

Near the camp, I can see the shadow of walkers in the forest walking closely toward the camp, It will start any minute now.

When I arrive, everyone was surprised to see me alone and Andrea sigh with reliefs

"Where are Rick and the others?" asked Shane

"They are fine, just behind me, the van was stollen so they had to find another transportation." They sigh with reliefs, while the face of Shane become a little darker.

I park my bike near the RV and wait with the rest of the peoples... I hear the walkers coming closer...

"I'm going to the toilets," said Amy heading to the RV. I also excuse myself and disappear in the woods. Some walkers spot me, but I throw them toward the camp. People will think I'm cruel, but they need a wake-up call... It's not safe near a big city like this and I also want to kill Shane tonight.

For now, I wait. I start to hear screams and panic. The tent of Ed is painted in red. I see Amy safe in the RV. Panic everywhere, peoples runs, walkers attack them. Shane is out of munition and starts attacking at close combat. It's now! Especially that I hear the engine of a vehicle nearby.

I run toward Shane at fast speed and push without being seen a walker toward Shane. With the impact, they both fall down, and Shane was scratch, my sword just falls down after this and I start protecting the people near me. Jim was bite saving Jacqui but she didn't notice. Rick and the others arrive and start shooting at the walkers.

Soon the threat is lifted with only Jim and Shane at the death door.

Glenn runs toward the RV to see if Amy is fine when he opens up he received a hug from her. A little moment after this they separate themselves blushing. Andrea then show up and hug her sister.

Rick, Carl, and Lori hug each other.

Daryl and Me start looking for the walkers still active, Dale and T-Dog standing guard.

Stunned, Jim speaks: "I remember my dream now. Why I dug the holes."

Everyone was shocked looking at the dozens of bodies human and walkers around them.

"Oh my god, Shane! You've been hit!" Jacqui exclaimed.

Shane became the focus of attention. His arms were mauled by the walkers, his faces pale.

"I'm fine," he said, but everyone knew he is not.


Dawn. Well, it was a long night for everyone. Once wake up, we start the cleaning... Morales and Daryl throw bodies of walkers in the fire they made. When they take a human corpse ready to throw him too, Glenn intervene.

"We don't burn them!" Glenn yells. "We bury them!"

Daryl lashes out: "It's what all of you reaping for letting my brother for dead!" He storms off.

Jacqui and Jim pile up bodies. She notices blood on his shirt. He tries to convince her he just got some blood on him by moving bodies but she manages to see that he has been bitten.

"Please don't tell," he begs her

But Jacqui's too terrified to stay silent.

"A walker bit Jim," she announces,

As Jim insists that he's fine, but he grabs a shovel to press the group away from him as they demand to see his stomach. T-Dog runs up behind him and grabs his arms as Daryl runs in and lifts his shirt, revealing a bite wound on his abdomen.

"I'm okay," Jim says, with far less conviction

"First Shane, now Jim, what do we do?" Dale start the heavy topic

"I say we put a pickaxe in his head," Daryl offers

Rick refuses, of course, he as still a bottom line.

"25 miles away, there is a CDC, they may have a cure or even give us some help, we should head there and if there is still any form of government it will be at the CDC," Rick says.

Hearing the word "Cure", "help", "government" pretty much convince everyone, but for now, we need to deal with the situation at hand. Like Daryl still intending to kill them. I stop him before Rick could.

"Why?!" exclaim Daryl

I lower my head near his ear and whisper:" There are 5000 walkers for 1 human now, so every live count. If we start to directly kill people infected without an ounce of pity then what happens when a person is just scratch by a tree? You take precaution and kill him directly. We continue like this and at the end... No one will live." I let him ponder on this and head toward the forest. My Job is to clean the forest from walkers. We're still going to stay at least one more night here, so safety first.

In the afternoon we finish cleaning the camp and we bury the dead. Luckily no one wakes up or it will be quite dramatic...

At dinner, Rick states his plan again heading toward CDC, hoping to find a cure or even help.

"I don't choose for everyone, you are free to go but remember we are stronger in a group."

Some approve the choice of Rick, some saying they still need to decide and others like me stay silent. I already have trouble talking so I'm not going to talk every time especially when there is a lot of people. After eating we scatter Rick stop me. He tries to maintain a normal face but I can still see the worry in his eyes.

"That... You didn't talk during the dinner. You're perhaps going to leave us?" He whispers but some people still hear him. Sure enough, I feel a lot of gazes directed to me; Glenn, Andrea, Daryl and Dale

Too much pressure! Stay calm.

I shook my head, "I follow you." way too much tension to make a big talk...

Rick sigh of relief," Great, having someone like you in the group is very good." Then he left heading toward his tent.

I also hear the sigh of relief from the other, even Daryl, seems like he accepts me as a "Friend"? But he still acts like a Tsundere.


Dawn, the next day, after Rick sends the last message to Morgan, we ready ourselves to the voyage. Morales choose to leave with his family. Rick decided to give him a gun and some ammunition, while doing this he asks me some advice. Well, it seems that without Shane he needs to rely on someone else...

After a Farewell, we separated. With the caravan, we head toward the CDC.

So yes, toilet paper can save people. The MC seems cruel but it's for a better tomorrow. Shane out of the picture. At the CDC, we will learn more about the body of the MC.

Next Chapter: Journey and Farewell

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