
A meeting in the wood

The year x773 {6 years old} Toshiro's journey to magnolia to join the famous fairy tail after a few hours of traveling through a forest Toshiro-"Yep I am lost well let's look for a river to follow... I need to stop thinking out loud". Toshiro continue to walk for a few hour intell he hears crashing sounds and magic nearby. Toshiro-"Eh someone's nearby maybe they can help me out"

Toshiro travels towards the soundsmajdmfind a path of broken trees and a person wi a taterd black cloak walking into trees destroying them.

Toshrio-"Hey sir I'm lost can you help me out"

Cloaked man-"Huh? A kid sure you can follow me until we find a town"

Toshiro runs up next to him to see a a muscular guy with orange hair and a stubby beard.

cloaked man-"Names gildarts I'm a Mage, whats your name kid?" he asks with a smirk.

Toshiro-"My names Toshrio, gildarts"(OMG ITS GILDARTS HE'S A BADASS, I wonder if he's going back to fairly tail maybe I can see the gildarts shift)

Gildarts-"So kiddo how did you get lost in the woods? it isn't safe for a kid to be alone in the woods".

Toshiro-"Oh I'm heading to magnolia town to join fairy tail I heard they are the best guild" he says with excitement.

Gildarts-"So you wanna join fairy tail what type of magic do you use? I use crash magic"

Toshiro-" Me I use ice magic and snow magic"

Gildarts-"Ice and snow eh? Are you any good at them?"

Toshiro-"Of course I'm good at them I don't want to brag but I'm sure you've never seen anything like me before"

Gildarts-"Oh arnt you quite prideful of yourself so your saying your magic is that good?"

Toshiro-"Yep why? You don't believe me do you?"

Gildarts-"Yay kid I believe you hahahahahah"

Toshiro-"You don't do you? Wanna fight!?"(why did I just ask that we'll I can't chicken out lets roll with it)

Gildarts-"HAHAHAHAHAH fight? You sure kid I don't want to accidentally hurt you"

Toshiro-"my magics special I won't get hurt easily"

Gildarts-"Kid I'll let you go first"

Toshiro-"Just don't regret letting me go first when I beat you"(wow if anyone was watching they will think I'm an idiot)

Toshiro-"Ice Time Capsule" he freezes the ground and gildarts in place.

Gildarts-"kid I said I'll let you go first you think i was going to dodge?".

Toshiro-"Just making sure yu don't wimp out and leave, Ice Block: Partisan" he makes several spears of ice and fires it at gildarts.

Gildarts breaks the ice with his crash magic gildarts-"Nice try kid but crash magic is very effective against solid magics got anything else?"

Toshiro-"Don't forget I know snow magic I'll just encase you in layers of snow so it will bury you when you break out"

Gildarts-"Oh? So your saying you can make that much snow?"

Toshiro-"Kamakura Jussoshi" he then makes a 3 layers around gildarts "blizzard" and makes a blizzard on the outside.

Gildarts then easily break of the layers of snow gildarts see the blizzard gildarts-"Oh? You made a blizzard that is impressive where did you go kid?"

Toshiro-"Yuki Rabi" he then shots a lot of snow rabbits at gildarts.

Gildarts-"isn't that cute" he destroys the rabbits gildarts-"so kid anything else?"

Toshrio-"Yay this one will surprise you" he then turns into snow and disappears into the snowstorm.

Gildarts-"Oh that is surprising I don't think I ever seen someone do that" then gildarts punches in a random direction and punches at a Toshiro in his snow form destroying his shoulder

Gildarts-"whoa kid are you ok?" he says seeing his shoulder.

Toshiro-"yay I'm ok" he reforms his shoulder with snow "see told you I don't get hurt easily".

Gildarts-"you sure won't so what was that you can turn into snow? That pretty expressive"

Toshiro-"I can also do it with ice, so you believe me now that I said that my magics impressive?"

Gildarts-"That some magic you got kid I'm heading towards magnolia ill show you the way"

Toshiro-"Oh your heading to magnolia to? Are you I member of fairy tai?

Gildarts-"yep" shows his guild mark on his chest gildarts-"so you wanna join fairy tail well I think your make a great member the guild can always use young blood like you"

Where should the guild mark be located? What color? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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