
Training Completion and Leaving the Island.

By reflex he pushed the hyena. Thanks to the minute chakra he posses and the hyena being weak. He escaped from dying from its bite. And the Hyena got up and started to circle around him.

Sam immediately took his Kunai Knife and Some Shurikens. The Hyena's are cunning by nature and will not make any reckless moves. So it only circled around him trying to find an opening. And suddenly Sam threw the Shurikens according to the Jutsu. But he didn't get the Jutsu right. And the all the Shurikens missed. Though he has the technique in his mind but his body needs practice to do it right.

When he missed the target, Hyena found the opening it waited and immediately lunged on him. And slashed it's paws with Nails at him. He was wounded in his left arm. And the cut was neither too deep or Shallow. The Blood flowed from his arm. And his Arm became immobile due to the wound.

And when the Hyena was about to bite his Neck. He immediately used his Kunai to pierce the Hyena's Neck and killed it. He fell down from the forest. He tore his Pants he is wearing and tied his wound. He then inspected how a Hyena suddenly came to his cave. And after that he found out that there is the smell from the Rabbit remains. Which he didn't dispose.

He immediately disposed the remains and he kept the Hyena's Corpse. Which would be for food. And he found a suitable tree branch. Which could be used to close the tree cave.

This night attack gave him one clear idea. He must always be vigilant around his surroundings. Even one moment of carelessness will cost him his life. So he made sure that he will try to be conscious of his surroundings even in his sleep.

He was enduring an enormous pain in his left arm. He doesn't know anything about medicine. And he doesn't know how long will it take. For him to cure his wounds in his arm.

" Damn it. "

" How the hell am I going to survive with this wound. "

And he tried to cultivate his Chakra. And to his surprise his arm is getting healed at a faster rate. He could feel the changes in his arm. While cultivating. And in turn it elevated his hunger to another level.

He immediately started cooking the Hyena meat and started eating. Though the taste of the meat is worst, he still managed to eat it without wasting much of the food and this time he properly disposed of the meat by burying the bones in the soil elsewhere.

He then again tried to cultivate his chakra. And Chakra enables him to get healed at a faster rate. And the dawn arrives in the island. And he then slept in the cave after ensuring that it is somewhat protected. And woke up in the afternoon for hunting. After eating the meat, he cultivated chakra. And to not get himself bored he started marking the tree with Kunai, to start the mark of the first day.

And this continues for another ten days and by the 11th day his arm is completely healed. And this proves that Chakra improves the recovery and strength of the physical body to a huge margin.

He started his training in the 11th day. It is the regular training such as push ups, sit ups pull ups and running lap around the familiar area. And each of it started at 60 which is his limit on the first day and he ran about 5 km. And the hunting and chakra cultivation is continued.

And it continued it for another 15 days. His physical strength is increased by a huge margin. Now he can pull of all the work outs to a maximum of 500. But his chakra level didn't increase that much. And during these days he was having the better sense around his surroundings and he could perceive the gazes of the animals and intent behind their gazes.

While sleeping, he is always in the semiconcious state where he will be both sleeping and at the same time conscious about his surroundings. And soon he got adapted to his surroundings and he was even more careful with the insects around him. And each day he will try to surpass his limits.

When undergoing his training he always had only one goal. That is to surpass himself again and again. Whenever he was training his physical workout, He was thinking himself as if trained by the Might Guy.

On Day 26 he felt that he could practice his Leaf Hurricane Taijutsu and Shuriken justsu since he felt like he had enough Chakra and physical Strength. But he still started with all the basic workout and surpassed his previous limitations and after some rest. He went for hunting and he finished his meal.

Then he started practicing the Leaf Hurricane Taijutsu, At start he was clumsy but after some time he got the hang of it. And performed the moves. Though it is not fast enough to the level of Guy or Lee. It is at the level of a newly promoted Gennin. And then he started the basic Shuriken Jutsu practice by throwing it to the tree as target practice. And like the Taijutsu this also requires practice. And after getting tired and after some time he started cultivating his Chakra and when the dusk is near he marked the day in the tree and went to sleep.

And this continued for another 4 days and on the Day 30. He got a notification that he got a Free Lucky Spin. And he immediately started spinning. And he got an Anbu training Guide book.

This made Sam excited, as he opened the book. He immediately found about chakra network, different poisons and different medicines and how to treat wounds and how to hide his breadth and presence. He then immediately followed the Anbu training manual regularly. Other than Clone Jutsu and Substitution Jutsu like that he could train according to the book.

And days passed he continued his training and he still continued his physical training. His body become toned, there are no scars in his body as his scars are healed with the help of chakra. He was getting adapt at hunting, tracking and surveying marking, and he have become even well versed in medicine.

Then soon a month passed and he got another free Lucky Spin.

This time to his surprise he got

" The Multi Shadow Clone Jutsu "

And he practiced the Shadow Clone Jutsu for another five days and now he can create 5 shadow clones. And then he started practicing his Chakra Control. Standard procedure Walking on Trees, Walking on Water.

He then used the Shadow Clones to do his different trainings. And his stress level also increased but his strength and chakra capacity also increased.

Soon 1 year passed and Now Sam is staying in the deeper parts of the forest where the wild animals size are huge and there are also bigger sized Anaconda in the size of Manda, And there are Tiger in the size of Gamabunta. The survival in the inner regions are on entirely on a different level.

Though the difficulty Sam persevered the training. During one of his spins he got the training weights of Guy. And this made his physical training to a different level. And Sam is on the level of Strength when luffy Starts the Journey.

Luffy is strong, but he is reckless and sometimes foolish. And he even got Kenjutsu Leaf Style: Dance of the Crescent Moon. And he also got Sasuke's sword the Kusanagi Sword.

He checked the Stats.


Name: Portgas. D Sam

Occupation : Ninja

Level: Gennin ~ Chunnin

Skills :

TaiJutsu : Leaf Hurricane, 8 inner gates

Kenjutsu : Leaf Style - Dance of the Crescent Moon.

Ninjutsu : Shadow Clone Justsu, Substitution Jutsu, Shuriken Jutsu, Fire Ball Jutsu, Clone Jutsu.

Anbu (Tracking, Hunting, Surveying).

Spins left : 1


He used his spin and when his Spin stopped

He got his " Sharingan "

Sam was excited to have his Sharingan. And when he started using it he could clearly see things around so clearly. His vision has some what like a slow motion camera. And his Sharingan is still in starting Stage 1 tomae.

And after some 5 minutes Sam felt his Chakra has depleted and his body had become weak. Then he found that he needs practice and he should use his Sharingan less as possible to conserve his Chakra and proper control over his Sharingan.

Sam trained his body and Chakra to the best of his limits every day and started increasing his strength regularly.

And another year has been completed. And now he was now at the level of Chunnin. But nowhere near the Jonnin level. As his techniques can be considered to be Jonnin level but his Chakra Reserve is still at the Chunnin level.

Sam " At last, I can finally leave this island for the adventure. "

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