
The journey goes on!

I slowly open my eyes, I look at the sun in the sky. It's currently 9... AM?! Fuck! I overslept! Probably between the fact of my rebirth and the start of my journey, then finally a moment to rest and Voilà!

Well, it's good, except for a little thirst I'm fine. I think my metabolism is also different making me less hungry.

Know, after drinking a little let's see the situation below! Mhh, good, good, the herd is gone. There is still a lot of walkers but I will manage. Now let's see the alley...

There are even fewer walkers, good, know how I descend from the roof? By the window of the garage and get back in the workplace? Let's do this. But unfortunately, I slip and fall off the roof head first.

Quick react! I try to turn around to make my head toward the sky and my foots the ground. I did this very easily but the ground arrives to fast, I close my eyes for the impact.


Well, I'm not hurt? Just a little vibration that's it. Let's see if my feet are damaged.

Holy mother! the concrete beneath my feet cracked! How much I weigh?!

Now, focus! I take one crowbar from my belt and start attacking the walkers near me.

A few minutes after and cover me of blood and guts I enter the main street and walk toward my destination.


*Two hours later*

Two peaceful hours, along the way, no herd, no crazy human, just gentle dead people. I had to kill a few of them along the way because the blood start to dry but it's ok. I also make some stop to certain buildings. I found a few pills, bandage, antiseptic and also a game cards for when I'm bored while waiting. No guns though...

The High-rise buildings slowly get bigger but I'm still far and I know that inside the city it's chaos.

Still walking, still looking around. I make a stop at a clothing shop, just taking a few changes, my bag is almost full so now I just look for the most important, weapons! Of course, it's my wish but I find nothing.


*Three hours later*

I walk approximately 1 kilometer today. Not a lot right? But when you look around and you let pack s of walkers walking without deranging them, the time passes fast! I eat a little something along the way, it was enough for me and the walkers around me start to smell something weird so I had to stop.

Will I ever make it? I wonder, maybe I will-- Is that a martial arts dojo? No way! Is this the famous "Protagonist Aura?!"

I dash toward the building ignore the walkers around me. On the windows, there is pamphlet about the arts they practice here.

Karaté, Aikido, jujitsu, yoga, kendo, KENDO !! So what is the chance of a katana hidden in this building? Let's find out, too excited I directly kick the window making a huge noise and rush in the building. I look everywhere but find nothing...

Angry I kick the ground hard! My foot gets stuck in the tatami and walkers approach me because I make too much noise so I attack them with the tatami. it's like squashing a fly with a fly swatter. The tatami didn't resist long and allow me to free my foot, I look down and get surprised. There is a chest on the floor.

What are the odds for this uh? I lift the chest and go to a room and close the door behind me. Now let's see. My a big padlock, no key so... I take a crowbar and smash the padlock with one move. There is something wrapped around a tissue. I slowly unwrapped the object... A Daishō!

A Daishō is a set of two Japanese swords!

[Daitō, meaning long sword, and Shōtō, meaning short sword, are used; Daitō + Shōtō = daishō.]

They look identical except for the length, the Daito is about 90cm and the Shoto 40cm.

I'm very excited but I need to see if they are ok! I take the Daito and slowly unsheath, the hilt is blue with a pommel without something on it, the handguard is round with a few symbols on it, I look at the blade. it's straight, not damaged and well-honed, the sword is well balanced. I sheath it in his dark blue scabbard and I take the Shoto and look at it.

The two swords are fine and ready to use! Very good for me especially when I hear noises outside the room. I separate myself from the crowbar on my left and put the Daito here, and I put the Shoto behind my back on my belt.

Now let's test my new weapons, I unsheath the Daito and open the door slowly, only a few walkers in the room. Good, I walked out without making a noise, I stood near a little guy and shot. it feels like cutting butter, no resistance only geyser of blood, I try the Shoto on the rest.

Conclusion, I just found two good weapons! Now let's continue the journey!

Oh my, what a plot hole. Bite me!

Closer to the goal!

Next chapter: Jungle of Steels and blood!

Talzeroshcreators' thoughts
Next chapter