
Reborn in Valyria: King of Dragons

Jay, a simple grocery store owner son, who tragically passed away due to sleeping with his laptop, which overheated and caused the battery to explode. However, he awoke in a mysterious realm of darkness and met an entity named Chaos. After a brief exchange, Jay was granted three wishes. He chose to be born into the world of "A Song of Ice and Fire" and gained partial powers akin to Cadis Etrama Di Raizel, though using them came at the cost of his life force. Jay found himself reborn as an infant in a Valyrian family with striking features distinct from Valyrian. Confusion and heated arguments filled his new surroundings. He was later taken outside, discovering he was in Old Valyria, a land of dragons and towering buildings. The father summoned a dragon and engulfed Jay in flames, but instead of harm, Jay felt an unusual sensation and remained unscathed. The family was bewildered by Jay's unique appearance, with black hair and red eyes, unlike the Valyrians. Jay drifted into slumber, leaving many unanswered questions in this unfamiliar world.

AmouxCreationsX · TV
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45 Chs

Chapter 14 :"True Dragon"

Slowly, Vahaemorys started to awaken. After enduring a head-splitting pain, he felt too sluggish to rise. With a bit of struggle, Vahaemorys managed to sit up, but his vision remained blurry. As his sight gradually cleared, his confusion deepened. Only one sentence escaped Vahaemorys's mouth: "Where am I?" Then, Vahaemorys noticed seven young individuals kneeling in front of him. He began to wonder if he was still trapped in a dream. Furthermore, he found himself in a vast cave chamber, with sunlight seeping through the cracks, and he was lying on a massive stone altar. Even though Jay was now awake, these young people continued to bow their heads, displaying their reverence.

Unbeknownst to Vahaemorys, upon completing the ritual, a profound change rippled through all races with traces of dragon blood, including the Valyrians. Their blood seemed to boil with an inexplicable energy. Dragons, both young and old, roared through the skies in wild celebration.

In Valyria, the elders were baffled, frantically searching for the cause of this unprecedented phenomenon. Even the dragon lords, who had previously plotted against House Narnareon, now found their plans thrown into disarray. Such an extraordinary event couldn't be dismissed or ignored. Throughout history, nothing like this had ever occurred.

Right now Vahaemorys found himself standing in front of seven ancient dragons who had taken on human forms to facilitate their interaction with their Dragon King. He couldn't believe this was real, not just some dream.

With curiosity and a bit of hesitation, Vahaemorys inquired, "Hello, can I know who you people are?" One of them, a woman, knelt and replied, "My King, we are your subjects." Vahaemorys couldn't help but ask since he found her sound familiar "Are you people the Ancient dragons I met before?" Another man, who appeared older than the rest, affirmed, "Yes, my king."

Vahaemorys was astonished by their transformation. After all, dragons were the overlord of magic, and there were very few things they couldn't do. The fact that they had taken on human forms, despite their pride as dragons, must have cost a tremendous amount of mana, which they had been storing within their bodies.

One by one, each of the ancient dragons introduced themselves while kneeling. The females were named Ramoth, Ignissara, and Vaeloria, and the males were Terramor, Drakaroth, Typharon, and Voragon. To Vahaemorys's amazement, these ancient dragons, who were once fearsome creatures, had taken on the most beautiful human forms he had ever seen.

When Vahaemorys  inquired about how long he had been unconscious, Terramor, the eldest among them, replied, "For a moon." This revelation made Vahaemorys realize that he needed to return to Valyria as soon as possible.

However, before he could make his exit, Ramoth asked him to accompany her to a dark cave. Inside, Vahaemorys  was astonished to see hundreds of dragon eggs scattered on the ground. Ramoth explained that these were their descendants, and they had been preserving them for a long time, preventing them from hatching using their essence. Many of the ancient dragons had entered an eternal sleep early to safeguard the eggs by giving their life essence.

Vahaemorys was curious about why they had preserved the dragon eggs for so long. In a hushed tone, Ramoth explained, "We kept them safe to ensure that our descendants wouldn't suffer a cursed life because of the mistakes of our kind. We didn't want them to hide in fear and darkness. Our hope was always in the prophecy of the Dragon King's birth. Now, our faith has finally been rewarded."

Upon hearing this, Vahaemorys  realized that since the curse had been broken, there was no need to continue preserving the eggs. Ramoth nodded in agreement.

Then, with closed eyes, Ramoth began to chant in the ancient draconic tongue. Vahaemorys recognized the spell, as he had inherited the knowledge of dragons. Suddenly, all the eggs in the cave started to shake, followed by the sound of cracking. Vahaemorys  was taken aback by Ramoth's decision to release the spell on all the dragon eggs. He watched in wonder as dragonlings emerged from their shells, filling the cave with new life.

One egg near Vahaemorys hatched, and a dragonling emerged. This sight confirmed Jay's understanding: these were not like the dragons he had known. This dragonling had two additional limbs, resembling a western dragon. It became clear to Jay what they had meant by being 'true dragons.