
Chp 14

'I still can not believe I got a rank ten item before anyone other than maybe the Sunbin guild has even seen an item.'

'The more advantages the better though no reason to feel bad for the less fortunate if they want to succeed, they will have to pull themselves up by their boot straps.'

'Alright not much else to do except wait to arrive so time for a much needed nap.'


'Ahhh that was nice' I say stretching out as the arrival announcements ring throughout the train.

Making my way out of the train I make sure to pull down my hoodie sleeve and put on a face mask to avoid attention of any form.

Slowly walking to a random café I order a Black coffee to fully wake up.

{Fraps are for beta males what can I say we will have none of that pussy shit here}

'Fuck that really hits the spot maybe Ive been working to hard.'

'Thinking about it I've only really talked to around 3 people of my on accord since I got to this new world that's pretty depressing.'

'Even with all this power I know have I'm still a fucking introvert how pitiful the worlds most powerful virgin reporting in.'

'I should probably make some friends if not I'm just going to be some weird ass battle junkie virgin like half of those protagonists I read about in the past.'

{All shade and yall can't deny it I know you feel the same}

'That can come later, for now I'm going to secure my lead so that no one can keep up with me not that they'd even have a chance if I half assed my way through this shit.'

Quickly hitting a store and grabbing some food for the road I taxi'd back to my house before heading off toward my next dungeon dive.

Odaesan mountain dungeon one of the many dungeons I found during my dungeon locating spree.

{Not in original novel but Im not going to do a repeat of the story So enjoy}

This dungeon while I never entered it was a solid mid grade dungeon.

Unlike the low grade dungeon this mid grade would be much bigger and probably be much harder to clear solo.

Arriving at the base of the mountain I grabbed everything that I would need and throwing it into my inventory before speedily traversing the mountain.

'wow that's one hell of a view' I said staring off the side of the mountain edge close to the dungeon entrance.

"All right lets get this going so I can get out of here as quickly as possible and maybe make some friends or get some pussy."

Walking through the entrance I was once again surprise by its sheer size.

Each dungeon felt like its own little world completely separated from the outside world.

'Onward to glory I guess' I said putting my hands in my pockets and walking through the forest waiting to find mobs to kill.

[Weak Lizardman]

[Weak lizardman brawler]

[Weak Lizardman brute]

'Time to get some experience' I say grabbing my twin blades from my inventory.

Watching the lizard men approach me I stared at them with a somewhat bored look before taking off appearing behind one and decapitating him before he could even parry.

'These stats are really insane I feel like spiderman on crack I already can't wait to get even stronger it feels amazing.'

Dodging a quick sword slash from the weak lizardman I slashed his sword hand off with one of my twin blades while he was unbalanced from his attack.

"Fucking pitiful at least put up a fight" I said mocking them as they turned tail and tried to run after seeing their comrades die without even being able to react.

Easily killing them I continued my way around the dungeon.

(Small time skip)

In what felt like no time at all I found myself in front of the boss room.

'Two weeks really goes quick' I say as I look down at the new armor I got which was a weak Rank 3 chest guard.

[Lizard Chieftains Breastplate]

Increase VIT 100

Increase STR 50

Reduce blunt damage 25%

Moving to the boss room door not even bothering to stop at the rest area I pushed open the doors ready to be finished with this dungeon dive.

[Grand Lizard Shaman]

"You dare kill my clansmen human, prepare to meet your end."

"Magnificent fireball barrage"

Watching the wall of fireballs traveling toward be I rushed toward the shaman realizing if I couldn't close distance he would win without me even being able to put up much of a fight.

Noticing me dodging his fireballs and rushing rim without a moment of hesitation he prepared a new attack.

"Phoenix Song Cyclones"

Barely avoiding the spiraling tubes of flames I finally closed the distance only taking a few thousand damage from the AOE damage from his spells.

Swiftly swinging his staff toward me I was caught off balance and was blasted away by the power of his swing.

"Fucking bastard" I said wiping the blood trickling down my lip.

Not letting me have a second break he started another torrent of fireballs.

Slowly closing the distance between us this time I got in range without getting caught off guard.

"Your mine now bastard" I yell as I sidestep behind him slashing his Achilles slightly slowing him.

Making sure not to waste the opportunity I worked so hard for I let loose a onslaught of swings not even caring about the small amount of continuous damage he cause me with his close range fire spells.

"Do you really think you can kill me you pathetic human" he said even though I could tell he was in pain from my constant attacks.

"I killed all of your clansmen already so yes I can kill a trashy wannabe inbred dragon."

"You bastard you dare insult me" the Shaman yelled losing his cool at my words.

Making use of his current distraction I blitzed him from the side quickly leaving a large amount of deep incisions all over his right torso.

"Ahhhh you'll pay for that you you bastard."

"no I wont I say as I once again close in barelyt avoiding his fireballs and stabbing him directly in the chest.

[Destiny's Call]

Enemy has lost 50k health and opponents' luck has been increase by 1000% for the next hour.

As the fight dragged on I slowly depleted the shamans health.

[2% Hp remaining]

"I refuse to die to a human like you you bastard"

"Then kill me you weak lizard I say easily blitzing him not that his MP and stamina was low.

Seeing the boss finally run out of health it slowly fell over from the standing position it was in.

[Level up]

[Level up]

[Level up]

[Level up]

[Level up]

[Level up]

[Level up]

[Level up]

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