshed outside. But within the black gale, his body was ripped and shredded. The wind he controlled was as if backfired. It was because it was now controlled by the devil.

'Pain... I felt so much pain I want to die!'

Every bone and skin was shredded. As his mouth was ripped, even he wanted to scream, he was unable to do so. Slowly and deadly, his entire body was utterly torn apart. He felt all the pain as the last bit of physical flesh had been shredded.

It was his soul that felt the pain. Although his brain was no longer, his soul still had the sensation of pain.

The fire of survival in his soul slowly dissipated. If he needed to live just to feel the pain again, he didn't want to live anymore.

But he remembered the image of his benefactor. The cold face of Geython and along his daughter, Trisha. Before he died, he must repay his gratitude.

'I still have something to do. I can't die. I can't die yet. If I am going to die, that was when I've finished my duty to them. A duty to repay them!'

The fire of his soul blazed intensely.

'I've got to hold it! Once I become a Night Lurker can I finally accomplish my duty.'

The fire blazed more powerful.

Suddenly, pure blood-red pair of eyes showed within the darkness. It was Rikimaru and it finally revealed itself.

Flitz's soul was suddenly shrouded by the whole presence of Rikimaru and it devoured him. The pain amplified by a thousand fold, breaking Flitz's unyielding will.

The fire flickered and rapidly dissipated.

Until, it was gone.

"Roar" The devil howled announcing his return.

Next chapter