
Chapter 1

I'm in front of an old man and he said he will give me 6 wishes and a chance to be reborn in any world I want. " I would want to be reborn in marvel and 800 years before the avengers are formed, " I said. " What are your wishes, " the old man asked. " My wishes

First wish is to create a body.

Second wish is to be able to see my stats.

Third wish is the power to control Reality.

Fourth wish is the power to Control Time.

Fifth wish is to customize my stats and add regular skills and their levels.

Last wish is to be immortal.

" Alright, create your body and your stats and skills, " the old man said.


Name: Jay Jones Age: 18

Str: 99 Spd: 99 Vit: 99 Int: 99 Pow: 99


Reality Control- Level Max

Time Control- Level Max

Boxing Mastery- Level Max

Mixed Martial Arts Mastery- Level Max

Parkour Mastery- Level Max

Driving Mastery- Level Max

Shooting Mastery- Level Max ( This is his created stats, )

The old man snapped his fingers and I disappeared.


I woke up on a bed. I left the room and went downstairs. Downstairs were rocks and branches. I searched and no one was there. ' Status, ' I said.


Name: Jay Jones Age: 18

Str: 99 Spd: 99 Vit: 99 Int: 99 Pow: 99


Reality Control- Level Max

Time Control- Level Max

Boxing Mastery- Level Max

Mixed Martial Arts Mastery- Level Max

Parkour Mastery- Level Max

Hacking Mastery- Level Max

Driving Mastery- Level Max

Shooting Mastery- Level Max

' In 800 years the avengers will be formed, ' I thought and started to have fun.

------------------------------------- 804 years later -------------------------------------------

Today is the day Steve and Loki meet. I've made reality seal most of my stats and skills, so I'm weaker than I should be, but still one of the strongest in the Universe. I've dated some of the important Marvel characters' relatives. I've gotten better at my powers. I can change reality. Like I can make disabled people normal. I can get rid of people with a snap of my fingers. I did a little secret mission. I created my own country and lots of people started living there. I own over 800 billion dollars. I created my own company. It's called Jones Enterprise. I created advanced cars, phones, and medical tools. I created a nano-biotic suit that appears on me if I'm anywhere close to danger or when I want it to. It's a Deathstroke suit and it appears with everything and makes katana's on it.

I put nano-biotics in my DNA and my mind is telepathic-proof. That means I can regrow limbs. Everyone in the world knows who I am and that I created the stuff. I made an advanced version of Jarvis, so not even Tony Stark can break into my company files and data. Lot's of important people tried to make me work for them, but I refused. Some tried to take me by force, so I created guard robots that protect my house, and my company. I've also created lots of vibranium. It is way more than the amount Wakanda has( even though it's its home place, ). I have it in a secret bunker in my country. Shield tried to get me to work with them, I didn't accept. I secretly invented a perfect and no-side effect super soldier serum. I already used it. I've gotten way stronger. ' Status, ' I said.


Name: Jay Jones Age: 821

Str: 299 Spd: 299 Vit: 299 Int: 299 Pow: 299


Reality Control- Level Max

Time Control- Level Max

Boxing Mastery- Level Max

Mixed Martial Arts Mastery- Level Max

Parkour Mastery- Level Max

Hacking Mastery- Level Max

Driving Mastery- Level Max

Shooting Mastery- Level Max

Sword Mastery- Level Max

Finance Mastery- Level Max

Robotics Mastery- Level Max

Engineering Mastery- Level Max

Biology Mastery- Level Max

Nano-biotics Mastery- Level Max

Nano-biotic Strength- Level Max

Nano-biotic Speed- Level Max

Nano-biotic Regeneration- Level Max

' I won't do anything until Loki attacks New York, ' I thought. I went into the kitchen and got some wine. I then went to my room. It had a king size bed, 98 inch flat screen TV, desk, counter, and my super computer. Also a closet full of regular clothes and watches. " Mr. Jones, I found the location of Anna Marie( aka Rogue from X-men ), " X( my upgraded Jarvis) said. " Send her location to Bots Alpha and Bravo, " I replied and took a sip of the wine. " Let the fun begin, " I said and drank my wine. I turned the TV on and saw news of Steve confronting Loki. They then disappeared leaving everyone looking stunned. A while later, Bots Alpha and Bravo came back with Anna Marie. She looked shocked. ' She probably just awakened her powers, ' I thought. She's most likely still a highschool student. " Alpha and Bravo go back to the company, " I said and the bots flew off. I looked at Anna. " Are you ok, " I asked. ' He's Jay Jones, the youngest and richest man in the world, ' Anna thought. I snapped my fingers and made it Anna's ability only works when she wants it to or when she's angry. I also made sure it won't work on me. I was about to touch her head, but she said " Don't touch me, I don't want to hurt you, ". I still touched her head and rubbed it. ' He can touch me, ' Anna thought. " I have powers too and I can change reality and control time, " I said and Anna looked shocked. " I made it so your powers only work when you want to or when you get very angry, " I said and Anna hugged me. ' I guess she's going to need some time to get used to being able to touch people, ' I thought and let her hug me for 5 minutes.

After 5 minutes, she got off of me and had a red hue on her face. " Anna, can I adopt you, " I said and she nodded. I snapped my hand and adoption papers of me adopting Anna appeared in my hands. They were signed and everything. " From now on you are Anna Jones, " I said and she nodded. ' Tomorrow should be that party Loki's going to crash, ' I thought and snapped and made a dress for Anna and a suit for me. I got invited to the party tomorrow. " Anna put this on tomorrow at 7:00 pm, " I said and handed the dress to her. " Where's my room, " Anna asked. " You own the whole fourth floor and your room is the first door on the right, when you get off the elevator, " I said and she went to her floor shocked. " X find everything you can on the Avengers Plan, Pietro and Wanda( from Avengers Age of Ultron movie, ) " I said. " Searching now, " X replied and I laid down on my bed. ' The fun begins now, ' I thought and went to sleep.

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