
Chapter 2: The begining of a second chance at life

*Beep* *Beep* *Beep*

You could hear the sounds of hospital machines echoing throughout the room shrouded in white. Figures focused on the young girl lying in a hospital gown attached to those machines longingly, hoping that she will finally wake up after being in a coma for a month.

Darkness surrounds her awakened mind. 'Am I dead?, Is this the afterlife?' She thinks confused.

'Our child, we so wish we could have lived longer by your side to help you on your journey, but we could not due to unforeseen dangers.'

'Mom? Dad?' She says tearfully as she recognized the familiar voices that she missed so dearly.

'Our daughter, We are grateful you were able to feel our call toward the ocean, so that we could nourish your soul to give you this second chance at life. You must live stronger this time, don't let those amateurs fool you, you are smarter than that, deep down you knew something was wrong, but you ignored that doubt. It is not bad to want to believe in the best in people, but you must choose wisely, trust yourself.'

'I know, but I don't think I can live anymore, I made such a big mistake, I just want to stay here with you guys.'

'It is not your time yet my dear, you have lived what the future can possess, but there are many possibilities to how it can change from now on, it all depends on you though, you must believe you are capable. You do not have to let this trial scare you from living or feeling.'

'But I don't understand!'

'Trust in your heart, we don't have much time left, always remember how much we love you and your brother. Live happy this time, live for yourself, not for others who are unworthy.'

With the fading of her parents voices from her mind, the darkness blurs as her deep blue eyes, the color of the ocean, open once more, taking in the light and the surroundings of the room she is in.

Her mind still feels hazy from what seems like a nightmare she had just gone through and then the beautiful dream of her parents teachings. She was confused at first, but at the sight of two familiar figures standing in the corner of the room, she then understood.

She had been given a second lease on life, she was reborn.

She was just a little curious though as her mind was still foggy, 'Exactly what time was I reborn to, Why am I in the hospital?' she thought as she tried to recall her past life memories.

Putting those thoughts aside for a moment, she remembered her brother and grandpa in the room and sat up.

Sitting up so abruptly caused her to bite her tongue as she reached her hands up to hold her head that felt like she was being pounded in the brain with a sledgehammer. She couldn't hold back the gasp from the pain and alerted the two men.

"Gran-Grandpa, Brother," she says with tears running down her cheeks as she ignored the pain.

Hearing her voice, the two men who had only briefly turned away, ran to her side excitedly.

"Oh, our Serenity, you finally woke up." The old man says as he looks lovingly at his granddaughter.

"You were in a coma for a whole month, the doctors didn't think you would make it, I knew you wouldn't leave us though, I couldn't bare it to lose you too baby sis." Hayden, her brother, said with worry in his eyes.

Distracted by her sudden consciousness, both the elder and younger man seem to have forgotten something important until they heard her wince in pain again.

"What are you doing, go get a doctor, hurry up, now!" Grandpa shouts as he smacks his grandson upside the head, and shakes his head as he watches Hayden run out of the room like a scared puppy.

Shortly after her brother ran out, a group of nurses came in with a doctor in tow and began to do a full examination to make sure everything was alright.

After determining that her condition was no longer life threatening, the doctor declared that because she was in a coma for a period of time, they will need to keep her for another 48 hours under observation to make sure no unseen factors occur and then left the room.

Although she would much prefer to recuperate at home, seeing the worried looks on her grandpa and brother forced her to stay put.

She helplessly looked around the room, and noticed a mirror, "Grandpa, I would like to see that mirror please," I ask sweetly.

"Oh, alright." he says not thinking anything of it, while grabbing the mirror and holding it up in front of her.

She appeared shocked as she looked at herself in the mirror and saw her 16 year old self again with bandages wrapped around her head.

I have returned back to when I was only 16 years old, before I had befriended Arabella and met Alex.

'This is very good.' She thought with a smirk that didn't last long, as a parade of memories seemed to have been triggered.

At 16, Serenity was already a senior in highschool, she took a test to skip a grade, and ended up doing so well that she probably could have just opted to graduate early, but she didn't want to miss out on getting to have a graduation ceremony as it is an important milestone in life.

Being the youngest senior in a prestigious high school came with pros and cons. She didn't really talk much and kept to herself most of the time which somehow led to rumors that made people think she was just another arrogant beauty.

Arabella was taking advantage of Serenity being isolated by the other students as a window of opportunity to get close to her.

She had purposefully spread all kinds of rumor to make people think badly of Serenity, so no one would have a chance to get in her way.

It was due to one of these rumors that a girl whom Serenity didn't even remember the name of angrily approached her one day after school as she was heading out to meet her driver to go home.

The girl accused Serenity of seducing her boyfriend and other insults that were just as irrelevant to her.

This wasn't the first girl to accuse Serenity of such things, so she just rolled her eyes and started walking away which made the other girl feel some kind of way since she forcefully grabbed onto Serenity's arm and then when she turned her head to look at her, all she saw was the girls wicked smirk as she released her arm with a shove, causing Serenity to fall down the concrete stairs below them.

Serenity tried to protect herself by shielding the impact with her arms, but the force was too strong, and when she landed, you could hear a loud crack as her head came into contact with the ground causing a ghastly sight of blood pooling around her head as she lost consciousness.

The time I have been reborn to is when I have just woken up, though it is strange, in my previous life, I didn't wake from the coma until after 3 months had passed after the incident.

"Ren, do you remember what happened to you? A girl who said she was your friend, claimed you tripped, but that doesn't seem very likely with your training, you would have had to be caught off guard." Hayden said as he tries not to get angry at that girl trying to play him for a fool who doesn't know his own sister.

"Brother, you are right, I have no so such friend, and I never tripped, I was pushed intentionally." I said.

In my previously life when I woke up, I didn't tell anyone what happened because I didn't want to be a burden when they had things going on. This caused other students to think she was easy prey to be bullied.

This time around I won't allow myself to be a victim to their torture and harassment.

"How dare someone try to hurt a member of the Hunter family, do they not put us in their eyes at all?! We will have to show them." Grandpa says angrily.

"I have been wanting to test out the newest weapon we have created for a while now," Hunter says with a disturbing grin that makes me feel pity for his target.

Oh my Lord. I need to put an end to this.

"Guys, I would like to handle this one myself. I can not always be protected by you guys forever. I want to get stronger to protect you guys too!" I said hoping to get them to calm down.

"You seem to have matured some after waking up." Grandpa says suspiciously.

"I just see things clearly now grandpa, I was just a little too naive before and it nearly cost me my life." I say seriously.

"That's good then, I am glad. When you are better, we will resume your underground training." grandpa says enthusiastically, which causes a chill to go up my spine since I am well aware of what that means.

I should mention, my name is Serenity Hunter, I was born into one of the 4 great families, which consist of the Hunter, Powers, Cooper and Anderson families. We all play a part in the underworld as well as the buisness world which makes our families a constant target to those who covet our power and wealth.

Each family has their own specialty, ours is weapons and arms. In the buisness world we basically have our hands dipped in everything from construction, entertainment, food, music, technology, medicine and etc.

My mom was a famous fashion designer in the business world and she left me her fashion empire which she named Haven Couture.

She named it Haven in hope that like her, I would find refuge in fashion and I did, though, I wouldn't be a Hunter, if I didn't have many other ingenious talents I take advantage of.

In my last life I didn't use my talents to their full potential, this time around, everything will be different.

A while later, grandpa and Hayden went out of the room to take care of some buisness.

Feeling exhausted, I laid back down and rest my eyes, giving into the slumber that beckons me.

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