
Previous Generation

The remaining top-rank warriors arrived, and Tajima sealed off the meeting space. Natsume was anxious to get moving and she kept fidgeting with her fingers. Tajima placed his hand on her shoulder and consoled her.

"Do not fret. Sahiro-san is not as weak as you think." Tajima consoled her. She thought about how her father's status had risen and had a thought. If he also had the Mangekyou, he would indeed be able to put up a fight for a while. But the time he would have awoken means he has not had much practice. The only way to defeat a controlled Kyuubi was genjutsu or Susanoo. Then, there was still facing the Uzumaki after.

"Tell us the details of the attack." Natsume was anxious to go so she spoke quickly. After describing everything in detail, he nodded toward one of the other Uchiha and he left immediately.

"How many can you take?" He didn't want to ask too many details about her Mangekyou, so he kept the question simple and direct. Natsume calculated based on how much dojutsu power and chakra it took to take just herself and came up with a number.

"Three safely, but four should be my maximum…" Once he confirmed this, he decided to wait a little longer. With such a limited number of people, he had to take the strongest. "Tajima-sama…" However, before she could continue, another Uchiha arrived that Natsume was familiar with.

"Tajima-dono, I have brought him." The Uchiha announced as he came in.

"Hideyoshi-sama, I am sorry to call upon you." Tajima looked embarrassed as the older Uchiha librarian stepped forward. Natsume had noted how he never seemed to be needed on the front and started to figure out why. His eyes turned red, and a 6-blade pinwheel pattern appeared on his eyes. However, the color of his pupils had faded, indicating he could hardly see.

"It is this old man's duty to protect the younger generation in a time of need. I have one more fight in me." He looked over at Natsume's eyes and nodded in approval. "The younger generation will overtake us. Jun has already informed me of the details. I am sure you are anxious to go, Natsume-chan."

With that, Tajima, Natsume, and Hideyoshi stood together. Natsume looked back and visualized the edge of the encampment just within the border of the barrier. Her pupil dilated and all of the light in the room was extinguished. A long tunnel appeared in the field of view of Tajima, Natsume, and Hideyoshi. Since it was the second time she used it, her control was significantly better.

"Fuchikoma!" The name of her ability appeared in her mind by instinct and she was compelled to say it. As if responding to her words, the three of them were propelled forward in an instant. It was as if the two points were connected by a single step. Natsume's eye began bleeding once more and she was forced to close it due to the strain. Once the tunnel of light closed, the three were standing on piles of destroyed rock.

"Incredible. Rest up, let this old man handle the rest."

Everyone could see the giant Kyuubi still causing havoc. It had only been a few minutes since the attack started, but the whole camp was obliterated. Tajima and Hideyoshi were able to discover the location where the Uchiha were gathered easily because a giant blue skeleton held Kyuubi in a choke hold. Tajima carried Natsume and protected her while she recovered.

"Tajima-dono!" One of the Uchiha called out when they saw the arrival of the trio. Seeing the group of Uchiha were safe, Natsume sighed in relief. Although a few were missing, the majority were still alive. The guilt in her heart lessened a little.

"Oh ho, two newcomers in my time. What a terrible time for Uchiha it must have been… I hope there comes a day no Uchiha must awaken this cursed dojutsu." Hideyoshi lamented as he drew his long Katana. His eyes spun and activated. "Oyori!" A shroud of red surrounded his body, fully equipping him in armor like a full Susanoo. "Masamune!" The same red chakra surrounded his katana. He raised his arms and swung down with his Katana with two hands.

Sensing a familiar chakra, Ashina immediately ordered Kyuubi to retreat and defend. However, Sahiro noticed this and pushed his eyes to the limit, causing Susanoo's arms to grow muscles and lock Kyuubi in a tighter hold. As the sword dropped, a giant spectral sword appeared behind Hideyoshi which seemed to mirror his Katana.

It slammed the Kyuubi into the ground, breaking it free from Sahiro's Susanoo from the sheer force. The shockwave blasted out in all directions, but a spectral armor appeared around the group of Uchiha, protecting them from the blast. Natsume watched the battle and gulped. This was on a level higher than she had ever experienced. She wondered if the epic battles from her memories felt like this.

"Hideyoshi! I thought you were dead." Ashina called out to him from atop the Kyuubi's head. He seemed completely unscathed from the previous attack. Kyuubi roared in anger and attempted to break free from the chains. However, Ashina didn't give it a chance and bound them tighter.

"How could I die when you're still alive?" They didn't need any more words. A fully suited Susanoo appeared around Hideyoshi and the Kyuubi and Susanoo clashed. The ground quaked and crumbled at every clash. Meanwhile, Hideyoshi and Ashina were battling in the air above the two giants. They gradually left the main area and began to fight at the edge of the barrier.

This gave a chance for the rest of the Uzumaki shinobi to come in and clean up the battlefield. Over half of the foreign shinobi were eliminated from the initial ambush, the injured ones were quickly dispatched. A thick killing intent was directed toward the Uchiha, and a group ran toward them.

Sahiro had already returned to their side and saw Natsume was here again. He was going to reprimand her when he saw her eyes. Thinking that he had caused her to awaken in grief, he decided not to say anything.

Father and daughter looked at each other's Mangekyou's and understood the other's pain without needing to speak.

Bonus chapter for the holidays! A little history on my research

for the name of her left eye's ability, in one of the myths involving Amaterasu, she was chilling at home knitting when one day her annoying brother Susanoo threw a horse into her house. She got really mad because this was not the first prank he did, and decided to shut herself in, taking all the light from the world with her. That horse is called "ame no fuchikoma" or heavenly spotted horse.

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