Died. Meet God? Choices. Reborn. System? Legend. - English is my second language.
I died because of an accident. And that accident is.... Ummm, well it's because I forgot to breath. Hahaha, I know that is a pretty stupid way to die. I don't know the reason behind but apparently the one in front of me can explain why did that happen.
"Who are you? Are you god?" I ask.
"Me? I am not God but I am the who manages the souls." he/she said said in the voice of a man and a woman.
"So... What now? What are you going to do to me now? Will I go to the hell or heaven?"
" None of that. I am here to give you a choices. A choice that will change your life. " the manager of souls said to me with a smile on his/her face. Will only the mouth is the thing that I can see.
"What kind of choose?"
"The choose is if you want to reborn in another world or just reincarnate? " he/she stated.
"Is that the choices? Is there any difference between the two?" I asked. Confuse as what the difference between the two.
"if you want to be reborn I can give you gift, and if you want to be reincarnated so you will live another life as another organism. It can be a human, a plant, or a animal, dog, cat, mouse, etc.. So what is gonna be?"
"Why am I given a choice? Is there something I should know?" I asked cautiously. I am starting to doubt him. Maybe he/she want me to do something for him/her in return.
"Well the thing is I kind of pitied you so I kind of want to give you another chance." he/she said a little kind of embarrassed or something.
"If I choose to be reborn what is the catch?" I asked. I know there is something he/she wants.
"There is no catch. I just want to help you." he/she said.
"So why help me?" I ask.
"Well I ... Kind... Umm.... Like.... Umm.... You.." he/she said. With a blush on her face. Now I am confident she's a woman.
"Ummm... Why do you like me? I know am kind of handsome but I was nothing when I was alive I was a orphan I steal to live and Iam kind of a forgetful person..Ummm...so...why?"
"You might not remember but when I am needed someone you are the one who help, you kept me away from any suicidal thought at that time and kind of help me to obtain this position." she explained.
"How did that happen? I don't remember you. So how?" I ask. Iam confuse how the hell did I help her. I don't even remember her. I don't even remember my.... Name. What is my name again? I don't remember my name why is that?
As I was thinking what is my name the woman walk towards me and pointed her index finger to my forehead and then I started to see a beautiful woman, she wore something like a yukata and her clothes is beautiful like the one wear by the nobles, crying beside the river. Then I saw a man, a man who is identical to me, his clothes is tattered and he is eating a bun, he walked towards her and ask her why she is crying.
"Beautiful lady why are you crying?" the man asked.
"Because.. *sob*...my father tried to.. *sob*... Give me to a fat, lustful and evil noble... *sob*... Father said it is for my.. *sob*... Future.. *sob*... But I don't want to.. *sob*..." she said crying like a baby.
"Why don't you tell to your father that you don't want to? I know he will understand you."
"I did tell my father but he didn't listen to me he said it is for our future.. *sob *... Father said it is my obligation as her... *sob*... Daughter...*sob*."
"So.... What are you going to do now? Cry all day long? Or will you stand up and tell what you want to your father?"
"I don't know.. *hiccup*... By the way.. *hiccup *.. Who are you?" she ask the man while wiping the tears in her eyes.
And then the scene change a man and a woman walking side by side beside the river holding hand, eating a buns together. Fast forward a couple of months, a house where the two couple live. And they seem very happy. After 3 years the couple had a child that is playing in there home, while woman is cooking and the man is chopping Woods in the backyard. And they live happily ever after. And coincidentally her father didn't bother them. And that fat, lustful and evil noble.
"What the hell is that?" I ask while rubbing my temple easing my headache.
"That's you and me in the past." she said happily.
"I kind of understand that, but how did I help you gain that position of yours?" I ask. I am kind of curious how did I help.
"Well that is kind of complicated but apparently in my past life before that time I was curse, and the curse is that I will not achieve happiness in that time but the God pitied me so God changed the curse into something like a bet. The bet is that if I don't achieve happiness in that time I wont enter the reincarnation cycle, I will be stuck in the void with no way back, and if I achieve that then God will grant me a wish, any wish I like. And here I am. "
" Wow. I mean Wow. That is something I didn't think that would be possible, so why choose the position of Management of The souls if that is what you call that. "I said.
" Well I know that the only way we meet again is this, so I choose this, and I kind of want to help you too. So now what is your choice? "she said.
" This is.. Wow.. I kind of overwhelmed right now. By the way are you going to be in trouble because of what you are going to do? "i ask.
" Don't worry I will not be in trouble and thank you for."she said gently smiling.
{Even in this place and time your still concern about me} she thought happily and her heart is filled with warm feelings and joy of meeting him again.
" Well then I choose to be reborn. "I said a little excited.
" That is great!!! So what is it that you want to acquire? Unlimited power? Photographic memory? High comprehension on everything you do? Or the magnificent system? Tell me what is it that you want? I will give it to you. "she said excitedly.