
Initial thoughts

I have been on this website for a while and read a couple of fanfic about this topic. To be honest I never really liked the idea of having a system because, in the end, that ends up taking credit away from the character and makes everything feel less earned. Because of that, there is not going to be any system here.

I like to be thorough with world building and abilities so if you don't like that type of stuff, fell free to skip it.

There will be some small changes in the setting of Naruto that mostly come from narrative points in wich I believe kishimoto could have been better (some characters will receive reasonable buffs and more screen time for example). These changes will be notified when they happen.

I'm still thinking what I want to do with this story but don't expect an asshole, mass murderer edgelord of a main character that you see in every novel out there (being smart and cunning isn't the same as being a psychopath) novel nor a completely overpowerd character that can solo the verse by 5.

With all that said I hope you enjoy it.