1 end and start

my name and, well, my name does not matter everything you need and that I was very sick I spent most of my life in the hospital because of this I could never go to school with any normal child I also could not practice sports because of my body is sick.

because of my illness the only thing I could do was to watch anime and read manga between all the manga that via reading my favorite was Tokyo ghoul I also liked the anime more in the anime they will jump and change many things more I love it more I prefer the manga.

more even this being my favorite manga has something that I do not like that and the protagonist guy talks seriously Kaneki at the beginning of the story both in the anime and manga and a crybaby who prefers to hurt what hurt someone and speechless that he denies eating human flesh.

I even understand that in the beginning, he denies human hunting because I think that any normal person would refuse to kill someone to eat the meat even more so there are still things that I do not like as he refuses to eat meat from people who already they were dead.

and these things are not all the same since Kaneki lives in a world where only the strong live speechless in the CCG that focuses mainly on hunting ghouls as if that was not enough Kaneki nests and a ghoul of an eye that has the smell of a ghoul that has many enemies.

even with all these reasons, he keeps refusing to kill me, which I think is stupid since if someone who kills you does not have to be a genius to know that either you kill or even die more Kaneki knowing that he still chooses no Woods.

sincerely even knowing that the world of Tokyo ghoul is violent and cruel and I really hope I can be reborn in this world after my death that it should not be long since my illness is getting worse and worse I could not care less about it since this Shit life The only thing I did was stay in that hospital room reading manga.

well, at least I know that no one will cry when I die because I know this and because I do not have family or friends well this is one of the reasons I do not care if I die.

after a while I started to get sleepy it seems that I finally get my time but before I do it to my eyes I speak my last words.

"Please God really exist that you let me be reborn in the world of Tokyo Ghoul"

after that, I make my eyes forever.

I do not know how much longer I open my eyes just to see that I'm in an apartment the only thing I can think of and where and what I should not be dead?
