
the dream

well sit down an listen to how i got reincarnated into the world of supergene,it all began on a monday morning with once again wishing i was in reincarnated in the novel on my hospital bed.

my name is leo morales samuel and i am the child of the richest man on the planet but in no way the happiest person.

have you ever wondered how children being abused feel,well that me i have messed up father who's never around and a psychotic mother.To cut the long story short i was not happy but that's when it all change in a flash of explosion.

i had found myself in a white world with mybody functioning and with no marks or scar while standing across the room was a man who was bright that i couldn't begin to even look at him.

and i said with my once bedridden body and mind who are you.

He said "child i am the Father of every creature,the most high,and yahway or some call me"

and couldn't just fathom it i blurted out God.

and He laughed saying " interesting,well unto the main reason i am here,am here to make your dreams come true,if you will agree".

and you know that moment when you cannot fathom what is happening around but your mouth simply moves on it own and i said with tears "yes, i want to go, i want to live".

and nobody knew this is where my incredible journey will begin

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